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Down a Rabbit Hole: Planned Parenthood, Mt Sinai School of Medicine, and Carl Icahn.

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posted on May, 5 2017 @ 11:41 AM
..or shall I call it a snake hole? I do indeed fear what might lie at the botton of this one.

An excellent thread by one of our fellow ATSers sent me digging a little bit and I stumbed on some interesting and odd coincidences that (especially seeing as Planned Parenthood has just been defunded) I thought might unearth something bigger.

I am a seeker, a questioner of the narrative, but honestly sometimes I just have to stop looking. So I plan on throwing out some info I've found, adding a few thoughts, in case some of you were interested in taking the trail further.

The thread which caught my attention was about a speech that Dr Richard Day supposedly gave about the plan of the New World Order. I was initially sceptical about the speech, as it was recorded nearly 20 years after it was given by memory of one of the audience.. but I started reading and began to get very intrigued indeed. It was very comprehensive, very diabolical, and very.. shall I say familiar? Here is a link to the previous thread, which also links the paraphrased transcript of the speech. I would urge you to read it because I believe it is telling of how our society has reached its current state. I will give a brief rundown at the end of this post of ways to combat the assault against humanity (dramatic but I'm keeping it as is because it's true.)
A single quote from the linked transcript caught my attention and led me into interesting territory, which follows:

I remember a statement from the late Allen Gootmacher, one of the medical directors of Planned Parenthood and he said, "Well, if people limit their families and do what we say, fine. But if we need compulsory population control, we're going to have it."

Now I have not checked into the accuracy of that quote. I went a slightly different route, looking into Guttmacher. First of all, Guttmacher, like Dr Day, served as President of Planned Parenthood. He founded the American Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians. He founded the Association for the Study of Abortion. He was a member of the Association for Voluntary Sterilization.
Interesting stuff here.

He was vice president of the American Eugenics Society.

His mom's maiden name is Oppenheimer. I don't know if it means anything but it's odd. Her mom's maiden name was Epstein, btw. Another weird coincidence but I'll continue because I coudn't get anywhere connecting geneologies. (Maybe you'll have more luck!)

He was also an ascribed humanist and signed the Humanist Maniesto II. Another worthy read. Their logo reads Good Without A God. I read the most recent manifesto and was very displeased with some of the language. Namely, this:

The lifestance of Humanism—guided by reason, inspired by compassion, and informed by experience—encourages us to live life well and fully. It evolved through the ages and continues to develop through the efforts of thoughtful people who recognize that values and ideals, however carefully wrought, are subject to change as our knowledge and understandings advance.

I know it's worded so prettily but I don't see the value in anything if value is up for change/interpretation. I hold tight to values which I believe are important to humanity: taking care of kids, widows, elderly, family,the sick, and each other.. seeking truth, creating beautiful things, being humble, generous.. these are good values. I might not display all these at all times but that doesn't mean that they are not inherently good.

I also found a very interesting connection between Guttmacher, Day (from previous thread.. please read it!) and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, now renamed Icahn school of medicine (Icahn is Regulatory Reform advisor to Trump and a very shrewed investor). It is known as one of the top 20 medical schools in the United States and is known for its work in genomics. Both men had prestigious positions at Mount Sinai, and both went on to serve for Planned Parenthood.
Some info on Dr Day:
Links to Icahn school of medicine and Wiki's article about Ichan (Trump connection here)

I am highly uncomfortable with these correlations. They may mean nothing, but after reading Day's alleged speech about the new warfare will be against fertility/family/health of individual so that we will basically cull ourselves I was disgusted and disturbed. Too many coincidences, and a very wicked philosophy seems to emerge where the stupid will basically allow themselved to be poisoned, fed propaganda, disconnected from family through multiple means, disconnected from self and society.

My take? Get connected! With your family, with your friends families, with your community, with God if you so choose, with art, music, humanity, knowledge of medicine and the land, nature, farming, building, creating. Good luck! This is how we fight the nothingness!

(Forgive me I am a dramatic person lol)

What say you, ATS?

edit on 5-5-2017 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 01:32 PM
and reply to: zosimov

Hi detective zosi.

You had me at rabbit hole

Busy ATM but will check this out later thanks!

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

Awesome hunter.. can't wait to hear what you think!

Enjoy your day! It's Friday

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 01:56 PM
Good work there Zos. You put the words Rabbit Hole in your title and then delivered. Seems like this one could go real deep! Might do some more digging myself but I will definitely be checking comments. Enjoy the weekend!

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Illumimasontruth

Hi there friend!
Thanks for the comment.. I definitely kept reading things that made me think, hard, about the state of society today.
I'm glad others find it interesting as well, and can't wait to hear from you and the other great minds of ATS!

Have a great weekend too, thanks!

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Glad to see this here. So much to take in. The link below is a short version of a video put out by Stop CSE (Comprehensive Sexual Education) There is a 35 minute version at the site. It has members from many countries explaining what is in the sex education books dispensed by Planned Parenthood in their countries. As one person said, the younger children are sexualized the sooner they will be coming in for abortions.

Below is just a few excerpts from guidelines in the books from the website above.

For Children Age 0-4 years
“Give information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body . . . masturbation”

“Enable children to gain an awareness of gender identity”

“Give the right to explore gender identities”

For Children Age 4-6 years
“Give information about early childhood masturbation”

“Give information about same-sex relationships”

“Give information about . . . different concepts of a family”

“Help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality”

For Children Age 6-9 years

“Give information about . . . different methods of conception”

“Give information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation”

“Give information about friendship and love towards people of the same sex”

For Children Age 9-12 years

“Give information about different types of contraception . . . enable children to use condoms and contraceptives effectively in the future”

“Gender orientation and differences between gender identity and biological sex”

“Give information about pleasure, masturbation, orgasm”

“Give information about sexual rights as defined by the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the World Association for Sexual Health”

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: zosimov

I am highly uncomfortable with these correlations. They may mean nothing, but after reading Day's alleged speech about the new warfare will be against fertility/family/health of individual so that we will basically cull ourselves I was disgusted and disturbed. Too many coincidences, and a very wicked philosophy seems to emerge where the stupid will basically allow themselved to be poisoned, fed propaganda, disconnected from family through multiple means, disconnected from self and society.

The numbers of births in America are at an all time low. There's a lot of factors at play there but perhaps their plan is working:

America's Birthrate Now a National Emergency
The new birth rate numbers are out, and they're a disaster. There are now only 59.6 births per 1,000 women, the lowest rate ever recorded in the United States. Some of the decrease is due to good news, which is the continuing decline of teen pregnancies, but most of it is due to people getting married later and choosing to have fewer children. And the worst part is, everyone is treating this news with a shrug.

Good thread! I'm definitely going to be looking into Carl Icahn.

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

Exactly! Some of those quotes are so messed up. The Day speech talks about several things dealing with sexuality, among them was sexualizing at a younger age, seperating sex from conception and conception from sex (test tube babies, which he very interestingly said could be argued to have no human rights because they owe their lives to a lab!), less procreation but more sex.

I think that sex is very powerful and wonderful but really think people should be careful about how they go about it. And should definitely be adult enough to understand all of the consequences.

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: PistolPete

Thank you so much for the comment, and the extra info about the birth rate crisis (Europe too, at an alarming low).

If you find anything please come back and share!

edit on 5-5-2017 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: zosimov

I've been saying for a while that the design is to destroy our communities: family, faith, neighborhoods. Those are the three foundational communities of the US and our strengths. Through those three types of community, people would come together to take care of one another in times of crisis, independent of government.

You demolish those and people would have no choice but to turn increasingly toward government as their partner and safety net.

What do we see? Broken families living in isolation depending on the state to support them through all troubles.

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Just read thru some of the link. Dr. Day sure had it right. Interesting he worked with PP. Wonder how that affected him?

Really good work you did.

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 04:46 PM
Hi, had to step away for a while but thank you for the new comments!

a reply to: ketsuko

Yep, a sad and lonely state where we all are living! And welfare is only a small portion of the overall disconnect.
Ultimately, I do believe the goal is to limit an individual's independence or to steer certain individuals toward poor choices --harmful diet, drugs, alcohol, lack of exercise, lack of empathy for others, lack of connection with the elders or youth of the community, cut off the elderly by making everything more confusing (including forms, highways) and building retirement communities where children and elders never meet, the list goes on and on according to the Dr Day link. Can you believe (I can) it even mentioned controlling art critics so that only ugly/meaningless art would be promoted? Crazy!

There were many different facets to that Dr Day link but I focused on the population/fertility/family aspect. It's just really disturbing.

a reply to: liveandlearn

Isn't that link fascinating? I read through with growing unease and discontent and belief that there is indeed such a "plan," or in any case these goals and more have been achieved.

Thanks for checking it out! Please let us know if you see anything noteworthy.

edit on 5-5-2017 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2017 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
a reply to: zosimov

Glad to see this here. So much to take in. The link below is a short version of a video put out by Stop CSE (Comprehensive Sexual Education) There is a 35 minute version at the site. It has members from many countries explaining what is in the sex education books dispensed by Planned Parenthood in their countries. As one person said, the younger children are sexualized the sooner they will be coming in for abortions.

Below is just a few excerpts from guidelines in the books from the website above.

For Children Age 0-4 years
“Give information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body . . . masturbation”

“Enable children to gain an awareness of gender identity”

“Give the right to explore gender identities”

For Children Age 4-6 years
“Give information about early childhood masturbation”

“Give information about same-sex relationships”

“Give information about . . . different concepts of a family”

“Help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality”

For Children Age 6-9 years

“Give information about . . . different methods of conception”

“Give information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation”

“Give information about friendship and love towards people of the same sex”

For Children Age 9-12 years

“Give information about different types of contraception . . . enable children to use condoms and contraceptives effectively in the future”

“Gender orientation and differences between gender identity and biological sex”

“Give information about pleasure, masturbation, orgasm”

“Give information about sexual rights as defined by the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the World Association for Sexual Health”

Having reached a ripe old age I wonder how I ever managed it!!

Sex education
What ever was that
I had zilch.... learned on the hoof.

Wasn't even aware that there was such a thing as homosexuality till I was well

into my 20's, *Gay* was being

happylight-hearted and carefree.
"Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face"
synonyms: cheerful, cheery, merry, jolly, light-hearted, mirthful, jovial, glad, happy, bright, in good spirits, in high spirits, joyful, elated, exuberant, animated, lively, sprightly, vivacious, buoyant, bouncy, bubbly, perky, effervescent, playful, frolicsome;

I cant say that picking it up as I went along was detrimental to me.

Infact everyone matures at different ages so things get foisted on

many before they are ready for it.

Its all very well explaining the mechanics of sex but all emotional

context gets left out ..... are we sex machines or human beings

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: eletheia

Hi eletheia, and thank you for weighing in! I completely agree with you that sex education is a total waste, at best. No one instructed "Adam and Eve", and even animals pick it up without a classroom.

American society is very weird when it comes to sex. It's a taboo subject, and yet our tv, magazines, ads, movies are flooded with sexually charged imagery.. our "celebrities," politicians, athletes and public figures are often enmeshed in dysfunctional affairs which are sordidly displayed across the media channels for all to see.

Again, in my opinion distraction is the least harmful effect of all the charged stimulus, imo. There is a reason that some of the greatest thinkers/healers/inventors and innovators were celibate!

Again, nothing wrong with sex at all
but to be obsessed with it to the point of distraction like so many are today is ludicrous. Really.

Here's a great Sophocles quote on the subject:

In Plato's Republic, a jovial man asked Sophocles the poet a crude question about his sexuality: "How about your service of Aphrodite, Sophocles—is your natural force still unabated?" To which Sophocles replied, "Hush, man, most gladly have I escaped this thing you talk of, as if I had run away from a raging and savage beast of a master."

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Why on earth does that quote about Humanism seem bad to you???

It sounds perfectly fine to me. Unless you're against things like reason, compassion and intelligence that is.

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

I explained why directly after the quote. I'd be happy to clarify once you've read if you still disagree. Thanks.

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Because he says "Values and Ideals change" sometimes???

Yeah, they do. Nothing wrong with that. Ideals like Slavery or Women's Rights needed changing from what they were for example.

You're just assuming something that isn't being said. You're interpreting what is said through a filter where you are suggesting the worst possible idea is what is being meant but not said.

Values and Ideals do change within culture from time to time and that's not a bad thing. If it never changed we'd still have the same values and ideals as ancient people did. Over time through knowledge and more thought and experience we decided to change some bad ideas in to better ones.

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

Although I was fully aware of the surface meaning (they are making references to the intolerant among us, the institutionalized oppression which they are a part of) I am uncomfortable with the implications.
As I wrote, good values are inherently worthy regardless of whether a society ascribes to it or not.

Writing that values are subject to change is the same as saying that they hold no inherent value. The value of 2 will always be 2. Even if we are conditioned to believe that the value is subject to change to 1 or 3, or that 2 actually equals 3, the value will be the same.

In other words, our attitudes may change but the value remains.

In my humble opinion, I think "they" want you to believe that there are no inherent values, only the trends of the day.

In fact, read Day's speech and you will see that one of the goals is to make change the norm.. everything subject to change including values.
I don't like it.

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: zosimov

What you're saying is that you're aware of what is being said but what is said also must include other unsaid things of which you're going to insert in there and then find fault with.

Also, you're comparing math values to moral values which is also of your own doing and not suggested by what's in that statement. Again, you are inserting you're own ideas into something that aren't there so as to find fault with it.

Nobody is changing 2 to 3. But when it comes to moral values in society, they sometimes change for the better. I gave you examples earlier about that which you seem to want to ignore. But at one time society valued ideals like keeping people as Slaves. Now, if we never reexamined those values and changed them, they'd still be in practice today. So are you suggesting that we should go back to having slavery??

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

I'm sorry if you don't get my point.

Perhaps this is not the subject for you?

I'm on the side of the people. If I believe that there has been a plot to decrease the population through food, water, education and media poisoning, bad health care, degrading the importance of family through various means (including degrading values by rendering them meaningless, everchanging), I'm going to share my findings.. but if you disagree that's fine with me.

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