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The World Is Sinking Lower....

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posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 10:42 AM
I am not sure if someone already posted this, but it just grossed me out how sickening people are. If you don't think this lady proves it, then you may want to check out Proud American's post for the tounge splitting kids. (Gross)

This guy is walking by the road, right? Just a normal guy. Except he's homeless. But he's not like, beard, rags, beer, bum homeless. He loaned money to his girlfriend (or his ex wife to help her with his kids, someone like that--conflicting info). She couldn't pay him back, so he lost his apartment, so he lost his car, so he couldn't continue his job cuz he needed his truck. Even as he is in this homeless shelter, he is working. Good guy, right? Well, he's walking by the road, and this lady is driving. Now, she's been drinking and smoking and taking ecstacy and a whole rainbow of sh*t throughout the night. And now she's driving home. It's night. She loses control of her car and hits him. He doesn't fly off, or anything like that. He gets stuck in the windshield. HE IS STILL ALIVE!!!!!! The lady gets out, she's a little freaked. She tries to pulle him out of the windshield. He's screaming in pain. She can't get him out. She doesn't call anyone. SHE DRIVES HOME WITH THE GUY IN HER WINDSHIELD
He drives her home, into her garage, and parks her car. Then she leaves him, and goes upstairs. Later, she asks some friends of hers to dispose of his body. (Wow, it must be good to know you have friends that are ready to dispose a body for ya.) This happened in 2001, she's being tried now. (of course. Doesn't it say that we are supposed to have the right to a speedy trial in our constitution????) She then makes a quote to the publice, during her trial. I don't know exactly what it was, but she said something like, "Dude, I smelled death in the air. It was like when my mom was murdered before. I could smell it, man."

More of these sickening stories are popping up everywhere. I just don't get it. Why isn't COMMON sense more common? grr
I just wanted to know what you people thought about this. I'll try to get the link for the story.

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 10:46 AM
Lorena, this current ongoing thread touches upon this idea a few times.


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