posted on May, 17 2017 @ 04:22 PM
Hi everyone im outback
Back in 1991 my friend was over in Vic for the summer holidays.
On his way back home just past the Vic sa border his wife could see strange green and blue lights up in the sky she told him to pull over. They said
that there were six or so bright green or blue lights. The wife said it was like the were (playing or circling) the lights were quite far away, They
continued on home.
Near the end of the journey and I mean like 10minutes from home. a bright molten beachball sized fireball came in at low trajectory and shot over the
front of his car, my friend says it was so close. I said "what do you mean" he said if he was going just a faction faster it would of hit him. They
parked on the hill and could see it glowing/burning down in the valley.
They continued on home, the next morning after a sleep they both totally forgot about it and went on as normal.
Until a new years eve party in 1994, the host of the party was telling UFO story's for hours until both my friend and his wife remembered the blue
and green lights they saw, they then both remembered the fireball.
they all agreed that if the story was true they would find the fireball.
The next day they found it spread in a v pattern 50 feet long. Hear is a pic of one piece