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Chechnya Opens Concentration Camp For Homosexuals

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posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:06 PM
Wow. Not completely surprising as they started enforcing Islamic dress code a few years ago. I guess it was just a matter of time before it went public in one of these Sunni regime states.

Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.

It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

A report by Novoya Gazeta said authorities had set up several camps where homosexuals are killed or forced to promise to leave the republic.
One of the camps is reportedly at the former military headquarters in the town of Argun.

'Gay people have been detained and rounded up and we are working to evacuate people from the camps and some have now left the region.

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posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Why ?! I just can't uderatand this.
What the f* will this accomplish ????
This mentality..

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:37 PM
How progressive and peaceful of these muslims.

If it's in the infallibke quran it cannot be questioned.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:39 PM
Poor bloody people can't even hope for help from Russia since they are as mental almost about homosexuality as these idiots.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:44 PM
Some more Mohammad worshippers following their God book as instructed.

Chechnya is a staunch ally of Putin.
edit on 10-4-2017 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: saudi
a reply to: infolurker

Why ?! I just can't uderatand this.
What the f* will this accomplish ????
This mentality..

The Pedos are killing the Homos. One practice is accepted by their religion the other is not.
edit on 10-4-2017 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Yeah, their "leader" says it is all a lie because gay people do not exist in Chechnya.

Kadyrov, who introduced Islamic rule in the Muslim-majority region, has been accused of earlier human rights violations.
He described the allegations as 'absolute lies and disinformation'.
Kadyrov's spokesman Alvi Karimov told the Interfax News Agency: 'You cannot arrest or repress people who just don't exist in the republic.

'If such people existed in Chechnya, law enforcement would not have to worry about them, as their own relatives would have sent them to where they could never return.'

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:55 PM
The religion of peace strikes again. Ah f#ck it i don't care i guess people need to learn it the hard way i guess. We are in the year 2017 and they still reverted to the dark age. I wouldn't mind if some gay people give these morons a taste of there own medicine. Nothing surprises me anymore.
edit on 10-4-2017 by Perfectenemy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Yeah, their "leader" says it is all a lie because gay people do not exist in Chechnya.

Kadyrov, who introduced Islamic rule in the Muslim-majority region, has been accused of earlier human rights violations.
He described the allegations as 'absolute lies and disinformation'.
Kadyrov's spokesman Alvi Karimov told the Interfax News Agency: 'You cannot arrest or repress people who just don't exist in the republic.

'If such people existed in Chechnya, law enforcement would not have to worry about them, as their own relatives would have sent them to where they could never return.'

This guy is trying to put Himmler to shame by being a ruthless dictator's strongman and go to guy for final solutions.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: Deny Arrogance
How progressive and peaceful of these muslims.

If it's in the infallibke quran it cannot be questioned.

Russia isn't too keen on gays either but Russia hasn't embraced Islam so maybe it's not Islam that caused this gov't to round up gays, but the gov't itself?

Russian President Vladimir Putin established direct rule of Chechnya in May 2000. The following month, Putin appointed Akhmad Kadyrov interim head of the government.

Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov (Russian: Рамза́н Ахма́тович Кады́ров; IPA: [rɐˈmzan ɐxˈmadəvʲɪtɕ kɐˈdɨrəf], Chechen: Къадар Ахьмат-кIант Рамзан, Q̇adar Aẋmat-khant Ramzan; born 5 October 1976) is the Head of the Chechen Republic and a former member of the Chechen independence movement.

He is the son of former Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov, who was assassinated in May 2004. In February 2007, Kadyrov replaced Alu Alkhanov as President, shortly after he had turned 30, which is the minimum age for the post.

He was engaged in violent power struggles with Chechen government warlords Sulim Yamadayev and Said-Magomed Kakiev for overall military authority, and with Alu Alkhanov for political authority. Ramzan Kadyrov is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.[8] He founded the Akhmat Fight Club and established annual freestyle wrestling international tournament Ramzan Kadyrov & Adlan Varayev Cup. Since November 2015 he is a member of the Advisory Commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation[9][10]

But sure, lets continue to show our bigotry and blame Muslims.

edit on 10-4-2017 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Face it: religious nutbags are taking over the world. Can't blame it on the Muslim faith because many Muslims are cool people. Problem is the nutbag zealots are outbreeding everybody else and they've been growing their numbers for decades. All part of the plan for world domination. Trust me- if it were Christian nutbag zealots (EX: the Westboro bunch) it wouldn't be any better!

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: Swills

Infolurker posted that they introduced islamic rule but of course it has nothing to do with Islam. Look it was against the Islam let's jump to conclusions and prove them wrong before they start to think for themselves.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:25 PM
As one of Muslim heritage, I want to denounce this as bottomless ignorance.

It is beneath the dignity of humanity to the umpteenth degree.

These ignoramuses defile Islam. The Islam of Rumi burns in its grave...

They are not people of peace but miscreants of violence and ignorance

May God soon give them what they earn

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: infolurker

Face it: religious nutbags are taking over the world. Can't blame it on the Muslim faith because many Muslims are cool people. Problem is the nutbag zealots are outbreeding everybody else and they've been growing their numbers for decades. All part of the plan for world domination. Trust me- if it were Christian nutbag zealots (EX: the Westboro bunch) it wouldn't be any better!

Let's face it the West Boro morons are harmless and do nothing of the bs that you could attribute to being a radical muslim.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:30 PM
Wow they are moderating... at least they are not having group tossing contest off of very high building with on lookers carrying rocks to pound the poor souls that might survive the fall..

Authoritarian control folks..Mankind's inhumanity to anything living and breathing that does not go along with the program..

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: infolurker

You're not supposed to criticize them if that's part of their culture.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Let's face it the West Boro morons are harmless and do nothing of the bs that you could attribute to being a radical muslim.

Face it- if they had the numbers they would be just as bad if not worse. The only reason they don't have the numbers is because in the states public schools are secular and religion isn't part of the curriculum. In much of the Middle East the only schools available are religious schools funded by the nutbag zealots and so their way of thinking in deeply ingrained into the children from a very young age. Imagine how different the states would be if groups like Westboro ran our educational system and indoctrinated our children in their ways of thinking- and they armed them as well.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk

They are already indoctrinated with all the liberal bs. It was pretty telling when teachers got caught pushing the liberal agenda. I drank the kool aid for a long time too but the red pill and probably my insanity saved me from becoming a mindless drone how ironic is that.

Yes but the point is they don't have the numbers and never will. To be honest i don't want to force people to denounce their religion but it's the only way to move on as the human race. This bs holds us back and i don't like it one bit. Imagine what we could accomplish without the artifical division. It's just sad.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: Deny Arrogance
How progressive and peaceful of these muslims.

If it's in the infallibke quran it cannot be questioned.

Not in the Quran . In some of the various modern Hadiths
But yes. I agree with my exception above.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Some more Mohammad worshippers following their God book as instructed.

Chechnya is a staunch ally of Putin.

Yep. And you can be sure millions of the good guys, you know, white american Christians, are secretly thinking: good! Those fags deserve everything they get

In case you hadn't noticed, a lot of Christians think gays are below animals and equate them to paedophiles etc...also due to the instructions given to them from their holy book.

My point is to make this a Muslim thing is wrong. Look at Russia's attitude towards gays. And its a staunchly Christian country.

So sick of the Muslim bashing on this forum. Keep doing tour part in spreading hate.

As for the story...its stunning, sick, sad, depressing. Russia and Chechnya are taking large steps backwards.

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