posted on May, 20 2017 @ 10:20 AM
Hello. I will be very direct.
The situation; mostly about today:
- I cant do any sports as my knee is injured and waiting to have my operation on it.
- Have an hamster petted it a lot don't want to bother it too much.
- Can play guitar and sing, did all of those since 2 weeks practicing even started a course to remember notes and mods again.
- Trying to stay away from alcohol but got myself a vodka. Slowly started drinking.
- Had a walk already. Weather is very nice.
- My job? Finishing my album but really got bored after paying too much attention nowadays. Need to refresh myself.
- Girlfriend? No.
- Friends? One is sick, other is far away, other is working today.
- Games? Its boring since 2 years.
- Right now I am listening to some music.
- No don't want to read. Read already so much.
- Watched a movie already last night. Its hard for me to watch something nowadays. Nothing very good coming out also.
- Had a shower.
So now I am just sitting trying to find out what to do. Any suggestions?