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Parents lose children for telling them Easter Bunny isn't real

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posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: rockintitz

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: rockintitz
I don't think this thread is about what to teach your children.

It's about whether or not anyone has the the right to tell you how to teach your children.

Well, you're half-right. A few posters are not registering that these are foster parents housing & caring temporarily for kids the Canadian version of CPS would like to reunite with their family. In effect, they are not their children and do not have the right to deny them what their family wishes taught. The agency obviously agreed with that.

Hmmm.. that is difficult, but the government obviously thought the foster parents were competent when they gave them custody.

Turning around and saying that they cannot teach the children what they want is an admission that the the state is the ultimate authority, when they want to be.

Which I can kind of understand, given that the children are under the supervision of the state, but mandating that someone needs to lie to children seems pretty orwellian.

Initially they were approved, but things can change and did. It doesn't make them bad foster parents, but since these children were going to go back to their biological parents part of the package IS respecting their wishes. EVERY parent makes mistakes, new foster parents will, and had the social worker not LET the parents focus solely on the religious aspects of this and kept things based on what the biological parents asked for this whole thing would be a Non-Starter.

The CAS worker also took things a step too far in bringing up same sex issues making this into something it didn't need to be.

Instead of working with the Foster Parents and maybe aligning them more with a family needing their services whose beliefs were closer in line with their own they've backed a childless couple into a corner because if they lose their right to Foster it affects their right to adopt down the road. Plus the CAS gave their lawyer PLENTY of ammunition.

I think there is much more to the story as well and am waiting for CAS's fuller version altho I know there is a 50/50 chance they totally mismanaged this.

One thing not discussed is payments are made for fostering children and while it's virtually taboo to discuss the mercenary part of the equation I'd like to know more about this couples finances.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: anotheramethyst

So hypothetically, if I was a satanist and raised my kids to be satanists as well, and the government saw cause to remove my children from me and put them into a foster care program, and then give my children to foster parents that the government obviously sees as more capable of raising the children, those foster parents should have to raise my children as satanists and pretend to believe everything I taught the children as if it were true and accurately celebrate all the holidays involved?

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: trollz

that's f'cked up man...

I wonder what would happen if they told the kid that the Prime Minister Didn't exist?

haha I'd pay to see that!
edit on 16-4-2017 by Neith because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

OK, another wall-o-text I'm not going to bother to read beyond a cursory skimming. Methinks the lady doth protest way, way too much & much too emphatically. Work on whatever TF has you so bitter and rigid before you end up with no kids down the road acknowledging you. it's all fun & games until they grow up & realize they resent you. Honest advice, close the yap and work on reigning in your obvious (very obvious) inner anger over trivial fun stuff.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 03:15 AM
My kids just didnt believe in any of that stuff early on. My 11 yr old ... late life surprise baby with a brain youd not believe.. told me that she never believed in Santa or the Bunny, but liked the presents. I got ONE pic of her with Santa and that was before she was able to fight me over it. She looked up the origins of Easter.. and is making one of her creepypasta comics allll about it. LOL! My 18 yr old informed a girl with an upside down cross that she wasnt cool and satanic.. it was just a St Peters ( petrine) cross, she wasnt impressed.. and we arent xtians. LOL!

Some kid of this newer generation are going to run this world just fine...
With the entire world of knowledge at their fingertips literally.. some kids are loading up on solid knowledge all on their own.

The foster parents shouldnt have told them ANYTHING about it one way or the other.. since they were only being fostered and were likely going back to the parents. The punishment is a ridiculously harsh and benefits no one though.. Stupid move on the authorities part.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: trollz

Two Canadian foster parents had their foster children removed from their home because they refused to say the Easter Bunny is real.

Hamilton Children’s Aid Society... ...told them to “tell the foster girls that the Easter Bunny was real or their foster home would be closed.”

Derek is studying to become an ordained minister in the Reform Presbyterian Church of North America, while Frances is a nanny with an Early Childhood Education diploma.

This is why I don't want children. The world is full of absolute idiots who are given control over other people's lives.
A foster family took in two little girls, but then had them taken away and were told they were no longer allowed to foster children... Why? Because they didn't convince the girls that the Easter Bunny was real.

Idiots they may be but what is also going on here is a demosntration of the power of the state to control the parents and their kids. They are giving the people concerned a message about who is the boss.

The message here is that all kids are the property of the state and the state is their real guardian unitl they become adults then they control them like they do the parents in the story. Apparently it all started with the birth certificate.

Big brother is emerging from the mist and is flexing their muscles.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: Bedlam

Up a certain type of creek without a paddle

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

I think they are guilty of manipulation children's minds to align with their own thinking and beliefs.

Isn't every parent guilty of that? What makes your particular approach to raising children any more valid than one which isn't based on telling the children lies? And why go so far as to make it illegal, isn't that manipulating everybody to raise their child a certain way? It's nothing but nanny state BS, if parents want to impart a respect for truth and fact based evidence into their children that is their choice, not everyone needs to be raised in the exact same way, the world would be so damn boring if we were.

However if these children were in fact in temporary foster care then I would agree they shouldn't be told things like that.
edit on 16/4/2017 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

originally posted by: Quantumgamer1776
a reply to: trollz

That's pretty sad, those foster parents sound like smart people who also respect the intellect of the children in their care.

Funny thing is that christians don't even realize their Easter celebrations have nothing to do with Christianity and that it actually qualifies as false idol worship which is a SIN. Worshipping Ester, the rabbit headed fertility god and hiding eggs in a field, another fertility ritual ment to bring good harvests.

Nobody gives a snip about any of that. It's something fun to do with the kids that caters to their vibrant imaginations. We aren't raising Spartans here for crying out loud.

So better lie to our children and then expect them to be honest?
edit on 16-4-2017 by Shuye because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
Fake News

Maybe ... but ...

Trump should still run the US Army up there and give them Canooks a dose of Freedom.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: Quantumgamer1776
a reply to: yuppa

Praying is not the only form of worship that falls under idolatry. It also covers any form of "offering" made to the false god, in this case the offering is the hiding of eggs in the fields to produce a good harvest.

did they put the eggs in front of a bunny? No then not worshipping. And where were you at? we didnt hide no eggs in a field and certainly didnt have a bunny in mind when hiding them. And we werent doing it for a good harvest. No this is another I like to bash anyone who is christian opinion.

You need to learn the SPIRIT behind something and not just the action itself. No one I know is worshipping or giving offerring to anything like you suggest. You are just showing your Bias.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
What did these foster parents have to lose by not telling these children the Easter bunny was fake?

I'm on the fence here because sure, nobody is required to believe in the Easter bunny and deep down I'm sure most kids know it's not real. But why take that away from a child? What harm is it too believe in this?

I think that these parents are not guilty of exposing the truth about Easter and bunnies, I think they are guilty of manipulation children's minds to align with their own thinking and beliefs.

It's Grey but I take it personally. I believe in conspiracies. I believe that governments are a fraud. I would NEVER tell my children my beliefs on those those issues or any issue that is up to them to decide how they want to see the world.

Then you don't know what parenting is.

I have three sons and they are all informed that the Easter Bunny isn't real.

That way, they know their father and mother aren't liars.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: trollz

Two Canadian foster parents had their foster children removed from their home because they refused to say the Easter Bunny is real.

Hamilton Children’s Aid Society... ...told them to “tell the foster girls that the Easter Bunny was real or their foster home would be closed.”

Derek is studying to become an ordained minister in the Reform Presbyterian Church of North America, while Frances is a nanny with an Early Childhood Education diploma.

This is why I don't want children. The world is full of absolute idiots who are given control over other people's lives.
A foster family took in two little girls, but then had them taken away and were told they were no longer allowed to foster children... Why? Because they didn't convince the girls that the Easter Bunny was real.

Knowing that Canada love Musims but hates Christians makes this story fake news. Nice try Christian hater

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: trollz

here for the kids, skip on to the 2:15 mark, and then at the 48:40 lets all sing along.

edit on 16-4-2017 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

you are very weird. why do you have three sons?

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: xbeta
a reply to: TarzanBeta

you are very weird. why do you have three sons?

I am weird? Honesty is weird? Having children is weird? Raising children with intelligence and confidence is weird? Which planet are you from?

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: yuppa

Now your just goal post moving, another logical fallacy.

Offerings do not need to be placed in front of an effigy to constitute an offering to that idol. And it doesn't matter what you think your doing it for, your repeating the same action. If I sacrifice a goat, but say it's for Jesus and not Satan, is Jesus ok with that?

Guess it's time for you to move that goal post again.....

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

yeahh, we have one son here. opppss..wrong woooord.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 11:28 AM
kind of find myself wondering if the foster parents weren't trying to replace one fairy tale with another story that many would also classify as a fairy tale.. and like so many here have already stated... most accept without any psychological damage the the easter bunny or santa claus aren't real long before they reach adulthood..
I don't think the same can be said as far as the alternative fairy tale they were probably tryng to get the kids to accept..
there's plenty of adults who accept that, life their life in fear of the angry god who might strike them dead with lightening, women accepting a much lower position in their family structure, the religious congregations, and societies..

long before christianity came along there were bunnies hiding painted eggs as a springtime celebration..
the kids of long ago might have laid aside their belief in that magical bunnies, but the main point of the celebration, that it was time to start preparing the soil and planting the seeds remained strong in their minds. that main point isn't even remotely present in the christian mythos...

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Shuye

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

originally posted by: Quantumgamer1776
a reply to: trollz

That's pretty sad, those foster parents sound like smart people who also respect the intellect of the children in their care.

Funny thing is that christians don't even realize their Easter celebrations have nothing to do with Christianity and that it actually qualifies as false idol worship which is a SIN. Worshipping Ester, the rabbit headed fertility god and hiding eggs in a field, another fertility ritual ment to bring good harvests.

Nobody gives a snip about any of that. It's something fun to do with the kids that caters to their vibrant imaginations. We aren't raising Spartans here for crying out loud.

So better lie to our children and then expect them to be honest?

When your child introduces you to his or imaginary friend George do you say "STOP LYING!!!" ???

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