posted on May, 6 2017 @ 10:02 PM
'ello all you lovely creatures. How about a grand picnic in the meadows?
With the wonderful spring weather, we are out and about, frolicking in the woods. Sitting on the shore line while the dogs enjoying the water.
I am consuming a substantial amount of time, collecting migrating
At night, in the morning, at work, after work,
all the time. On me, on the animals.
I refuse to succumb to their tyranny. I
will continue to go out doors. It is my sole pleasure.
These "buggers" are relentless. They will survive along side cockroaches in a nuclear disaster.
But every thing is so gorgeous. I saw my first gosling today. Yeah.
And at work, The Wolf Tracker came in and he said he knew of a live den in the area, but we refrained from talking about it because it is such
sensitive information. People here hate predators. They put out anti-freeze,(a very slow death) they poison them in bate, they shoot them from the
road. And the animals that feed off them are poisoned.
But I was absolutely exhilarated to know we have a live den.
I don't know who he is, it would be inappropriate to pursue it.