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**BREAKING** Pvt. Chelsea Manning released after 7 years in prison

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posted on May, 18 2017 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Abysha

I understand your position, but it's a damn good thing you didn't join the military. In combat, attitudes like that get people killed.

It's not something everyone understands or believes in. Don't take that as a dig, it wasn't meant that way.

Doing something heroic like she did took some balls (good thing she did it back then, buh-dum-tschh).

I'd do the same, even if it meant going to prison or getting killed. There's countless soldiers buried because they did the right thing. Some of them against their boss's orders. Like those guys who escorted out Vietnamese villagers during a massacre.

Vows are shallow. Ethics and morality always should trump an oath.

posted on Jan, 13 2018 @ 10:26 PM
So the moral of this possible psyop seems to be if you release classified info to public you spend a big chunk of your life in the slammer. (or way worse in the case of michael hastings, etc)

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