a reply to:
kwakakev I hope this helps you and all involved. Trump "Draining The Swamp" is a clue =
The NESARA Story. Trump is to get this out ASAP to the masses and have it in force.
A brief update here.
1907-1917 – In order to warn Americans, the 1892 Bankers’ Manifesto was revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota before
the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917.
1910 – John E. DiNardo, professor of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, writes in his article “The Federal Reserve Act”:
“On the night of November 22, 1910, a small group of surrogates of the most powerful bankers of the World met … under the veil of utmost
Over the next few weeks these men would perpetrate, under the orders of their masters, … perhaps the most colossal and devastating fraud ever
inflicted upon the American People.
This ultra-secret fraud is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913…. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 concocted legislation, to be foisted upon the
People’s Congress of the United States, that empowered and commissioned this secret cabal of World-dominant bankers to PRINT UNITED STATES CURRENCY,
a usurpation of our Constitution’s explicit edict empowering ONLY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to print and coin currency. This world banking empire
used their stolen power to print, out of thin air, paper currency which, in no way represents the gold and silver reserves that authentic currency is
supposed to represent.”
1913 – The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 Complete text of Act may seen at:
1933 – 1934 – Prior to 1933, Federal Reserve Notes were backed by gold. This changed with the new law: Congressional Record, March 9, 1933 on HR
1491 p. 83.“Under the new lawthemoney is issued to the banks in return for government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade
acceptances, and bankers acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will
represent a mortgage on all the homes, and other property of all the people of the nation.”