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Defending Against Attacks/Harassment from High Strangeness Phenomena

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posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: DJMSN

I understand your position and agree. 99%.

There is ZERO doubt, however, that there are humans who take advantage of the "mythos" that has built up in the last 100 years or so. I mean ... spend a few minutes on Youtube for hoax after hoax after hoax. Some of them surreal in their absurdity. (And that's no coincidence either.)

As far as objective explanations? Ultrasonic and infrasonic definitely have an impact on the human body and consciousness ... and that's not Woo.

Less powerful sound waves can cause humans to experience nausea or discomfort. The use of these frequencies to incapacitate persons has occurred both in counter-terrorist and crowd control settings. The possibility of a device that produces frequency that causes vibration of the eyeballs — and therefore distortion of vision — was apparently confirmed by the work of engineer Vic Tandy while attempting to demystify a “haunting” in his laboratory in Coventry. This “spook” was characterised by a feeling of unease and vague glimpses of a grey apparition. Some detective work implicated a newly installed extractor fan that, Tandy found, was generating infrasound of 18.9 Hz, 0.3 Hz, and 9 Hz.

Wiki - Sonic Weapon

Also, we're just starting to figure out that many aspects of consciousness are the result of the EM fields our brains produce. Natural fluctuations in the local EM field of an area (due to, say, mineral deposits in caves and tunnels, wiring inside old buildings, etc.) interacting with our own personal EM fields ... 10 Things an EM Field Can Do to Your Brain - IO9

Well, you get the picture.

However, I am an experiencer myself. I've had three episodes in my life that leave me with the "I know what I saw/heard/felt."

A vast majority of cases (particularly one-offs) are good ol' fashioned pareidolia. Others are not.

And we know for a fact (as much as one can know facts about the government) that the IC has used various elements of popular culture to hide their own sneaky stuff.

edit on 22-4-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 06:40 PM
In the meantime, I'd like to share nine defenses that are really a summary of traditions, folklore and common sense:

Mental Struggle: Block their mind control

Physical Struggle: Fight back

Righteous Anger: Summon your inviolate rights

Protective Rage: Guard your loved ones

Support from Family Members: Seek strength in numbers

Intuition: Sense them coming

Metaphysical Methods: Create a personal shield

Appeal to Spiritual Personages: Get help from on high

Repellents: Use time-tested fend-off substances

These are listed on the book jacket of Ann Druffel's book on defense against HSPs.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Well, it's either physical, or it isn't. Or, perhaps, it can be physical at times, and not at other times. If it's physical, it can be hurt. Anything that threatens mine better be prepared to be hurt. That's the easy part. Be armed, and be willing to shoot. That said, if they can become not physical, that could be next to impossible. In that case, something else is needed. I know you said you don't want the "religious" solutions, but if they can change like that, they are what most would define as spiritual, in some sense, and thus a spiritual (religious?) solution is in order.

You mention in one post that these are grey-type aliens, harassing a family in a remote part of Tennessee. Love the state (my home state), and can imagine how remote a place can be! Some are quite isolated. To be in such a place, and face a threat that is so different, would be terrifying. Some solution would have to be found. Historically, I recall at least a couple of cases (I think both in Kentucky?) in which small alien-type figures harassed families, and both, as I recall, fled. Shooting didn't seem to remove them, so they choose to leave. Not the best solution, or even possible financially for many.

I believe I have shared this before, but will again. Take it however you like, but know, it's from real experience. My brother had a friend (both are now deceased) who spoke of being abducted, as a fairly regular thing. He was never hypnotized, so no false memories, and didn't talk about it to most people. He had a lot of other issues, some family that was basically straight from Hell, various abuse in his life, and was in bad enough shape emotionally he basically drank himself to death. Just some background on him, for reference. Anyway, he came with my mom and brother to visit one holiday season. As far as I was concerned, he was like another little brother, and welcome. Knowing about his abduction worries, I told him I had some theories on that, and if I was correct, he wouldn't have any problems while in my house. The theories, those who know be can figure out easily; I believe these are demonic encounters, and can be addressed as such. Well, he wasn't really big on faith, and said, thanks, but he didn't think it would matter. A couple of days later, though, he came to me and said thanks, with more meaning, telling me he hadn't felt so safe in a long time, as he had the past couple of days. No, it's not concrete evidence, but he was convinced there was a difference in my house! Simply put, we do not allow that sort of entity to come inside.

As I said, take that however you want, but it's relevant, in my book! For these friends, I don't know what they believe, or how strong a faith they have, if they do believe, but that can make a real difference. IF these are evil beings, they can be commanded to leave. That would be my "step one" in such a case. Now, it's possible they are something different of course, so some other solution is in order. There, back to guns, and other means of self defense. Details on what exactly they experience would help.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:20 PM
Interesting thread, Gryph.

This is a great idea, because.. .how shall I word this properly... ? How's 'bout, this is a good idea because non-corporeal things that can interact corporeally and mentally do exist in some manner and sometimes make lives unpleasant, and perhaps can end lives, too.

It bemuses me that our big, bad, wonderful materialism doesn't help with this phenomena, though someday it might... but the older cultures, like Native Americans and some more "primitive" groups, likely have a deeper understanding of these "spirits" and they have an effective "science" of their own that deals with it.

I, like you, am hesitant about applying religious labels because ...well, religion(s).

And I'm perturbed that there have already been coy references to things (non thought??) that cannot be spoken of before govt agents (or ?) appear ... can we have a general hint about the forbidden subject matter? And unless the info can implode someone and send their soul to an eternity in a tin box in a hot oven, then why not spread the info?

Oh, and I have had some intriguing visits from the unseen, and one or two were a-holes, and my best defense was either moving and/or laughing a lot and keeping my thoughts under control... which can be exhausting, but I, too, almost think they use us for entertainment (like was written above), so being "even keeled" and sardonic might help...

though I imagine there are things out there that are nasty and so powerful that a better weapon than calm thoughts might be needed. I wonder about the mechanics in our little slice of reality.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Well, first and foremost, let me sincerely thank you for your detailed and eloquent post!

Second of all, let me say that I absolutely agree with you about the first approach: someone said above, shoot it, cut off its head and burn it. If that doesn't work ... run! LOL. I'll stay with the first three for the moment which can be encapsulated by "Fight Back!" I've grown more and more certain that carrying personal armaments is the right thing to do (I know, I know). I think every household should have a sidearm for the adults, and a shotgun at a minimum as additional armament. For more than one reason ... "FIGHT BACK."

Third, when I said I didn't want "religious" reactions ... that was mostly to prevent this from becoming another treatise on pop culture demonology. I can't say, of course, what these HSP events are (at least, objectively), so as I said, I can't exclude non-material sources. In fact, the more I read and think about it ... I think the fundamental defense against inimical or harassing HSP's is just good old fashioned mental resolve.

Something along the lines of "I don't want this experience. I won't let the fear that is being generated control me. If I can move just one finger, that tells me that I can control the situation."

As well, controlling the mental state may keep us from "sinking" into the level of consciousness that (could) enable a great many of these types of experiences.

As well, in the experience you mentioned, apparently there is great ... efficacy in standing one's ground, defining one's space, and actively demanding that any and all harassing phenomena GET OUT AND STAY OUT. THIS FAR NO FARTHER. So what you said makes perfect sense.

Also, your relationship with the experiencer in your post suggests that he trusted you and when YOU told him he didn't have to be afraid or put up with nonsense ... that gave him the mental grounding to start reworking his experiences himself.

So, no. From everything I'm learning as I work on this topic ... what you're saying is right on target. You also know I'm not religious ... and I know that you are ... but, here's a thought ... SO WHAT? Why does that have to be something that separates us?

I think we're all being fragmented into little groups all the time, religious and non-religious, believers and scientists, pro and con, black and white ... and on and on and on. And of course, that's not just he HSP's in my terminology or the minions of hell in yours ... we both know all too well that there are those in power (government, business, education, entertainment, etc) that are consciously and consistently controlling the masses.

So, TL;DR - Thanks! I agree with what you said in essence.

edit on 22-4-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66


This is going to sound stupid, but hey. . . it's me, so it'll fit.

Where ever I go, where ever I live, I place copper pennies in the farthest four corners (or more) of whatever dwelling I inhabit.

The pennies are never touched again.

And I've never had any issues with anything either.

But to be honest, I've never been attacked by dragons either, so take it for what it's worth.
edit on 22-4-2017 by DBCowboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

It's not stupid. You're defining "your space."

Makes perfect sense to me. And $0.04 is not too bad a price for an HSP security system, eh?

Thanks for posting Cowboy! I look forward to more!

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

One caveat, you have to "believe" that it will protect you.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Even our "materialism" tells us that matter and energy are made from the same basic "stuff."

Every generation of humans tends to think that it's standing on top of the manure pile ... when in reality, we're still mucking about in the ditches on any relative scale.

For example, we know now that the brain and our consciousness are related through EM fields. The details, of course, remain to be discovered. I'd argue that Chinese Medicine has known this (at least on a subjective level) for thousands of years. The body produces and is penetrated by energy fields. (It doesn't matter per se what we call it.)

Chi, prana, mana, vitae, vril, Orgone, etc.

Yep. I've instinctively done a lot of things my whole life that result in Focusing the Mind, Refusing to be Controlled, Telling the HSP to Get Off. Meditation, prayer, magickal foci, warding spells, etc.

Again, what we call it doesn't matter (at least to me).

I'm not sure what you mean in this section; can you clarify?

And I'm perturbed that there have already been coy references to things (non thought??) that cannot be spoken of before govt agents (or ?) appear ... can we have a general hint about the forbidden subject matter? And unless the info can implode someone and send their soul to an eternity in a tin box in a hot oven, then why not spread the info?

That there may be things that are nasty and powerful that DON'T want us to defend ourselves is part of the reason I started this thread.

I'm very glad to have your participation.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Gryphon66

One caveat, you have to "believe" that it will protect you.

Yep. Have confidence and focus and resolve and intent that you will not be the slam-piece for Strangeness.

ETA: A little less ... flippant, maybe?

In the religious terms is the fuel. You have to believe that prayer works, that God will protect you, etc. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Somewhere in Hebrews if I remember correctly.

In psychological terms ... they call it "acting as if" ... even if you don't feel confidence or happiness ... sometimes you just have to fake it until you make it. In pop psychology doing daily affirmations does seem to help a certain number of people make changes in their lives.

In magical terms ... all focused intent is the key ... whatever belief (or system, or ritual, or symbol, or what have you) focuses your will ... so be it.

I'm sure there are other analogues as well.
edit on 22-4-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
In the meantime, I'd like to share nine defenses that are really a summary of traditions, folklore and common sense:

Mental Struggle: Block their mind control

Physical Struggle: Fight back

Righteous Anger: Summon your inviolate rights

Protective Rage: Guard your loved ones

Support from Family Members: Seek strength in numbers

Intuition: Sense them coming

Metaphysical Methods: Create a personal shield

Appeal to Spiritual Personages: Get help from on high

Repellents: Use time-tested fend-off substances

These are listed on the book jacket of Ann Druffel's book on defense against HSPs.

FANTASTIC information. I had no idea and am gobsmacked.

In googling I hit a little pay-dirt. Ann Duffel was interviewed on Art Bell's show and her portion begins at 39:00 min for those interested.

If anyone knows how to imbed this interview I'd appreciate it. One of the first things she mentions is that out of 250 abductee interviews only 70 people fought back. I honestly didn't think it would be that many!!

While some here would have read my scattered posts and just assume I come off as not only a wet blanket, or glib or whatever adjective you prefer I have never in person met anyone other than myself who did fight back against the HSP and let me tell you the ostracism from those who believe in such things (HSP) has been crippling.

Nothing is quite as awful as going to a UFO conference or other HSP conference and asking about fighting back and having everyone stare at you like you just grew three eyes and six legs. It's JUST LIKE farting in church. Plus no one can or will help you. They simply have never considered the idea.

Ann Duffel is a complete relevation to me.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Agreed re materialism / modern physics and "energy" getting more recognition in the West (to badly paraphrase)...

I also think we instinctively do things to deal with the bad ju-ju, until some of us grow up, get educated and forget how to fight in the imaginary realm ... that imaginary/ dream realm that might be the realm of primacy.

For instance, I remember entering room at a friend's house in grade school and mentally erecting a mental wall around me because I sensed and/or imagined something scary there. Now, it might have been pure whimsy, or being a sheltered kiddy in a new environment, but as I experienced more concrete proof of strange beings later in my life, I wondered if instances like that were instinctual responses?

Most prayers and rituals are ways to reignite imagination and belief...

oh and that even more poorly phrased than my usual section you quoted was referring to the back and forth pages ago were another poster (Khnum) intimated a visit by black cars if the mechanics of his technique were talked about... I would be more detailed if I had bothered to re-read the exchange before I started my reply (now replies)... apologies.

Thanks for being glad I'm typing in your thread... we tend to agree on many things of this nature... which, thinking about it, is likely boring! Heh.

edit on 4/22/2017 by Baddogma because: added close approxomation of referred to poster

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Well, first and foremost, let me sincerely thank you for your detailed and eloquent post!

Second of all, let me say that I absolutely agree with you about the first approach: someone said above, shoot it, cut off its head and burn it. If that doesn't work ... run! LOL. I'll stay with the first three for the moment which can be encapsulated by "Fight Back!" I've grown more and more certain that carrying personal armaments is the right thing to do (I know, I know). I think every household should have a sidearm for the adults, and a shotgun at a minimum as additional armament. For more than one reason ... "FIGHT BACK."

Appreciate that, and most welcome!! When people are threatened, I tend to get protective, and online, that means more information!! Can't help that! Being a Tennessee girl myself, displaced, they could even be family! You never know, lol!

Armaments, indeed! All but a couple are armed here, and they could be in a pinch. Once they can legally own a long gun, all will have their own! Shooting, while some might complain, works for most things!! Even one of those old UFO cases from Kentucky, I'd swear I remember them believing they hit something, and some weird substance on a fence. Head shots, yes, work for most everything! Burning, too - I always say, that's what God plans for the demons, so there must be some benefit, right? Burning seems to be THE way to clear something really bad. Bad things don't like fire. And, yeah, running can be good, too! Whatever lured the hubby and I, with the fake gas station (posted about that someplace around here), I wasn't sticking around! Not my territory, then, and leaving was far better!

Third, when I said I didn't want "religious" reactions ... that was mostly to prevent this from becoming another treatise on pop culture demonology. I can't say, of course, what these HSP events are (at least, objectively), so as I said, I can't exclude non-material sources. In fact, the more I read and think about it ... I think the fundamental defense against inimical or harassing HSP's is just good old fashioned mental resolve.

Something along the lines of "I don't want this experience. I won't let the fear that is being generated control me. If I can move just one finger, that tells me that I can control the situation."

As well, controlling the mental state may keep us from "sinking" into the level of consciousness that (could) enable a great many of these types of experiences.

As well, in the experience you mentioned, apparently there is great ... efficacy in standing one's ground, defining one's space, and actively demanding that any and all harassing phenomena GET OUT AND STAY OUT. THIS FAR NO FARTHER. So what you said makes perfect sense.

I can understand that!! It can be quite heated at times, and that doesn't help. I'd rather compare notes, myself, and see what is useful. I have certain beliefs, but I don't know everything, and methods others use could work, too! The mental strength, I agree, is VITAL in such cases! Whatever they are, physical, spiritual, or both, they do seem to prey on fears. Refusing to bend, refusing to cower, is always good. Good for a dangerous animal, for that matter!

Also, your relationship with the experiencer in your post suggests that he trusted you and when YOU told him he didn't have to be afraid or put up with nonsense ... that gave him the mental grounding to start reworking his experiences himself.

Maybe? He seemed to think it was that we didn't allow the, and was NOT sure at first, but that's a possibility. I know, though, with all the weirdness I have experienced, and that's no small amount, never once have I seen what I'd call a "real" UFO, or encountered anything like an alien. Ghosts, yeah, and weird animals, and even something that stalked myself and a couple of friends, way back, but never those. Why, I can't say.

So, no. From everything I'm learning as I work on this topic ... what you're saying is right on target. You also know I'm not religious ... and I know that you are ... but, here's a thought ... SO WHAT? Why does that have to be something that separates us?

I think we're all being fragmented into little groups all the time, religious and non-religious, believers and scientists, pro and con, black and white ... and on and on and on. And of course, that's not just he HSP's in my terminology or the minions of hell in yours ... we both know all too well that there are those in power (government, business, education, entertainment, etc) that are consciously and consistently controlling the masses.

So, TL;DR - Thanks! I agree with what you said in essence.

Well said! We don't have to agree on everything to talk about things, and work together!! Interesting, too, that we can agree that some in power are in control of much more than they should be!! Whoever or whatever these entities are, they work with those people!! By the strictest definition, too, a demon would be an extraterrestrial. They don't belong here, after all!! So, different labels, same enemy? I do consider them enemies, regardless. People are afraid, horribly afraid, and bad things happen. Nothing good acts like they do.

I'd call myself more spiritual than "religious"; I tend to annoy some pastors, lol! Some, no problems! The ones that want to demand I behave a certain way, etc? No use for that!! A lot of them don't wan to address spiritual issues, either, which is weird! Mention the possibility of a demon to some, and they act like they think you're crazy.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

A coin trick done by a magician.

If you look at it one way, it is simple manipulation accomplished by coordinated distraction and misdirection.

But if you "believe".

Then the trick is magic.

Belief is the fuel for magic. Without it, it's just a cheap trick.

I happen to believe in magic.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: Caver78

i'm reading her book at the moment ... already through a 100 pages or so.

I do love Kindle, lol.

Her book is exaclty what Iwas talking about and interestingly we all hhave been suggesting one or more of these techniques.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Right on.

I'm realizing that our will (both individual and collective0 is being sucked out of us as a people and as a species.

it's really starting to piss me off lol.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Sounds like it's as much setting up the space that is YOURS as anything else. Unless, they don't like copper?

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:50 PM
My personal favorite "defense" is called The Mirror.
You have to fully visualise a mirror waal around that reflects everything negative back... and in my case, magnifies it sevenfold.

Think of it as a mirror ball surrounding you 24/7 that bounces back every negative vibe sevenfold, now that's some powerful mojo.

After much practice ( basically my entire remembered life ) I now sub-consciously manifest this around me and my loved ones.

Think instant karma times 7

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

The copper is an offering. It's something given. A ceremonial gift.

It's embarrassing even talking about it to be honest.

From the outside, it may seem just an odd behavior or a quirk.

But I sleep better if it's done.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Gryphon66

One caveat, you have to "believe" that it will protect you.

Yep. Have confidence and focus and resolve and intent that you will not be the slam-piece for Strangeness.

ETA: A little less ... flippant, maybe?

In the religious terms is the fuel. You have to believe that prayer works, that God will protect you, etc. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Somewhere in Hebrews if I remember correctly.

In psychological terms ... they call it "acting as if" ... even if you don't feel confidence or happiness ... sometimes you just have to fake it until you make it. In pop psychology doing daily affirmations does seem to help a certain number of people make changes in their lives.

In magical terms ... all focused intent is the key ... whatever belief (or system, or ritual, or symbol, or what have you) focuses your will ... so be it.

I'm sure there are other analogues as well.

In esoteric terms... mind over matter...

As in your mind can control the universal make up to battle anything untoward.

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