That's right gamers just made an illegal hate list. But i'm the crazy paranoid conspiracy theorist right? People of a certain political persuasion
openly tell me i'm crazy and just being fed stuff by the media... when they control all mainstream media and shut down/dox alt media like Youtube,
jontron and pewdiepie. They tell me the knife in my back isn't there, what will it take to wake these people up?
Perhaps some background on the list, I really detest watching Pewdies vids, but I don't think he belongs on whatever you're going to tell me this
hatelist is ?
While not that big of a deal, it just shows how easily even a little bit of power can get out of hand. They have a hate registry, somehow I get the
feeling the people with hate in their hearts are the ones making hate lists, and the ones who are on them are but lovers of liberty.
edit on
23-5-2017 by User1138 because: (no reason given)
Pewdiepie has become pretty red pilled since WSJ did that character assassination on him, and gave 55 million of his followers a crash course on fake
news. It only made him more popular.
edit on 23-5-2017 by Konduit because: (no reason given)
Hold on, isn't Pewdiepie the guy who was sacked because he posted a video that contained two guys laughing and holding a banner that said 'Kill all
I still cant believe... i began watching Pewdiepie... and been enjoying his videos. But gotta hand it to him. He is basically red pilling Generation Z
in his... own way.
Still, so much power that man has, more power than the illuminati currently has. All it would take is a single wikileaks video.. and they all fall
The persecution of imaginary "racism" actually called freedom continues:
Do you know how many white people either unfriended me on Facebook, or openly call me racist or a brainwashed conservative? (i'm mixed raced,
therefore cannot be by their Marxist definition.)
edit on 24-5-2017 by User1138 because: (no reason given)