posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 01:57 PM
I think we have already discussed this madness. Animals are not naturally homosexual. Animals except for humans have sex to procreat. Anyone that says
else has an agenda. If a male dog humps another male dog, it is a show of dominence. Oh and yes, homosexuality is a choice. When a man lies with
another man, he made a concious choice to do so. He was not driven by an outside force to do so. Show me one documented case where a person has a good
loving home with a caring loving father and mother where the father spends time with his son and the mother as well and they turn out gay. Something
is missing in a homosexuals life. Do you think that when a young teenage boy feels homosexual feelings that he stays silent because of fears of
ridicule alone? No, he feels inside that something is not right. I can only imagine the turmoil that goes on inside the mind of an adolescent
homosexual. By the time adulthood hits he has fought himself so much that a large portion of the homosexual community commits suicide.