Please note why he got detained.
The question German politics face in this case is "Is he one of our own?". He did his job and gets accused of the usual with which all political
opposition gets shot down in Turkey.
(I bet most regular ATSers know who Erdogans son in law is making business with)
That just can't be allowed to happen. What if he gets a death sentence? "Oh well he was only half german..."? He has to be released immediately and
safely brought home.
That's what's wrong in this world, we let the bullies win, because nobody stands up to them.
At all costs.
We already have one foot in Turkey, Erdogan is creeping into Syria, the border is not what it was before anymore, so I guess it's a legitimate action
for Germany to march in and just occupy the damn thing?
Deniz Yücel Journalist Or Terrorist?
Denis Yücel is a controversal person! I do not really know why such a trouble is made(in germany) about him, it seems it is more about being anti
Erdolf than pro Yücel. He hates germans, he hates germany but has two passports, one of them is german. Little taste of his opinion(translator
It´s about the german problem with decline in the birth rate. People have no time and money anymore here, to create families and have children. Those
that have money have no time, those that need money have no money and time for children. "They", the big money and business, destroyed families so
everybody can(meanwhile better: has to) work 24/7. He says that it doesn´t really matter if germans disappear and stuff. Imho, who cares about that
guy that nobody knew before he got arrested in Turkey? It´s not me! But why are the german politicians and officials acting as if they had to save
the most important and known german journalist? Because he is used as a tool in that Erdolf story. And that just because he has a german passport too,
besides his turkish one.So the german officials try to save a germany/germany hater, just to keep the conflict alive.
German Ex-Minister, former secret service inspector, participant of the Bilderberg conference in April 1978 in Princeton/USA, etc:
Everybody in germany knows that the Springer media corporation is an US(now DS, Divided States) american propaganda tool. A tool to make the former
USA look like the "saviour", the "worldpolice" the earth needs to survive. A tool to make german citizens think what the former USA wants them to
think. A tool to program the german peoples minds. That´s what MSM is for!
Aggressive former US foreign policy, warmongering and wars were/is presented like "democracy spreading" and bringing peace, love and unity to
regimechanged and destroyed nations. Springer always was happy to play the US war drums, to stirr up US wars, to defend and support them. Everything
the former USA did and does is good, in the eyes of the Springer media corporation. And if the USA wants us to hate somebody, Springer tells us who it
is and how we have to hate him. If you read that Springer crap like BILD or Welt or if
you watch their "Video-BILD" N24. On N24 you can see the whole time documentaries about "USA´s superweapons", "USA´s supercarriers", USAs
And Springer-Welt is the "newspaper", better former US propaganda organ, Denis Yücel works for!
When i heard about that guy, not before he got arrested in turkey(nobody knew him before, that very tiny "journalism" light), let´s say when i heard
that a "german" journalist was arrested in turkey, i checked who he is working for. It was Springer and i thought things like...own fault, it´s an
"(former)US/CIA henchman"... and didn´t care anymore about that "journalist" that nobody knew.
But then the german MSM(most of it controlled by Springer) started a pro Yücel propaganda campagne and presented him almost as a victim like Assange
or Snowden. But the only thing he does was writing hate texts against germany and germans, while people like Assange and Snowden(and all the other
leakers and whistleblowers worldwide) opened the eyes of many people worldwide and fought and fight for democracy!
It makes you think if the whole german MSM try to program the peoples minds, all at once!
I don´t say that he really is an "former)US agent, but it is easy to be seen as one, working for Springer. To work for such an employer is never a
good choice!
And nobody really can say what his work looks like in reality, he possibly really could be a spy or similiar, dressed up as a journalist.
Because... why this huge pro Yücel propaganda campagne for a former unknown "journalist"? Why are all (former)US controlled and guided "german"
politicians trying to free somebody who hates germany and germans? Is it really just because of the conflict between germany and turkey, because he is
fuel into the fire, a tool to keep the conflict alive or to heat it up ?
Or is there maybe more about Springer-Yücel we all don´t know about?
Funny thing is, yesterday i heard that Erdolf said that he wouldn´t hand out germans(it was about Yücel) to germany, because germany wouldn´t hand
out turkish(alleged terrorists...) people to turkey. But before he said, as a reason to arrest and threat him as a turkish citizen, that he has a
turkish passport and is turkish. Now he suddenly is german...
To come to an end. Yücel is not a terrorist, but he is uninteresting. Not worth to make such a circus about him. If you work for such an employer, in
a land like turkey und Erdolf, for a "german" newspaper, in the times we have now, then i would call it occupational hazard. He was not forced to
travel or to stay there when the world could see almost live that one journalist(that wasn´t pro Erdolf) after another ended up in Erdolfs jails. But
i bet he was very well payed for that job. People do their jobs to earn money. If making money is more worth than the own security, it clearly is
occupational hazard.
He is not a terrorist, but at the same time he is almost completely irrelevant!
He is a person with strong opinions just because you don't like the truth he is telling doesn't mean he should rot and die in Erdogans hands, does
And please spare me the "media is so evil" crap. Most read newspaper in germany ....
He is a person with strong opinions just because you don't like the truth he is telling doesn't mean he should rot and die in Erdogans hands, does
And please spare me the "media is so evil" crap. Most read newspaper in germany ....
Because i don´t like the truth(who´s truth?). Didn´t i say that i don´t care about what he writes?
Maybe I even like what he says about germany and germans. I am not proud to be german, tbh.
But, if Yücel is the only one telling the truth as a journalist, would be known as a credible journalist, where are his awards, why did nobody in
germany know him before he got arrested in turkey?
And i didn´t say that he should rot in Erdolfs hell, but that there is made a huge circus about an almost completely unknown, unimportant
Springer-journalist, since he can be used by german politicians as a tool against Erdolf, to keep the conflict alive or even heat it up.
Also didn´t i say that the media is so evil, but what it is for. A tool to control the peoples opinions, is that not right? And i told you about the
backgrounds that make many people in germany think like me, about the Springer media corporation.
Most read newspapers, Springers?
Then look at the
numbers, another one
or two years and those newspapers are history!
He is a person with strong opinions just because you don't like the truth he is telling doesn't mean he should rot and die in Erdogans hands, does
And please spare me the "media is so evil" crap. Most read newspaper in germany ....
and your truth that you claim is the ultimate truth where did it come from?