posted on Apr, 28 2017 @ 02:41 PM
Most recently, I like to call mine a serious of unfortunate events:
We have had no end of trouble with our son and school this year. This is not the school's fault and it's not our son's fault. It's the result of
undiagnosed and previously unrecognized learning disability, an extremely smart kid, a fairly unflexible albeit well-meaning teacher and the
completely wrong style of school all coming together to create the perfect storm. All of us involved have been miserable the entire time.
With about four months to go, it's starting to look like teacher has about had it with things and is ready to just chuck child to the curb whenever
she can't get him to behave. Kiddo has been living at the intersection of frustration and boredom all year and is ready to blow up his classroom to
keep his mind occupied and avoid all the handwriting which is where his learning issue lies and what the school emphasizes as THE way to regurgitate
information. I'm pretty much having a panic attack in tears at work every time I see an email from the school because I'm so stressed over it all
So I always pray every night anyhow, but I start the hard praying ... Lord, help us. We've done all we know how to do, and we have no clue what to do
here. Please show us the way. Put us where we need to be. Help! ... Not in so many words, but that was the gist.
The very next day, I am doing random internet research in my down time at work because I've been researching all year trying to figure out what's
going on and how to help our situation out, and I run across the brand-spanking new Gifted program our home district has just initiated this year.
They had a program before, but it was just a few hours a day. This is a full day pull out in conjunction with a local university. It's partially
project based ... and kids start learning robotics! Ours would so love all of this I am thinking.
The weird part is that it's in a build that all the year previous, he and I would drive by on our way home and he would look out the car window to see
how much, if anything, had changed from the last time. It's the only building under construction he's ever shown any interest in.
Meanwhile, the discussion begins on whether or not we send him back to his school after this year. His kindergarten teacher won't send him on to 1st
grade because she doesn't think he's ready. This despite the fact that the only bad grade he has is his handwriting (he's been in OT on our dime all
year by this point). All the others are E with an S in spelling because it relies on his handwriting for him to learn the words so he doesn't
internalize them because he's concentrating on making the writing go right.
So teacher wants him to repeat subject matter he's already deathly bored with which is part of where the misbehavior comes from.
I am still praying hard.
At this point, husband's car blows its head gasket. And we are faced with either replacing the engine in a car with over 350,000 miles or replacing
the car. Bad news, but in all fairness, bad news we knew was coming. We spend $4,000 on a new beater to get husband to and from work. Just like that
... decision is made. Tuition money is gone.
So we call the local school district figuring he is going to need to attend public school there for at least a year. Husband describes our difficulty
to the lady at the district office, and the very first thing she does is refer us to both a SAGE referral and an LD referral. She recognized the signs
of frustration and boredom right away.
So far, it looks like our prayers have been answered. If not exactly in the most traditional way you might expect.
Since it looks like we may get to keep the lion's share of husband's bonus depending on how public school goes, we are thinking we might actually take
a real vacation next year. We're thinking it might be to Disneyworld. Don't tell the kiddo though because it might not work out.