That whole Mandela timeline thing people talk about? Yeah- that's a rabbit hole I've been dodging, as I try to focus on things I can change, and
accept the things I can't change. Right? Right. Tectonics? Geological data? B/c of my SoCal homestead, I find these topics to be more prudent of me to
follow and obsess about. (Ya know, I like to pretend I can save me and my children from the oncoming continental re-arrangement of sorts. Let me have
my fantasy, I say!)
But then I saw this, about the Mandela Effect, and the whole Berenstain vs. Berenstein debate. Personally, I saw no need to participate in this
debate, as I clearly recall it being spelled BERENSTEIN. Why am I so sure? I was a weird kid, with strange interests, one of which of spelling. (In
6th grade, I was the County Spelling Bee Champ of 1986. Please don't feel inferior. Heh.) Nonetheless, my point is: I was a whitey-whiterson growing
up in whitey-whiterson midwest....where everyone's last names are Johnson, Miller, Hall, Smith, etc. So of course, I was taken aback with this strange
name: Berenstein. (Was this to be pronounced so that it rhymed with LANE or with LINE???) I took great pride in the fact that I had taught myself to
read, and was one of those kids in class that learned very quickly, after just one time. So one might imagine how devastating it was to come across a
word I didn't know how to SAY ALOUD. I had to A-S-K. YUCK! But ask I did. And the answers were varying: some of my whitey-whitersons responded that
it's pronounced to rhyme with LANE, and the other whitey-whitersons felt it rhymed with LINE. So....the whole Berenstein Bears thing? It NEVER existed
as Berenstain Bears in my mind....CUZ I'D HAVE KNOWN HOW TO PRONOUNCE WITHOUT ASKING EVERYBODY I SAW. But, that's just me and my story.
Then I saw this video. I need all ya'll ATS-ers to break this down!!! What's going on? Is there editing happening that I don't see???
edit on 13/5/2017 by Gemwolf because: Fixed video embed
Thanks for the video DB. Well the a and e are clearly changing when he moves from room to room. I don't dismiss everything as a hoax on the internet
because it doesn't fit my own reality. This could be proof of the mandela effect or a elaborate prank or hoax. Nonetheless it's pretty cool.
edit on 9-5-2017 by Perfectenemy because: (no reason given)
no way that was a photoshop. Dude has a portal to the Mandella alternate reality.
He should sell tickets to Reba shows and all the other ME stuff. Perhaps the Earth is flat in that world too?
Actually, you can stop the video and it shows 'stein' on top and 'stain' on the bottom (the authors names). Edited, of course, and cleverly done at
that. If this WERE real, he would most certainly not make a YT vid of it - he'd be going frigging mad and probably call the cops, the news or at least
20 of his closest friends to witnesss this.
I always wondered how something can be so taboo even in the conspiracy world, isn't that what it's supposed to be?
Not saying Mandella is real, but this along with flat earth and even pizza gate could very well be real and i think it would be naive to completely
dismiss it because we don't have definitive proof either way (which is what makes something a conspiracy).
If there's one thing I know, it's that we don't know anything...