posted on May, 10 2017 @ 11:00 AM
Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone!
I've been MIA since Friday - really busy schedule last couple of days. And, I waded into the swamp that is the Planned Parenthood thread and needed
to take a break. Such a difficult discussion, that is. BUT, not for the Shed - so that's all I will say about that.
I have had some time to get some writing in and cranked out a whole bunch of cool stuff for
Falling - I had about 3 full hours to myself, just
me and my story. So I got some great stuff written.
Night, Kat - the discussion of hair color is funny. I have more gray hair than my father - it's just a small amount of salt to mostly pepper right
now. But I understand my mother was pretty much white by age 50. I'm OK going gray, but if the hairline starts to recede the whole thing is getting
either shaved, or trimmed down to stubble. I'm fine with looking like Mr. Clean. Not fine with looking like George Costanza.
Anyway, I should be posting a new episode of Falling soon for those following the story. Here's a fun thing for the Shed. This pic is taken from the
navigation pane of my source document. These are essentially chapter titles. Note some of them have "[*INC*]" in front of them - that's my
indication to myself that the scene is incomplete (as if you all couldn't figure that out, LOL). I circled the next one to be posted.
OF course, some of the full titles might be revealing so I've only included
half of each title.