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How Much Did You Pay In Federal Taxes?

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posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan

The real problem is that our Constitution doesn't scale. The way it's written worked when the population was 3 million and there were 13 states. It doesn't work so well with 320 million and 50 states.

That's why the writers made sure there was a way to amend it. In fact, in the early days of the Constitution the Founding Fathers put out a lot of amendments.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Byrd
That's why the writers made sure there was a way to amend it. In fact, in the early days of the Constitution the Founding Fathers put out a lot of amendments.

The issues the Constitution has with scaling are unlikely to be addressed through amendments because it would change the balance of power between the states.

For example, in Wyoming each member of Congress represents 194,717 people. In Texas it's closer to 1 per 700,000 people. Evening things out to be a bit more fair would require that Wyoming has a proportionally lower number of votes, which means less power. There's enough states that would lose in a rebalancing to block any such attempt in the House and especially the Senate.

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: 38181

well yes it sucks you paid a lot and you see "freeloaders" getting over it sucks i hate going to a grocery store and seeing someone getting steaks and shrimp and lots of high dollar stuff when i have to eat more moderately till i realize that person ahead of me with the high end stuff bought someone elses food stamps for 50cent on the dollar so the other person can afford to pay for lights or water. its no fun living on 1800 dollars a month if you got to pay 400 for light ,100 for water , 400 for medicare supplements and pharmacy plans and have to support 2 people with the 900 thats left. especially when it cost 20 dollars for transpo every time you got to go to town. i live in nc and that sit is very common here. so yes there are freeloaders out there but i would rather they trim the real fat you see all that money spent on defense about a third of that is made up of civilian administration that is totally pork and not needed.

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
So today is April 18th which is the tax filing deadline. After my accountant did my taxes all I can do is shake my head and say WTF? Our government spending is completely out of control. We paid damn near $100k FEDERAL taxes this year. I don't mind paying taxes as I realize government needs to function, but when you look at the fact half the population doesn't pay squat and then where the money is going, at some point we have to say enough is enough.

I saw an article in the Wall Street Journal breaking down where each $100 you pay in federal taxes goes to put the expense in perspective that everyone can understand. WSJ usually is subscription, so I've transcribed the graphic but you can find the article here. If you are a tax payer, you can figure out how much of the money you paid went to each of these items. Nearly 50% of your taxes goes to support social security/medicare/medicaid. Of course, I hardly get the benefit of it even though I am paying nearly $50k to support these programs.

How $100 in Federal Taxes is Spent

For each $100 in federal taxes you paid:

Social Security: $23.61
Medicare: : $15.26
Defense : $15.24
Medicaid: : $9.55
Other : $7.85
Interest : $6.25
Veterans : $4.58
Civilian Retire : $2.57
Transportation :$2.39
Refund Credits :$2.21
Education :$2.08
Food Stamps :$1.89
SSI :$1.53
Justice : $1.48
Housing Assist :$1.27
Foreign Aid :$1.14
ACA :$1.09

When are we going to revolt and force these politicians to take their hands out of our pocket?

I'm self-employed, so I pay double the amount of social security taxes.

And while I paid a lot this year, it bothers me more what it's spent on more so than the actual amount I pay. Taxes are essential for a modern society to function. What I don't like paying for are two corps of secret service for Trump and his wife's security and endless investigations that lead to nowhere.

I'm actually surprised at how little goes to servicing the debt. I thought it would be more. It puts into context how little deficits matter at our current rate of spending. SSI and the ACA are a lot less than I expected, too. I know it's a big number in aggregate, but not a massive hit to individual taxpayers.
edit on 21-4-2017 by icanteven because: Changed a word for grammar - why to while

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: Edumakated

The Constitution doesn't specifically mention health care or retirement, but it does allow for them under the idea of providing for the general welfare, which is a broad enough clause that it enables the government to do just about anything it wants, provided it can justify it as being part of the public good.

The abuse of the general welfare clause is a huge problem. You can spin anything to be part of the "public good." This is why our government has grown to be so bloated and why spending is out of control.

One person's sense of abuse is another person's lifeline to healthcare and housing during retirement. I guess it depends on what your priorities are in life for you and your fellow citizens.

I think the general welfare - right to happiness and all that - is the most important function of government. Even more than defense.

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: proteus33
You must watch people like a hawk at the grocery store. I've never noticed what so many say happens. The people I know on food stamps, which is a good number of my family in Appalachia, need the money to sustain their families. There simply aren't enough jobs, beyond Walmart or fast food, to support a family.

I left the small town I'm from to go to college and move to the city, so my taxes are paying for food stamps and all of the other federal programs that so many depend on. My education was greatly subsidized by Pell Grants and federal loans, and I've paid back that investment many times over during the past 20 years. It's a blessing to know fewer people are going hungry than otherwise would because of the small pittance we pay in taxes. I've seen so many people climb the ladders of opportunity that would have not been there for them if not for federal help.

I know that runs counter to the prevailing conservative and libertarian philosophy that dominates so much of ATS. But to some of us, federal spending isn't some abstraction. It helps a lot of people live longer, more fulfilling lives.

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
How $100 in Federal Taxes is Spent

For each $100 in federal taxes you paid:

Social Security: $23.61
Medicare: : $15.26
Defense : $15.24
Medicaid: : $9.55
Other : $7.85
Interest : $6.25
Veterans : $4.58
Civilian Retire : $2.57
Transportation :$2.39
Refund Credits :$2.21
Education :$2.08
Food Stamps :$1.89
SSI :$1.53
Justice : $1.48
Housing Assist :$1.27
Foreign Aid :$1.14
ACA :$1.09

I am probably most concerned about the Other category, and the Interest.

Other bothers me, because it represents the 5th highest expenditure, and zero explanation of even the top 10-25 areas of where that money is going.

The Interest bothers me in that the United States Government is paying over 6% interest when we clearly have the most clout in almost all of the important aspects of world domination?

That would be akin to Wal-Mart paying MORE for a product than your local supermarket. Obviously Wal-Mart has the purchasing power and leverage to not only seek a better deal, but even to DEMAND IT.

Seems to me a simple solution would be to consolidate all of our debt into one of these Historic Low interest rates. If a consumer can still buy a house for less than 4%, and thats a just a few dollars in the scheme of things, why cant the most secure entity on earth be doing better than 6%?

It is unreal that almost 70% of the total is going to the military or healthcare in some shape or fashion.

posted on Apr, 21 2017 @ 03:27 PM
I made about $53,000 and paid $12,997. Un-freakin-real. I'm self-employed and THOUGHT I made pretty good money...but after this bill, I'm thinking maybe I was better off working for someone else and making less. Sheesh.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 02:59 PM
LoL, I hate to break the bad news to you but all the taxes collected from personal income goes to the Fed to pay for the interest on all that money we make for them on our dime, and has been since 1995.

The government runs on import/export and corporate tax. Isn't it great knowing that you have been paying a private bank interest for something that the government could easily do. Thanks Teddy R, you were such a sucker for a president.
edit on 8761730America/Chicago04America/Chicago285 by Byteme285 because: (no reason given)

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