posted on May, 14 2017 @ 11:27 AM
originally posted by: SlowNail
The intergalactic prison has been well done and dismissed by those who think they have the universe all worked out.
Most here won't even entertain the idea.
...Even when speculating on interplanetary lifeforms, civilisations and technologies, they will claim to know all the ins and outs based on what they
were taught at school.
I don't think I have it all worked out. And science KNOWS they don't have it all worked out, or else they would stop trying to work things out.
Plus, the stuff I think I
do (for the most part) have worked out is NOT based blindly on "what I'm told" in school or elsewhere.
Sure -- I learn the foundation of what I know from school and other methods of gaining a knowledge base, but then I use that foundation/knowledge base
investigate and attempt to confirm the more complex ideas that things I learn.
So while I can't say for 100% certainty that there isn't a prison cage all around our solar system, there is also no reason for me to think that there
actually is a prison cage around the solar system. I don't base that blindly on "what I'm told", but I base that upon looking at the issue with
critical thinking skills and my knowledge base.
edit on 14/5/2017 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)