posted on May, 22 2017 @ 11:30 AM
First of all, sorry for the bad english (still learning heh)...
Second, I'm not a religious person, at all.
And also, I'm pretty sure there are more things in heaven and earth than dream our current stage of development as a society.
There was a dream I had last year by November or December, I'm not sure. Never shared it because of lack of time to sit down and write about it. But
hey, time's up and here it goes. I'll describe it in first person because I suck at writing, so try to picture yourself in the scenario so you'll
understand better what I felt.
I'm in front of the church I used to go as a kid. I think I just left and am outside on the streets waiting for someone or something. The first thing
I see is a car leaving the church with a bunch of kids on the backseat, and they all have gifts or presents. I will get back to this later.
Then, I see a person passing through the church jumping and singing on the street very, very happy. I don't remember exactly what he/she was singing,
but was something to express that "finally the day arrived".
After a few moments that person passed, I saw a car coming in high speed and hitting a second car that was parked on the other side of the street.
After this car, we (after the crash everybody got outside to see what was going on) started to see a lot of more cars crashing, like if everybody lost
the control of their vehicles. In that moment I knew something bad was about to happen.
After a few seconds I started to see meteors falling from the skies, in that time people on the church had already lost their mind. I remember this
detail because it was a moment that stuck in my head for a while after the dream. The happy man/woman jumping and singing the end of the world and all
the religious people just lost and desperate about it running to inside the church.
This is the last thing I remember, maybe 'cause it took too long to share and I forgot a few details, but this is what I find interesting in this
Date: I believe this was the Children's Day, because of the car I saw at first with a lot of kids inside with their presents (couldn't be a
birthday, unless it was everyone's birthday).
Children's Day is October, 12, here in my country.
What happened: I'm pretty sure some change on the magnetic poles happened, since the cars stopped responding and planes were falling.
I never had any dreams like this and this one scared the ghost outta me. Does anyone else ever had a dream like this? Mind sharing it? Thanks!