So, it's been a long while since I've been here, even to lurk. There's been pros and cons, but I guess the biggest pro is that I've met a couple
of people that are into conspiracies and I learned only a little bit. But that little bit is what brought me back. I kinda dissappeared because I
came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to get any further in this rabbit hole without actually going out and literally confronting any of these
conspiracies and basically getting myself on a list (If I'm already not on one). I figured risking my life for information is in no way worth it,
seeing as I'm a single parent of 3. But I'll end with this, how much does the public know about the 4 richest families on earth?
One of them started Facebook, which blows my mind because how can it make THAT MUCH money? It can't just be advertising dollars. Data mining?
There's plenty of room for conspiracies right there!!!!
Welcome back, hope you find what you're looking for. IMO a good percent of the general public doesn't know about those, or believe in CTs as it is to
look into it.
While no one wants the problems it would bring, a good worldwide EMP blast would go a long ways toward resetting a lot of things.
Maybe the world needs shaken every so often for the sake of our species. (Like turning chicken eggs in an incubator. )
Who knows?