Photolithic Rosen Bridge Part 2 - Spirit, Water, Blood The Remarkable Kelly Cahill UFO Encounter with Extraterrestrial Beings in 1993 - FindingUFO
Spirit = Gospel's Program to Award Equal Potential, we will see "Spirit" in the design of Man and in the Euthanasia of what constitutes
Genetic Dan)
The Pioneer Reports the WOW SIGNAL! in the sense that it report the Activation of both Tetrahedron's Associated with Nibiru in our Earth's Sun and the
Pleiades. This Activity is also reported on the surface of Mars. ................. Following the Martian Diagram, the Pleiades would be in the
Position of "D", that is the larger tetrahedron of activity, the position of "J" would be our Earth Sun, (mars would be K, our Moon would be L, these
celestial bodies close to earth identify with the tetrahedron behavior) .............. Finally our Earth would be in the position of "H", Our Earth is
directly across from the Pleiades, remember in this context our Earth is the Center of the Galaxy (near the dead center of the Ether Network, and the
Center of the Ether Network is Nibiru). (The "Ether Network" with Nibiru as the Center is Described, not the Dark Matter Network that is excited
which identifies with these tetrahedron behaviors, the Photo Bridge and Photon Belt deal with the Excitation of Nibiru from its latent state).
(Genetic Dan does not have a legal right to live and it must be killed, human activity that has created and expressed itself in these genetic areas,
is limited by death and God's willingness to afford death to discern your sin, in the giving of equal potential. It will be clearcut in certain
instances that Genetic Dan must be killed, and also that their biology shuts down in predictable ways in the presents of the Sign of Divorce/Joseph
the Blessings. (That means it shuts down and dies the same way it does with Nibiru, when it uses force against me) ............ That said, you will
be able to verify by autopsy after death, the biological expression that paralleled the action of death, genuine ethics that are deceased as a result
of using force against me, seem to disappear, if you know what I mean, so I'll this comment with that statement)
(Also, the Universities avoid studies of resonance with sound/frequencies, or even the activity in the mind with the reading of the gospel,
surrounding the issue of ethnicity, so they don't have any credibility. The cause of death is spiritual first, you can't do anything about it,
secondarily it is a result of freewill, euthanasia is your only recourse, or you can suffer and die we will settle this score soon, (Flesh and Blood
has not value in the context, it is only the design association and activity that follows that), back to topic)
(The pattern of euthanasia their kinds use with me, as well as chemical and electrical treatment is for the most part designed to produce death in a
certain way. The same way God puts the ethnics bodies to death when they use force against me. This is a second statement we'll leave at that, until
we settle this score of murder/suicide, soon, back to topic)
(Water = Space)
UFO Guardian Diagram, shows us what exactly? (beyond the biological design of the Pineal Gland (Free Mason Eye), Rib Cage (Large Triangle), and then
Loins (Bold Arrow), marking the Genetic Division of Genetic Dan) (or the 4 Separatist Inheritors* and Gas Planets/Mars) ... ... ... ... The Diagram
Shows us, the "Photon Bridge" going through the Larger Triangle/Tetrahedron of the Pleiades ... ... ... ... then the Diagram Shows us the "Photo Belt"
relative to our Sun and Moon (Nibiru Rainbow in the Form of an Arrow form our Earth's Sun), the "Photon Belt" from our Earth's Moon is indicated below
the Sun and Moon Diagram.
(Forgot One, Blood = Earth (Remember Spirit = Division of Man)
(D.B. Cooper, remember, Radiation in certain forms can kill Genetic Dan like Nibiru, that is like Pesticide) What you are viewing is the same
description of the Two Tetrahedron's Associated with Nibiru (establishment of SEAL/Constellation's Belt), and then the completion of our Universe with
the transformation of our Earth's Moon.................HISTORY..................God gave the Ark of the Covenant to the Hebrews, as a testimony
because they destroyed "Jacob's Pillow Stone" or did away with it. The same is true with the element related to the Ark, same element of the periodic
table................The Periodic Element, is mostly resonance with nature, now we will see the real thing soon, when God activates the Tetrahedon
that identifies with our Earth's Moon. God may excite that area, but these 33 days from 8/21 to 9/23 is a challenge response for God to answer in
terms of his intent, at that time. We can simply understand everything God intends to do, and the behavior until that time.
What is the Grand Design that is being Indicated on Several Fronts?
The Grand Design is Nguyen Van Lem!!!!
(First Prophecy of Fatima, declared 70 Years from Roswell)
(Second Prophecy of Fatima, declared 42 Months from Flight 370)
(Third Prophecy of Fatima, declared 33 Days from 8/21 to 9/23, 33 Degrees of Pleiades = 33 Days of our Sun's Pole with Nibiru)
In between all of this, we have a synchronization issue, Nguyen Van Lem was not killed at the beginning of 70 years, he was killed in 1968.
9/11/2001 did not happen at the beginning of 42 Months of Flight 370. Now the Antichrist will be displaced for INRI at the beginning of 33 Days and
Synchronization is Complete. At the same time we have state sponsored ethnics in the USA in their race to challenge God over putting me to
death and waves of ethnic corpses. Love and Blessings (Nightly Walk Tonight after Dark at City Hall in Philadelphia, you orders not to bring any
police officers or the ethics may seek to kill them, because you are identifying with my authority, in the very least, you are to use lethal force to
put these people down, when they begin to kill. After they use force against me and some of them die, then they will run to kill you that is the
pattern, and this is what you will see when God reveals the Sign of Divorce on 8/21 so be ready, the area of effect is Philadelphia, USA until God
discern's more or it can be nothing we'll have to see how these 33 days are settled once and for all time, in terms of euthanasia of Genetic
edit on 30-5-2017 by tbchugs because: (no reason given)