posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 03:13 AM
originally posted by: seasonal
What went so wrong? What’s still wrong? To some conservatives, Trump’s surprise win on November 8 simply bore out what they had suspected, that
the Democrat-infested press was knowingly in the tank for Clinton all along. The media, in this view, was guilty not just of confirmation bias but of
With only 7% repub journalists out there, it is of little surprise that the media was so wrong last election cycle. Having such an out numbered the
dem vs repub journalist bench is going to lead group think and back slapping.
I am not argueing with the accuracy or otherwise of your analysis at all. I am taking issue with this stupid notion that ...."faction A are the
goodies and faction B are the baddies."
When will people wake up and realise that both the major factions are owned and controlled by the same people. The two ... or ..3. or 4 party system,
is that the people behind the curtain have their people in all those factions and the agenda merely wobbles a bit left here and a bit to the rights
there and so on.
Noam Chomsky said the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion but allow a very lively
debate within that spectrum.
He also said, in both “old” and “new” world orders the central goal is the issue of control.