exactly, I`ll help people who are trying, but even the churches around here won`t help them anymore because everyone knows that they are professional
parasitic beggars who won`t try to do anything for themselves.
I`m really glad that social security won`t give her money because I know that there are a lot of people like her that are getting it and don`t deserve
it, it`s good to see that at least one potential scammer isn`t bleeding the social security fund.
I don`t talk them very much but my wife does, and I`ve already told my wife, if walrus lady comes down here complaining after the sister moves out I`m
gonna give it to her verbally with both barrels.
I have 2 speeds off or on.
I`ll either say nothing at all, or I`ll say everything and verbally really "hurt your feelings"
the only time they come here is when they want to complain or when they want something.
I`ve listen to them complain about wanting the sister gone for a year now so after she is gone they better not come here and complain that the sister
is gone and they have $500 less a month,because I won`t be the lest bit diplomatic. I`ll flat out tell her that she is a parasitic,retarded,low life,
professional beggar, of course she won`t understand any of that because she is retarded.
edit on 5-4-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)
It may well be that they think their lifestyle is normal and they don't know how else to live. That's how they got into the current mess.
Unrealistic ambitions and expectations seem to play some part in things and yet they're getting a level of help and support from others that's amazing
to me. The word 'manipulative' springs to mind. And manipulative people are a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them.
I know the cold cunning and lack of concern for others that a manipulative person can display: find the right sort of person, tell them what a hard
life you've had sparing no gory detail, say how difficult you're finding things without whatever it is that you want to screw out of the sympathetic
listener, sit back and wait for that person to fall over themselves to help you, regardless of how much it's to their own detriment.
Hey, these two are good. Even had me feeling sorry for them and I was getting the story second hand
Now, I had a request but I can't decide whether to be manipulative - I'm so bored, I need stuff like this - or resort to flattery - gosh, I enjoyed
that sooooo much.
Perhaps I'll just ask outright and hope for a 'yes'. If you have the time and the inclination please can we have more stories about your neighbours?
Any of them. Or updates on these two.
edit on 5-4-2017 by berenike because: sentence construction
Yeah, uh calling a mentally challenged /mentally ill/what have you person retarded(etc.,etc.) even if that's what she is, names isn't going to help.
Maybe your wife knows a better way to approach that, I'd hope so at least.
I have a ton of stories about my neighbors, here`s a few teasers,
there`s the guy who`s wife died when his son and daughter were like 10-11-12 years old, he let the house go to crap,he lost his crappy job and has sat
around for years watching TV preachers all day and having sex with his mentally disabled adult daughter who, as rumor has it, hasn`t been seen for at
least 6 months now because she is in an assisted living facility until she has the baby.
rumor also has it that this is the second baby that he has with his daughter.
my wife saw him walking his dog yesterday and she went out and asked him " where is mary ( ficticious name) we haven`t seen her in months, she usually
walks the dog with you in such nice weather?"
he said " oh, she`s at home"
so, my wife checks mary`s facebook page and notices that mary who who has posted everyday hasn`t posted since november of 2016.
I asked my wife, " why did you do that? why don`t you mind your own business?"
she said " because he`s a disgusting pervert, I knew suzy ( another fictisous name) his wife and she would be rolling in her grave if she knew what he
was doing" " I saw him peeing in the middle of the road when I was walking the dog"
before his wife died of a stroke she tried to commit suicide by driving her brand new PT cruiser into the harbor.
that's the tip of the iceburg with those wackos.
then there`s the crazy gossip lady whos granddaughter attacked the girl scout leader when she was 10 years old, that women is a whole book unto
then there`s the assistant pastor of one of the churches who`s wife threw a cinder block through his window in daylight and my wife had to go to court
and testify because she saw it happen (I saw it too but I denied everything to the cops,no sir officer, I didn`t see or hear anything)
I didn`t move to the end of the earth to be sociable or be a witness to anything.
I asked my wife " why did you say that you saw it?"
she said " because I did see it!"
always the upstanding citizen, my wife, god bless her.
then there`s the guy who I sold my daughters car to and a week later he used it commit a home invasion armed robbery, he got caught and has to go to
trial next month. his girlfriend gave the car back to the lady who lent him the money to buy the car, the same lady who he was living with when her
husband ( who was also living with them) died 6 months ago of an as yet undetermined cause.
it just goes on and on with the criminal, anti social parasitic people around here.
the ONLY reason I haven`t sold my house and moved is because houses don`t sell around here ( it`s too far from anywhere) and I keep hoping that
someday the island will become a popular vacation place and a better class of people will buy the houses and move in.
I agree, she wouldn`t understand it anyways, but even the saints reach a point of lack of patience.
I moved way out here to get away from this crap,so if someone complains for a year that they want the sister gone and then a week after the sister
leaves they start complaining that she left, I`m sorry but I don`t have the patience to deal with that level of insanity.
about a year after I bought this house an investment firm tried to buy the marina and all the land next to my house to build condos, I wasn`t happy
about that at all.
fortunately after making the 5 million deposit on the land and not being able to come up with the balance of the money before the contract expired,
the county stepped in and bought the marina and the land.,and for 12 years now I still have a great view .
the big local drug dealer and prostitute is a Washington D.C. native who moved here about 8 years ago.
she`s been busted at least a dozen times ( according to case search) for possessions and distributions as well as traffic violations, that`s probably
not a big deal to most people but it`s kind of a big deal here. well anyhow after 8 years of being arrested and having the county states attorney
drop the charges ( obviously she was doing favors for someone in the county states attorneys office) she got busted in the next county over and they
charged her with the usual charges, but a month later they dropped the charges and the grand jury indicted her on 5 felony charges and 6 lessor
she goes to trial next week on charges for distribution, possession and sale of a stolen firearm, possession and sale of a stolen firearm with the
serial number removed, etc, etc.
that women truly is insane, at the beginning of each month she comes and stays with the guy right up at the corner here, because he`s a Korean war vet
who gets pain meds from the VA and he has her sell them for him.
while she is staying there she walks her dog past my house and she talks to invisible people the whole time.
sometimes when she goes by and she sees me in the yard she acts like I`m her life long friend and other times she acts like I`m the devil. I never say
anything to her, I figure by the time she gets to the end of the lane she won`t remember ever seeing or talking to me, which is fine by me.
I Like bad neighbour threads; they make me giggle, so thanks for yours.
My neighbours upstairs are a gay couple. They go to war with anyone who lives below them, but I am as stubborn as Aliyah fixed up with his new place
by the Jordan; so they have met their match. One time he was very drunk and broke my front door down at 6am! It was actually quite amusing, after the
initial shock, having an angry camp person having a tantrum at you just for being there.
I did forgive them though and as the years have wore on we are much more tolerant of each other. I like them both. It is all give and take, getting
over misunderstandings and tolerating to the point of forgiveness sometimes.
Small towns are mighty hard work. I prefer anonymity and don't like gossip, Makes me feel uncomfortable as I know how lie mongering and vindictive
people can be, the stuff they spread about people, etc.
"Small Town
When you're growing up in a small town
when you're growing up in a small town
when you're growing up in a small town
you say, no one famous ever came from here
When you're growing up in a small town
and you're having a nervous breakdown
and you think that you'll never escape it
yourself or the place that you live
Where did Picasso come from
there's no Michelangelo coming from Pittsburgh
if art is the tip of the iceberg
I'm the part sinking below
When you're growing up in a small town
bad skin, bad eyes, gay and fatty
people look at you funny
when you're in a small town
My father worked in construction
it's not something for which I'm suited
oh, what is something for which you are suited
getting out of here
I hate being odd in a small town
if they stare let them stare in New York City
as this pink eyed painting albino
how far can my fantasy go
I'm no Dali coming from Pittsburgh
no adorable lisping Capote
my hero, oh, do you think I could meet him
I'd camp out at his front door
There is only one good thing about small town
there is only one good use for a small town
there is only one good thing about small town
you know that you want to get out
When you're growing up in a small town
you know you'll grow down in a small town
there is only one good use for a small town
You hate it and you'll know you have to leave"
yeah that`s a lot of it too, I learned my lesson at a relatively young age, " pride cometh before destruction, haughtiness before a fall" so inspite
of how much I might dislike and look down on these particular neighbors I never get too proud or haughty.
I may think that they are useless human beings but I try to keep myself humble by going there once a week and picking up their trash, there`s nothing
more humble than a trash collector and collecting the trash from people who you think are less than human keeps you humble and keeps you from becoming
too proud and haughty.it may even create good karma.
edit on 6-4-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)
being a parasite on society isn`t really a lifestyle, is it?
Hell yeah it is. You need to see the real America, bro.
I don't blame people for this like some of you guys. I see it as cause and effect, action and reaction.
People have no autonomy over land and resources. I'm not saying that is a bad thing because I prefer modern civilization, but there are
responsibilities attached because certain people who control the thing have a solemn duty to care for and look after the needs of those who keep them
rich. How else can people manage when they are kept in a zoo to all intents and purposes? Tell me that?
I will not judge. I will just hope they get to have some kind of a life they can enjoy. Sounds to me like these neighbours are enjoying themselves
well enough. At least they are not violent. They actually sound friendly and chatty. I would have no problem tolerating them.
edit on 6-4-2017 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)
Just be careful getting too close to drug addicts who scam.
I have a friend who lives in Maine who let a couple (who were friends of her husbands sister) stay with them while they got on their feet.
Turns out they were recovering heroin addicts. She wasn't aware of this, but started to feel uncomfortable with them staying there, so she gave them
a few weeks notice.
She came home one morning from working an overnight and found her house burned down, husband, truck and dog missing.
The couple killed her husband, set the house on fire, stole truck and the dog.
They were apprehended in Mass in their hometowns, girl plead and got off, guy is in jail; but my friends husband (who was a good man who helped many)
is dead, and my poor friend will never be the same.
edit on 6-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)
edit on 6-4-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)