posted on May, 23 2017 @ 03:51 PM
Hello Chooch! Our weather has been crazy around here too. Yesterday I had the windows closed and needed my warm blanket. Today
the windows are open and it's a lovely day. Yes sleep is illusive for some of us, though once I am able to sleep, I don't want to get up. lol
Jacy, the down time may do you good. It will be great to see you in here more often! I will be away from around 2:30 Friday
afternoon and coming home sometime on Sunday. I'll be staying with a friend who lives up near the ocean. Don't know if I will have any computer time.
I'd have to use her Ipod thingy if there is time. You've got to get a cigarette making machine and you'll save a fortune, even more than at the
reservation. I have to make some today. Nice version of Behind Blue Eyes!
Chirp,I miss you so much! It was so nice to see you pop in! Looks like it's getting pretty crowded in those bushes. Hope you all
know there is poison ivy back there and fleas and ticks and spiders. LOL
Shep, Sorry about your car! Glad you're feeling a bit better! Your sunroom sounds awesome!!!
True! I have to say that I am most pleased to see you popping in again! Be careful with any concerts you go to. It's scary these
Hello Blue!I see you and Jacy are about to take over the universe. That might take some time. Be careful out there, there are
some strange things lurking about.
Hiya Lucid oh poetic one!
Hi chiefsmom! Hope you got things all figured out with the company buy out. How are the chickens?
Hello Shlaw!
edit on 23-5-2017 by Night Star because: (no reason given)