posted on May, 9 2017 @ 08:37 AM
I went on line and found out that if one RAM stick was removed and then the PRAM was reset with the key commands, the desktop could be restored. I
did it and it worked.
Now I am trying to install Yosemite and have been prompted for my friend's Apple ID and password, which I entered, but then was told that the ID had
never been used with the app store and to review my friend's account. I did so and included data related to credit card payments, address, etc. and
tried again to install the OS. The ID and password were again refused with the same message. I am currently trying to find my way through this
Apparently people have succeeded in breaking through into the
magic kingdom by going to iTunes and downloading a free song through the apple
store or whatever.
Side note: Dealing with Apple is like dealing with a community of leprechauns. Being whimsical and nutty with loads of free time and nothing to do is
a distinct asset.
edit on 9-5-2017 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)