posted on May, 19 2017 @ 05:57 PM
I had a busy day yesterday. I reviewed some bogus building permits issued to friends of the mayor. It took a RTKL request and often visits to court to
obtain access. I had a police babysitter for the session, who was cool. I explained how right-to-know is an evolving area of law, so not to expect us
to agree on every little aspect of the transaction. I reminded the secretary I intend to review the files and photo the docs I wanted, which is
intended to save me $.25 a page. I waited to see if I wanted any of the docs, and the one I found I said "I'm not leaving till I get it". Secretary
claimed no, she had time to redact it, etc....I told her no, this is the review in progress and I'm entitled to anything I
I figured if they want to have the cops there, I may as well go ahead and make a report about some files I discovered missing last year. I requested
some specific files and got an affidavit they don't exist, oops, I already had copies, now... what happened to the ones in the boro files? That's
public property missing.
The secretary freaked out when I changed the meeting subject. I like to get people into a relaxed ground state before I test them, wow did she
overreact. Local cop told me to take it to the state police. Even if I don't I still have it hanging over their heads. These type games are the only
way I can protect myself at all.
I did some research at the courthouse, looking at some prop lines so I dropped into the Sheriff's office with a right-to-know request....another 2 for
1 mission.
I can't believe this lawyermayorjudge guy goes onto the local news stories and accuses every other poster of being me! He names me publicly, calling
me a criminal from the petty M2 crime he actually participated in fabricating. I slay him like a fat pig online and in public at meeting, right in
front of his own people. He's like a "scumbag in a suit", 50-something from a high functioning background, GW law and some other not-quite-Ivy-League
school. He was a paratrooper, his dad a big whig who passed a long time ago (???) Now a chronic alcoholic living at his mom's home and at a coke bar
where he is a silent partner. He's a fully developed creature of the area, but also a victim of the mediacracy here.
I'm more than a match intellectually, he looks like he's sitting on a chair full of tacks when I speak at meetings. The thing is I didn't spend my
whole life locally cultivating that scumbag network lifestyle. So people voted for game hasn't changed, it's all the more acute now.
I wish it wasn't so, but I will have to let my building there go, a 160 yo brick & brownstone schoolhouse. It's not going to be worth spending my life
energy to revamp the town, to revamp the neighborhood, so I can then invest more work and time in that building when I have lots of other
opportunities. Since the election, and going forward, I'm still going to perfect my craft....but as so often in these cases, you give up caring that
you'll make things better, jsy not caring about the outcome is the way to go. I will still run my game, and maybe get some basic services returned to
my area. All I have to trade is the fear they have of me, I can exchange a future of punishing them for pavement and demo of the condemned building
next door.
Ill post a lil more later.