posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 07:52 PM
(I placed this here because the odds of some people slinging mud seem a little high as of late)
I just wanted to take a moment and reach out to the folks that post on ATS, I know at times nasty things have been said by people from all sides, and
at times it is great fun to troll the other side of the ideological line.
But I think it is important that we pause on occasion and remember they are normal folks just like us, they are not the enemy and if the anonymity of
the internet that turns many folks into heartless trolls on occasion were removed and we knew them in real life odds are high we would all get
Why do I think this, I would say most of the people here got to this place by asking questions that the main stream society will not touch, this is an
important thing to remember because it means we have a common bond.
No matter which side of the aisle they are politically.. or if they believe in UFO's or not... or just have a love for the idea of lost
civilizations... we have questioned some aspect of the official story (no matter what forum your particular belief falls) and that means we have a
starting point to build a relationship on.
So no matter how heated some threads may get please understand that I do have respect for the folks I routinely argue with... even if I do think they
are wrong.
These warm feeling may be coming from being a bit to tired and strung out on energy drinks I have avoided for 3 years... but they are honest.
Keep questioning things ATS, but do not lose that respect for others whos thinking may follow a different path than your own.
This is NO LONGER in the Mud Pit!!!
edit on Thu Apr 27 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)