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Where was i before i was conceived

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posted on May, 2 2017 @ 12:52 PM
We have no doubt all been asked what we think happens after we die but my question is this...before we are conceived where are we?...what are we? we even exist before sperm meets egg.

I am not a religious person myself and by that i mean i don't follow any established religion this does not mean that I'm dead set against some form of creator etc...however to me its just as likely we are in a simulation/game type scenario where most of us are the NPC's just trudging along through everyday life..and the elites are the players/gamer's that interact with us...for their quests if you like or that aliens did it...than i am to believe in the established magic bearded sky man or (insert your deity of choice here).

So with that said...this is not a thread to bash peoples ideas and beliefs but neither is it a place for pushy religious types...i respect your right to believe what ever you like just please do me the decency of returning the favor i am always open to new ideas and i really do want to know what you believe but i am not here to be converted to any religion thanks.

My view as it stands...i believe that before conception we are the same as after death we are nowhere and we are nothing which when you try can be difficult to process, i think certainly my mind anyway struggles to fully comprehend the idea of what nothingness truly is and that is why so many go with life after death theories because in my opinion the brain struggles with the thought of true nothingness.

The thought of this may anger some it may also scare some but to them i say if my view is correct you will never know it just like you don't know of yourself before conception you will have no knowledge of yourself after death...and to be honest i can live with that...and if I'm wrong i guess I'll have a deity i need to suck up to

edit on 2-5-2017 by nickovthenorth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: nickovthenorth

Don't take the following too serious, this is the first time I think about it. I mean I had after death thoughts, but before conception never crossed my mind.

And it is really hard to say, because I believe consciousness is not a property of the material world, but awareness is.
So that's difficult I guess to pinpoint a moment where pure awareness of your environment turns into an actual soul/light/person trapped in flesh.
Maybe children are so happy until they turn 3/4 because they're not "infected" until their brains are grown enough to process complicated thoughts? Maybe it's really the moment an egg and sperm make magic happen?
And in that line of thought your soul is not something you own, but something bigger you just happen to be a part of.
Which means you never go anywhere or come from anywhere, you always are, just not in the same body.

Does that make sense?

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: nickovthenorth

Like you I am not religious, meaning that I don't follow any rituals or book written thousands of years ago. But I do believe that we are souls in a body, not a body that has developed a one-life soul for itself.

I tend to think of this life as just one small blip of me. This body is no more than a vehicle for the time being. It may be artificial (hologram) or may be real, but either way it is just a vehicle for my development.

We align on the fact that we are the same before and after life, but after some years of exploring with out of body experiences and lucid dreaming there isn't a part of me that believes this body is all I am.

But to each their own, we all have unique paths for development and there is no wrong answer. I may have believed what you believe in another life. You may believe like I do many lifetimes from now. There is no certifiable proof in either case other than what one can directly experience alone.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Thanks for trying to put your view across i certainly get what you mean these are hard thoughts to put into words... i sort of get that you possibly mean we do exist before conception or after death its just that it can't be comprehended while in the meat suit maybe?

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:14 PM
I think I got released to this place from Hell so I could try to adjust my attitude. If I pass the tests and am conditioned properly I will be allowed to be born into the real world. This is where they cull out the bad apples.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:17 PM
I believe more in the line of reincarnation or that we return to the spiritual realm/God after we die and then we come back again over and over. I don't know the mechanics or the why and why not of it all or where we were before the Universe began etc, but who does.

My life experiences have led me to believe that there is a creator and that we don't just cease to exist after we die. Research has led me to believe that we can come down to earth multiple times or not. Of course I could be wrong and "Bam!" nothingness ever again after I die, but to me that leads to a boring purposeless life view. That's just me though.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: bluesjr

Thanks for your seems like we agree on some things and then part ways on others but you are correct there is no proof either way and i guess the only thing we can really do is just wait and see

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Consciousness vs awareness... very nice, thanks!

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: nickovthenorth

This is going to sound strange obviously but here is a distinct memory I have (surely anyone would say it was just a dream I had at one point and it's entirely possible- I'm just convinced otherwise.)

So, me and my 3 siblings and what felt like many other members of my one day "family" (Yeah I knew this before my parents did apparently, they insisted my little sister and I would have no more siblings) were "sitting" in these things that resembled uh those wooden displays they sell fruit in on the streets. We weren't outside.... but we weren't really on anything i'd describe as earth either. We were somewhere beautiful, but we weren't humans. We didn't have bodies. But I knew it was them and I knew that I loved them and that I was forever connected to them. We just didn't have bodies yet.

Someone asked me, (asked? As I recall it there was no talking, to describe the communication in this... memory? Dream? Would not make sense and I wouldn't even know how to start to describe it) if I had made a decision..... I remember saying yes I made a decision. I remember "pointing" through some kind of veil of smoke for lack of a better description. It was my parents, young, and dating. I remember they were at a restaurant and my soon to be mom was smiling and crying and talking to my soon to be dad, and he looked scared but happy. He was crying too. (I found out when I was 17 that my parents never intended to have me, I was a surprise) We can stay with them, if it's okay? Whatever or whoever was asking me for my decision asked again if I was sure. I remember saying yes, there is so much love to be offered and taught, it must be them and no one else will do.

I got to watch them from this place for a while longer. Then everything went black. Then the first thing I remember after that is my 6th birthday and finally telling my mom this story of how bad I wanted her and dad to be my parents, my family, and that I couldn't' wait to meet the rest of our family. That's when she laughed at me and I'll never forget feeling so disrespected so young..... Did she think I was lying to her? I didn't know. But in the end I was right, at least, about getting more siblings. I have normal memories after that til now.

Not sure if I'm just sick, had an active imagination, or both, or none- also not sure why I've never been able to remember any part of my life before 6 years old but there it is.

Sometimes I think we are somewhere, trying to find a place to be useful, and to be loved on this earth, or another.

Other times I revert to thinking we were a part of everything before, and we will be a part of everything after.

***I'm positive i have an active imagination now that I read that outloud, because of the ridiculous dreams I have- which is why this could have been one, but something my whole life has felt strange and different about that memory than any of any of the wildest most lucid dreams I've ever had**** Life is strange like that.

edit on 5/2/2017 by NerdGoddess because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/2/2017 by NerdGoddess because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: bluesjr

Really? You're so awesome it will take him many lifes to get where you are?

a reply to: nickovthenorth

It can be comprehended while in flesh, it just is a tough path and not very rewarding. And kind of absurd, while you're in flesh you're meant to live that fleshy lifestyle. But there are yogis which are breatherians.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: nickovthenorth

There is no "I" when you are "conceived" just undifferentiated consciousness, like Peeple said.

The id, the ego, the super ego, grow with you as you grow. Somewhere along the way, you develop an "I" which is about the time you learn how to say, "No."

Why "no"? Because then you have desire and a concept of "me." Of wants, of desires. Of what "I" want. Of what "I" desire.

Buddhism and Christianity tell the same thing but different ways. "Release desire. Clear you mind of thought," says the monk to the student; "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven," Matthew taught. Two sides of the coin.

Hope my 2 cents worth helped! Hope your first step down the path was good for you!

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:25 PM
Your dads nut sack

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: solve

Am I sensing sarcasm? How's it in Yuggoth many Mi-gos?

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: amazing

My life experiences have led me to believe that there is a creator and that we don't just cease to exist after we die. Research has led me to believe that we can come down to earth multiple times or not. Of course I could be wrong and "Bam!" nothingness ever again after I die, but to me that leads to a boring purposeless life view. That's just me though.

Thanks for your views of course its equally as likely that i am wrong and i will forever burn in hell for shunning the almighty.

As for the boring purposeless life view...the only response i have to mind is that i try to reconcile that by being a decent honest person a loving husband and a good dad...i occasionally slip on the first point i am a man after all but I'm told i have the other two pegged

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:32 PM
Ah, that's a good question.

If you are religious then the answer would be a product of that religion, which differ e.g. reinacnated, or not.

If you are not religious, then I would suggest you were nowhere - half of you was in a sperm and the other half in an egg and their fusion at time of conception created "you" and all the possibilities of "you".

Perhaps the question is when do I become me? Is it on conception, or when you are a viable individual at birth. Or do you become "you" once your brain has wired enough that your memories start, perhaps age three to seven.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Your dads nut sack

Haha guess i walked into that one i suppose this is the only answer that can be proven true(even if on a technicality) so you win

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: NerdGoddess

That is an awesome memory! Stories like these are very rare and always faced with skepticism, but I can tell that this is true for you and it is special. Thanks for sharing that.

I once awoke from a dream (about 30 years ago) with a very strong perception that I had gone back and witnessed a previous life/death of mine. The feeling was so strong that it has stuck with me all these years. It wasn't pleasant, I was dying of a sickness in the belly of an old wooden ship. But I had never before and never since felt so much that the person in the dream was me.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: bluesjr

Really? You're so awesome it will take him many lifes to get where you are?

a reply to: nickovthenorth

It can be comprehended while in flesh, it just is a tough path and not very rewarding. And kind of absurd, while you're in flesh you're meant to live that fleshy lifestyle. But there are yogis which are breatherians.

Ha, well I didn't mean it that way but I see how it comes across like that. I think we each have a path and it is not a straight line or necessarily linear in time. So its possible that I still have to experience a life of believing we are nothing other than our body.

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: NerdGoddess

Thanks for taking the time to post i enjoyed the read...i suppose the important thing is how you feel about it like i said in my op I'm open to all ideas I'm not going to try and tell you it was just a dream or childhood imagination...this is pretty wild if it really does go down like that

posted on May, 2 2017 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

or the mailman's.

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