posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 05:31 PM
Ok, I need some help here to undersand this.
I was researching what the Chemtrail connection was that is mentioned in
when I came across some very strange thoughts on chemtrails, why they are being created and the belief that Sylphs were not only real but present
today (one guy actually has a few as friends!) and that the Sylphs were responsible for getting rid of the chemtrails (as they chemtrails are bad for
I am surprised at this especially when I see that the sites are up to date!
The pics that they have depicting the Sylphs to mean look just like normal dispersion of the chemtrails.
Some of their other items make Von Dankien sound good.
Does anyone have more information on this? Is it all bogus? What's up?
Here is the main link that I found
Sylphs & Chemtrails
I am very confused on this subject since I did not even think that people were even keeping track of all this.