posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 09:14 AM
It isn't safe here, not physicly, so how can it be safe to leave your body unlocked, when it isn't even safe to leave your house or car
When you astral project, you are leaving your body, literally. The only difference between that and dying, is that when you die you can't go back
inside your body and animate it.
I learned about mirror style scrying when I was very young, thankfully the book I read about it in warned well about astral worlds all being false
anyway - they are merely thought constructs built by other people's minds and beliefs. Reality is complex enough and people are not honest enough,
without adding invisible astral bodies floating about influencing anything. They'll all end up being lost as wandering ghosts when they die, cause
they won't know any other world.
or to put it another way, what is the point of AP?,
if you were a racing arcade game, and you became aware that you were a racing arcade game, and your soul moved out from your circuits and viewed
yourself as a machine - well then what? so you know you have a soul, and you know that when you die it is not the end. That's the point of AP, it is
for people who forget that is the essence of their true selves that comes to this world to animate a body for a specific purpose, AP is meant to
remind people of why they got born here, or why they came here.
I just mean that some people get excited and think they are powerful because they can do RV for example, but all you are really doing is like the view
changer in the arcade racing games - you see yourself from different angles - what I'd say to them is, so - the part of you that you are using to
view those other angles of yourself with - what does that part of you look like? And then what does that part that saw the other part look like?
It's pointless! you can do that zoom-in and zoom-out and look ahead etc for infinity, it doesn't have an end. It's just proof that you exist before
you are born, or whatever, and that you will still exist after you die.