posted on May, 23 2017 @ 07:58 PM
OK. I have a question. My cousin is a professional journalist and worked for many years for mid-range newspapers for a major media outlet. I believe
they have over 100 newspapers nationwide and who knows how many other "media" outlets like radio and TV. He worked in the back rooms as a copy editor
physically putting together the paper, writing headlines, editing the stories of the journalists or the wire and "making it all fit" on a daily basis.
He is the only other person in the world other than my wife who I will listen to in regards to grammar, syntax and issues of language. He is that good
and never patronizing. If he says, "This is how it's done." I believe him. He also speaks several languages fluently. Smart guy, but hey! What can I
say? He's family.
He is basically a conservative, though I would not call him in any way radical. He has reported to me over many years that the typical newsroom is
blatantly liberal to the point of stifling and killing any story that would paint conservatives in a good light and always running any story that
would portray conservatives in a bad light. On George Bush (2), for example, he reported to me that his editor would quash any positive story coming
over the wires. The newsroom, he reported, was actively pro Democrat and worshiped Obama. No one in the newsroom could voice anything pro-Bush or
anti-Obama. He said to me once that he had said something disparaging about some Democrat and even the weatherman became livid with anger that he
would say such a thing.
In other words, it was a toxic environment and pretty much on target with what we have seen the MSM doing here lately. He learned to keep his mouth
shut because if he did not, in the current consolidating job climate of newspaper employment, he could be fired. All they needed was an excuse. He ran
on his competence until he found a way to leave the newspaper business altogether and start his own business, with which he is fortunately doing very
well. My question is: Have you encountered this sort of environment where you have worked? Is "free speech" alive and well, or is it only for the
liberal viewpoint?
edit on 5/23/2017 by schuyler because: (no reason given)