posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:40 PM
Read this article from
From the article:
"Researchers with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) project in Alaska tickled the upper atmosphere to the extent that it
glowed with green speckles.
The speckles were sprinkled amid a natural display known as the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights. The aurora occurs when electrons from a cloud of
hot gas, known as plasma, rain down from space and excite molecules in the ionosphere, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) up.
The HAARP experiment involves acres of antennas and a 1 megawatt generator. The scientists sent radio pulses skyward every 7.5 seconds, explained team
leader Todd Pederson of the Air Force Research Laboratory."
Night time advertisements.. Yeah right! That's a coverup for something.