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Monsanto Getting Creepier and Creepier

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posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
Will somebody please stop these crazy greedy bastards before this crap leaks out into the natural gene pool?

Looks like it's already too late...

By Lisa Shumaker

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Trace amounts of genetically modified varieties of rice that were found commingled in the U.S. rice supply in 2006 caused more than $1.2 billion in damages and additional costs, the environmental group Greenpeace International said on Monday.

U.S. rice exports fell sharply after Bayer CropScience, a division of Bayer, reported in 2006 that trace amounts of its biotech LibertyLink rice variety LLRICE601 were found in a widely grown variety of U.S. rice called Cheniere. Later, a second variety called Clearfield 131 was found to be contaminated with LLRICE604.

"Until we've seen the report, we really can't comment," said Bayer spokesman Greg Coffey.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:57 PM
Somebody let me off this crazy assed planet where the big boys make the rules and we have to pay the piper. This is an outrage. Talk about crimes against humanity!

There are times I'm glad I'm old and won't likely live to see the extent of damage these greedy bastards are bringing.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by twitchy

I'm shocked there isn't more response from the scientific community about this. I'm even more shocked that they are allowed to even develop anything that would interfere with the natural gene expressions of any living animal, let alone apply it to food crops.

"The crops, which initiate a gene-silencing response called RNA interference, are a step beyond existing genetically modified crops that produce toxic proteins."
They're probably going to get away with it too. That's about the creepiest damned thing I've ever read. Good bye grasshoppers, good bye, blue eyes.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:18 PM
The more I read about Monsanto, the more I'm convinced that they were the basis for the Umbrella Corporation in the Resident Evil franchise. Think about it, with all their expertise in the field of chemistry and genetic modification, they might actually have some sort of secret black project involving viral weaponry.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 02:10 AM
If the following is true, Monsanto has escalated their war on the world's food supply to what would seem to me to be all out strong arming seed cleaners out of business... I guess the 8 billion dollars Monsanto spent in the 1990's to aquire alot of the seed suppliers wasn't enough control, now they have to go after the seed cleaners as well?
Rural Cleansing?


Monsanto Investigator in Illinois Laughs They Are Doing 'Rural Cleansing'
by Linn Cohen-Cole

As of last night, a US marshall, 2 state police and a county police are all over Mr. Hixon's area, serving notices to farmers that they are being sued by Monsanto. They arrive in pairs, with two cars parked a quarter mile and half mile down the road. They've served 3 so far and said "a bunch more are coming." No telling how many will be served since Hixon has between 200-400 farmers he cleans seeds for and these farmers have been repeatedly threatened by Monsanto thugs for the last two months, getting "visits," letters, and calls daily.
Farmers report that a Monsanto investigator laughed that they were doing "rural cleansing."...

Mr. Parr reports that when he was sued, the first think out of the judge said was how "honored to have a fine company like Monsanto in my courtroom."
"Shortly after someone broke into Mr. Hixon's office and he found his account book on his truck seat where he would never have left it, evey one of his remotely located and very scattered customers had three men (described as goons with "no necks") arrived at each farm, going out onto it without permission ... Mr. Hixon and state police who were called in, believe a GPS tracking device may have been put on Mr. Hixon's equipment." ...
In 2002, when Mr. Hixon was at the state legislature for a meeting, he said he told a Monsanto representative there, "If you guys wnt to tak over the seed industry so bad, you ought to buy guys like me out." The Monsanto agent is supposed to have responded "We'd rather put you out of business, it's more fun that way."

I wish I could post the entire article here, if true, it was mind blowing. What's worse?
How to make a buck off it

Monsanto in the News

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 02:42 AM
Great post! This is the sort of things we should be looking and acting on not worrying about a 2012 non-event. Monsanto are the reason that you in the US have virtually all GM products because of their lawsuits and getting the definition of when a product constitutes a GM one? If you applied the same rules we have here in the UK to products in the US they could not be sold as either Organic and would have to be labelled as GM products. Thanks to your laws that have been shaped by Monsanto UK labelling would be deemed an unfair advantage to the smaller Health food sellers and not allowed. This is how your small independent health food shops were ruined. Anyhoo, the next big NWO ploy will descend on us in the shape of the implementation of Codex Alimentarius that as been signed up to globally.

US not happy with GM labeling

Forget 2012 soothsayers and focus on real issues! (Remember the same bandwagon came around with the same doom spiritual sellers in 1999)

[edit on 13-1-2009 by mlmijyd]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
reply to post by twitchy

I'm shocked there isn't more response from the scientific community about this. I'm even more shocked that they are allowed to even develop anything that would interfere with the natural gene expressions of any living animal, let alone apply it to food crops.

"The crops, which initiate a gene-silencing response called RNA interference, are a step beyond existing genetically modified crops that produce toxic proteins."
They're probably going to get away with it too. That's about the creepiest damned thing I've ever read. Good bye grasshoppers, good bye, blue eyes.

I don't think you are shocked that there isn't any response from the scientific community. You’re an articulate thinking person that knows what’s what; you know there is no such thing as ‘independent’ research that has any say or public outlet and sway. Because……….. they are funded by the agenda makers. I offer you the IPCC as a politically motivated and agenda driven body. Yes?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by twitchy

I first ran across Monsanto in Viet-Nam in 1968-70, thanks to them i have been in constant pain for 39 years, my endocrine system is destroyed, my thyroid is shot, have to take hormones to live. Had a major heart attack and developed diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic inflammatory demylinating polyradiculating neuropathy which causes unending nerve pain and degeneration and took away my ability to walk, to have sexual intercourse.......Good old agent orange. You don't even have to go to vietnam to get it anymore as it is now part of our planetary ecosystem. No one in my family had any of these ailments.....guess what? No one is responsible. Do i bear a grudge? You bet i do.

[edit on 083131p://am3113 by debris765nju]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 09:31 AM
Where are the religious zealots when you need them?

If only they would stop killing each other and turn their angst towards companies like Monsanto who are raping the world food supply and making their food unhalal and unkosher.

That is one war that would have my full support.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Flighty]

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Flighty]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
Where are the religious zealots when you need them?

If only they would stop killing each other and turn their angst towards companies like Monsanto who are raping the world food supply and making their food unhalal and unkosher.

That is one war that would have my full support.

I've got to admit that I didn't see that coming.

Everything is religion's fault huh?


Sorry to have not searched out your pre-existing thread twitchy, should have added to it instead of starting a new one.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:46 AM
My question is:

Does that mean, all the seeds we buy in prepacked units at the store, Monsanto seeds and GM seeds? If so, how can we buy "real" seeds.

I have purchased seeds at stores and am now wondering if they are GM seeds.

Can anyone answer that?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:57 AM
This thread is truly disturbing.

Aside from the obvious favor showed to Monsanto in US courtrooms, I was wondering if Monsanto benefits from government intervention in other ways. In particular, I have heard that biofuel and dairy subsidies have been instrumental in Monsantos rise to power. Can anyone clarify this for me or post any sources showing how much money Monsanto gets in subsidies?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 11:33 AM
What we are seeing is the growing fall out from the industrialization of agriculture, the creation of the Industrial Agriculture Complex that spans many fields beyond the actual agriculture itself.

The solution? A return to localized, placed based agriculturte. You know, the kind that existed pre 1950's in the USa. The kind that allowed this nation to develop as it did.

The idea that it "wont work" is fabricated. Ya, it wont work and make the industrial giants like Monsanto billions but it will feed the nation.

Whats more, when we do return to localize agriculture we will also be effectively re-establishing our Food Security.

Best way to help this come about? Join a CSA, eat local foods, shop to co-ops and farmers markets.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by questioningall
Does that mean, all the seeds we buy in prepacked units at the store, Monsanto seeds and GM seeds? If so, how can we buy "real" seeds.

I keep a garden myself and we always make a point to buy heirloom seeds, heirloom is a term they use now to mean ithe fruit or vegetable produces viable seeds. Most will indicate they are heirloom seeds somewhere on the packaging. Not sure about GM (genetically modified) seeds, but most hybrids aren't heirloom though.

Originally posted by Grambler
sources showing how much money Monsanto gets in subsidies?

That's a good question, I'm almost scared to look, but I'm willing to bet the figures would be staggering particularly in regards to their practices internationally. As one poster mentioned earlier, right after the invasion of Iraq, for example, Monsanto was there taking their seeds and pushing them towards corporate controlled agriculture. I'll poke around and see if I can come up with some figures though, am curious myself.

If you really want to scare yourself, look into the connections of Monsanto and IG Farben, ATS Search

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Wow. I just watched the video. To say that my blood pressure went through the roof is an understatement. This really ticks me off.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 07:53 AM
Mosanto and CIA?

Would you like to see the Mosanto and CIA connection
check the directors and ex diectors list

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:05 PM
For those too lazy to read, here's some docs.

Future Of Food

Google Video Link

The World According To Monsanto, above. Below is a interview with Deborah Garcia who made the top movie Future Of Food.

Google Video Link

Link to the Food, Inc. site since the movie isn't readily available online to link to

The Monsanto Story

Google Video Link

Edited to get those links right.

Here's The Hundred Year Lie, a site with some good info, based on the book of the same name.

Hundred Year Lie

I've worked in the "natural foods" industry so I've seen a lot of things. It really opened my eyes and once I started researching companies like Monsanto I really got sick. If they are allowed to keep on doing things the way they have, we are in serious trouble of, I believe, losing our whole food supply. The whole world, I mean, not just the US.

Not only are they screwing with forces they cannot understand with roundup ready, BT, etc. but the terminator gene, if it somehow gets out, could possibly infect all crops world wide. We would lose it all as the seeds would be dead.

Far fetched, yeah, but anything could happen. We don't know.

I posted this in the wrong thread - I always wondered how people do that. Now I know and boy do I feel stupid. Anyway, while getting those links, I came across this movie. I've only watched the first few minutes but it's pretty wild. They turned a textile factory's products totally biodegradable, fabric, dye and all, into a product that is used to cover strawberries in winter to keep them from freezing. It just rots on the fields and becomes fertilizer. The company's water is actually cleaner now than when it goes into the factory whereas before it was (relatively) clean then became contaminated at the factory.

Waste = Food. WOW!

Google Video Link

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:16 PM
lol monsanto is filing law suits
thats ironic. the farmers, the consumers, the people should be filing law suits.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Kakugo
I did a little bit of research and I found out that Monsanto has deleted all references about the BT Cotton from their catalogs, both on paper and on line. Right now, according to their catalogue and their website, there are only two brands available: Asgrow (both normal and Roundup Ready), which includes soybeans, corn, sorghum and alfalfa, and Dekalb, which includes sunflower, sorghum, corn and various types of forage seeds. Apparently this has nothing to do with the impending lawsuits, but because the company was stung by the fact that the BT Cotton is a failure, comparing very poorly with the varieties currently grown. Even the Indian government says so. Nevertheless, the product is selling extremely well: see here.
I don't know how this is achieved, since BT Cotton is both more expensive and less vigorous than current, cheaper varities: maybe someone here can look into it.

Subsidies. we pay farmers to grow needless crops, whether they thrive or not. Often, things like seed cost are written off as "overhead", and improve profit margins considerably.

because of this practice, there are large portions of Africa that starve, as Muslim Extremists move in to fill the void left in their empty stomachs

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 06:35 AM
Should Monsanto be required to prove beyond any doubt that Monsanto did not intentionally and subversively cross pollinate someone else's seed ( by clandestinely releasing pollination in the air ), for the purpose of it's own very great selfish monetary gain, for Monsanto ? If someone else's seeds are unintentionally pollinated with Monsanto seeds, then Monsanto is the polluter of pollination and should pay the cost of remedy. Monsanto is thus the one who has crossed the boundary with Monsanto's pollen, and then assaulted the innocent and unprotected farmer with pollination. Since pollen travels all over the earth with the wind, Monsanto has got the whole wide world in it's hands. These injured farmers need a much better attorney such as Alan Dershowitz, who has freed many criminals from going to jail. If Monsanto does not want cross pollination, then Monsanto should provide some protection and another remedy other than being a dictator.

Does everyone realize that the USSR Stalin in the 1930's killed by starvation several tens of millions of USSR farmers by forcefully removing all of the farmer's produce and all their seeds ?

Are Monsanto's attorneys like Stalins military, out for their own selfish gain ?

There is an example in history of what happens when one allows a dictator like Monsanto to exist. The dictator Stalin of the USSR murdered in the 1930's by starvation several tens of millions of his own USSR farmers by removing all their produce and all of their seeds. 

Maybe congress should limit the profits of Monsanto so that Monsanto would only be just a regular super pig, instead of an unlimited super pig.

[edit on 25-4-2010 by trader21]

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