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Everyone has lost their minds

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posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 07:36 AM
I see the same games being played over and over, if Obama had done this the opposition would be up in arms, it's like tribalism, we are still very primitive people really... We make decisions based on our sexual desires, feelings and such. It's actually quite hard to keep that rational head on your shoulders without emotion clouding our vission. How many people have done something or said something in anger that maybe you didn't really mean or wouldn't normally say?

I think it pretty much happens to us all to varying degrees. But we try to strut around like we are better than animals... We're humans! We're much better!

I don't think people have lost their minds, this is just the level we have reached so far. Nothing we can do about it either, just time can solve our issues. Maybe in a thousand years we'll be past all this?

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Meee32
I see the same games being played over and over, if Obama had done this the opposition would be up in arms, it's like tribalism, we are still very primitive people really... We make decisions based on our sexual desires, feelings and such. It's actually quite hard to keep that rational head on your shoulders without emotion clouding our vission. How many people have done something or said something in anger that maybe you didn't really mean or wouldn't normally say?

I think it pretty much happens to us all to varying degrees. But we try to strut around like we are better than animals... We're humans! We're much better!

I don't think people have lost their minds, this is just the level we have reached so far. Nothing we can do about it either, just time can solve our issues. Maybe in a thousand years we'll be past all this?

Well you obviously didn't read the thread.. There are several examples of your speculation on what hell Obama would be getting and you are WRONG. Geeze, you are so quick to condemn the people against Obama when not ONE of us in opposition to his commie leftist crowd SPOKE against his rocket launches on rebels. It seems that not even one time, that I can recall anyway, that he had the military attack ISIS did people here complain who voted Trump. The reason, you might ask for clarity, was because we had the common sense to agree with going after the Jihadi's doing evil things to people......There was a complaint or two when Obama had our troops hit a wedding party. But no matter who was Pres, whoever was ordering that was going to be getting hell for that. I complained that he supposedly killed Osama Ben Laden but buried him at sea . Then, shortly after that Seal team 6 was basically wiped out in what seems to me to be a freak 'accident'.

Reread the thread..
edit on 10-4-2017 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

People haven't lost their minds. They simply disagree with your assessment.

Trump supporters and detractors seem to be equally susceptible to writing posts with strong opinions. And, besides, posting on a message board isn't a sign that someone is less intelligent than you. It means they have an opinion and wish to share it. It isn't apropos of "freaking out."

You don't really believe people here are smarter than you, even though that's what you said. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel that you have some special wisdom to share with us about how we are behaving.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: icanteven
a reply to: DBCowboy

People haven't lost their minds. They simply disagree with your assessment.

Like you.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: icanteven
a reply to: DBCowboy

People haven't lost their minds. They simply disagree with your assessment.

Trump supporters and detractors seem to be equally susceptible to writing posts with strong opinions. And, besides, posting on a message board isn't a sign that someone is less intelligent than you. It means they have an opinion and wish to share it. It isn't apropos of "freaking out."

You don't really believe people here are smarter than you, even though that's what you said. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel that you have some special wisdom to share with us about how we are behaving.

While i mostly agree with you, i think DC is firing for affect because the ones id'd as "snowflakes" do seem to be melting unnecessarily. Opinions are like noses , everyone has one and most of them are not the same...... The world is not going to end because some criminal elements get their day in hell.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

...I complained that he supposedly killed Osama Ben Laden but buried him at sea . Then, shortly after that Seal team 6 was basically wiped out in what seems to me to be a freak 'accident'.

Wait what? I don't wanna assume anything here, what exactly are you implying happened to them?
edit on 10 4 17 by face23785 because: #ed up the quote

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

(A) Trump establishes back-channel covert communications with Putin via Erik Price's meeting in UAE.
To discuss exactly what? We don't know.
We do know, that despite the searing heat of an investigation, it was worth the risk to establish off-the-books communications.

(B) April 4th, Assad drops Sarin Gas on the town of Khan Sheikhoun is Syria. The attack was launched from the Syrian/Russian joint run airbase Shayrat.

(C) April 6th Pentagon notifies Russians (and admittedly Syrian forces) that they intend on bombing Shayrat airbase and thus Syrian and Russian forces evacuate troops, planes, equipment and supplies.

Later that day the US Launches 59 missiles at the airbase.

STRANGELY...The runway was left largely intact.

Russia expresses it's outrage and declares that they will no longer coordinate with the US on strikes or airspace, effectively making it impossible for the US to continue to operate in Syria without risking mid-air collisions or accidentally bombing Russian or Syrian troops.

Within 24 hours of the "Strike" the bombed airbase is up and running and launching attacks again.

The town of Khan Sheikhoun, still recovering from Sarin gas attacks is bombed AGAIN.


So what was actually achieved beyond Putin having a pretense to no longer work with the international community and the US not being able to operate in Syria?

Hell...Bad weather would put that airfield out of business longer than our "strike" did.

Why didn't we destroy runways?

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: DBCowboy

(A) Trump establishes back-channel covert communications with Putin via Erik Price's meeting in UAE.
To discuss exactly what? We don't know.
We do know, that despite the searing heat of an investigation, it was worth the risk to establish off-the-books communications.

(B) April 4th, Assad drops Sarin Gas on the town of Khan Sheikhoun is Syria. The attack was launched from the Syrian/Russian joint run airbase Shayrat.

(C) April 6th Pentagon notifies Russians (and admittedly Syrian forces) that they intend on bombing Shayrat airbase and thus Syrian and Russian forces evacuate troops, planes, equipment and supplies.

Later that day the US Launches 59 missiles at the airbase.

STRANGELY...The runway was left largely intact.

Russia expresses it's outrage and declares that they will no longer coordinate with the US on strikes or airspace, effectively making it impossible for the US to continue to operate in Syria without risking mid-air collisions or accidentally bombing Russian or Syrian troops.

Within 24 hours of the "Strike" the bombed airbase is up and running and launching attacks again.

The town of Khan Sheikhoun, still recovering from Sarin gas attacks is bombed AGAIN.


So what was actually achieved beyond Putin having a pretense to no longer work with the international community and the US not being able to operate in Syria?

Hell...Bad weather would put that airfield out of business longer than our "strike" did.

Why didn't we destroy runways?

They explained that. Runways are quick, easy and cheap to repair. In fact it was so quick, easy and cheap that when I was stationed at Elmendorf they stripped and repaved sections of the runway preemptively every year. Aircraft, HASs, MSAs (not to mention all the munitions inside), etc are much more expensive and time-consuming to replace.

Not to mention no one from the administration is claiming to have put that airfield out of commission. It was simply a tap on the shoulder, a 'hey keep using chem weapons and more of this will happen'. We have lots more of those missiles, and if we wanted we could put his entire air force out of commission without even setting foot in the country.

You can argue all day whether this is a good strategy or not, my comments here are not addressing that. I'm simply explaining the rationale behind what we hit and why.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy>>>> I won't worry a bit about what Russia does or says they're going to do. They can saber rattle and huff and puff, but its all one big con job. They went along with the idea they hacked the election to come across as the bad guy. That was BS, too. Yeah, they denied it but they never publicly ridiculed our intelligence agencies for making that asinine assertion. They knew it was a hoax perpetrated by the deep state, but Putin benefitted. So they joined in the song and dance and the Russian people are supposed to be duped just like we are into rallying behind our countries in a phony new cold war. But the NWO is hell bent on having us take over Syria, and they are at least partially responsible for some of the terrorist attacks and bloodshed. Some they blamed on Assad, some he did, some ISIS did( who they bankrolled) and some they did. Then there was all this crap about the refugees they let invade Europe and here. # the NWO, the globalists and the deep state, they're not on anybody's side but their own and we're all in their crosshairs. The thing I liked about Trump was they didn't want him as POTUS but Hillary was not an option. Now if Trump is playing along with them and they back off and let him be POTUS without the backstabbing and plotting against him, that may not be good for the rest of us.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 12:44 PM
I missed that post by TheRedneck somehow, but I'm glad to know that others "get it". Awesome rant, DB.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: AnkhMorpork

Ha.. awesome

posted on Apr, 11 2017 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Justso

not if you dont read the damn stuff , i havent read a newspaper or news article in over 3 years im out of the loop and dont know what is happening in the world until I decide to look for myself

i mostly just look at science daily and apod

it's news to me that trump bombed syria , but who isnt dropping bombs on each other
it's not my war so Im just ignoring it completely

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

People are now "Cold Warring", "Day Aftering" and generally pissing themselves

I believe this has been the primary function of "acceptable news sources" for over ten years now.

Remember Obamas plan to disarm Americans?

We are much easier to manipulate while "pissing" ourselves.

The smartest thing anyone has said in the last few days is a Moderator here by the name of "TheRedneck"

He said. . .

To get that, you have to either be elected President, rise through the military to the top level, or be confirmed as a Cabinet Member. You have done none of those. You got angry on an Internet forum. Insufficient.

If you want to know why Assad would do this, it's simple. He thought he could. After all, it is painfully obvious that chemical weapons existed in Syria, even though Obama, Kerry, and Rice all stated otherwise, Assad agreed to remove them, and Putin promised to make sure they were removed. They lied. He got away with the last attacks, and even got to keep his nasty stuff. Russia wants that pipeline.... BAD... so he's got a superpower protecting him. And he was looking at a new President who the media has been calling weak since the guy rode down an escalator.

We don't know "nuthin'. We'll probably never know "everything". We can guess, speculate and piss ourselves with fear, if that is your thing.

I tend to just refuse to play along. And you are right, "We dont know nuthin"

Except what they tell us.

I don't like what happened. But guess what? I'm just an idiot on the internet. So what do I know.

What I do know is that I'm not going to freak out about it..

In two months everyone will be freaking out about something else. Just as fake and manipulative as this.imo.


posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 07:37 AM
Shouldn't that be 'Everyone HAVE lost their minds', as you're using plural?

Or 'Everyone has lost their mind'?

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