I want to make a complete post, so I'll describe my cousin a bit. She's 50-something, smart, but dumb.
A "churchie", who believes that praying for lost items brings them back. There is a patron saint of lost things, St. Anthony. I hate the fact that I
know that. In relation to the Hillary sign, it's an ironic trait, the inability to let go.
She teaches catholic school, 3rd or 4th grade. So, everything is A-B-C / 1-2-3 to her. However, she's an A++ college graduate. The main thing to know
about her, along with her sisters, is a deep fear of the unknown.
So, I was the only one in our matriarchal family to attend the local Trump rally, which was excellent....like a rock concert. As things happen, she's
taking care of my mom while I do some renovations to her new house, so I'm there frequently now. I pulled up 2 days ago and my wife barked out "it's
gone, the Hillary sign is GONE!". My wife was hardcore Dem during the election cycle, and like my cousins, she chose to exclude Trump or any deep
discussion of issues. I find this typical of Dems, no offense. Now my wife is a lot more educated, she can tell you all about Awans, ISI, Mangoes,
Cozy Bear, Wikileaks, Seth Rich.... and understands that Russia didn't "hack the elections", nor influence them in comparison to the FBI's fake
charging games, and legitimate FBI releases of emails thru them as well as Judicial Watch.
However, my cousin doesn't know or understand ANYTHING that happened. She would shut off any discussions that could lead back to Hillarygate or
challenge her paradigm or even show any gaps in her knowledge. So, is this why she finally took down the sign, god forbid I point it out....showing a
weakness? Even more weird, wtf did she hang onto it for so long? Democrats seem to be notorious for old bumperstickers....maybe it's me. Is that just
part of not letting go or cognitive dissonance....a form of denial.
I just find it very odd. We'll see if the bumpersticker of hers was removed to coincide with the window sign coming down. Her 30-something son has one
on his Volvo, last I saw...
edit on 17-4-2017 by FlyingFox because: freedom