posted on Apr, 7 2017 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to:
I have to admit, the whole idea of 2 states stinks. It has never been so. Israel was declared the state in 1947, and it was the whole Israel.
Palestinians are part of it - if they want.
There is one Israel, where two - or more - folks, races, people with different religions - can CO-EXIST. Those who cannot sign-up for this - are not
capable of seeing existence beyond race and religion - or those who want to annihilate others for the sake - should not be part of Israel. And this is
how it has been since times of Moses.
United Nations have tried to de-legitimize Israel and the birth-right of its people from day 1, and to side with the aggressors. But, in my books this
does not matter. Let them rattle. The real border is Jordan river, and there is one state, one capital. As long as the people of Israel stand for
their rights - there is nothing which say otherwise.
PS. Now the Russian have left to do, is to legitimize and approve also the Eastern Jerusalem as capital of Israel. And declare there is only one
edit on 7-4-2017 by deckdel because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-4-2017 by deckdel because: (no reason given)