posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 02:42 PM
He was as fair as any skeptic could be.
Reading the article it was a bit of a non-story without your imput.
Everybody reads "mystery stories".I expect that you could push a few stories his way.Beneficial to him(He gets a story on a slow news day)Beneficial
to you(You get to be the mystery guru and your website gets free advertising)
If you has his number you should ring him and let him know you have more mystery stories for when it's slow.Don't push it(or he will think your a
nutter)but offer him an opportunity for some easy stories.
At the end of Cassablanca Bogart says to Claude Raines.
"This could be the start of a beautiful friendship"
Could turn out very good for you.You could be a "Talking head" if you play it right.