a reply to:
My IT is also a cataclysmic buttock invasion, but at least I can walk and talk, breathe and eat, then excrete. There are worse situations to live in.
The conversation I have just had with my ex about my son was... interesting.
I may have to get a blood sample taken. My boy has Aspergers Autism, ADHD, ODD, and some other outlying issues. My ex's other kids have a range of
problems, from TWO of them having cleft lip and palette, right through one of them having pica (the desire to consume non-nutritive substances), and
the other two having other behavioural problems and God alone knows what else.
There is a possibility that these issues are genetic, a result of either partial deletion of the 15q chromosome, or possibly FXS (Fragile X
Syndrome). In any case, a genetic test will be necessary for myself, my ex, and our boy, as well as for my ex's hubby and their offspring, in order to
root out what is going on. The incidence of variance in my ex's children, leads her to suspect that she may have some sort of genetic fault herself,
an unhelpful mutation in some regard or another.
If this does turn out to be the case, then this will allow certain treatments and intervention methods to be opened up to her family, as the children
grow, not to mention making it easier to codify for medical and local government purposes, the precise nature of their various divergence from norms,
in terms of their health status, as well as greasing the wheels allowing them to access benefits or state assistance in certain regards. An
interesting time.
And as for everything else in my life? What can I say... the crap sandwich might be broken, but its all I have and I have no idea how to fix it.
Business is crap, love life is crap, still got no progress to show for the last decade of spit and determination, but I am still here, so there is at
least some potential.