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How much does the U.S spend on military

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posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by deadpresidentz
I don't know where you guys get your information but, on average, EMT's make between $10 and $20 an hour. I have a friend in the field.

The contract mercs are supposedly pulling down $2000-4000 per day for special ops and training. ...Contract trucdrivers in Iraq are getting big bucks too.

Fixed trouser's link:

The Cost of War

...and have a few more

How International Corporations Take Money Out of Troops Mouths

Outsourcing the Pentagon

Privatizing War - How affairs of state are outsourced to corporations beyond public control

Mercenary Firms and War Profiteers 1
Mercenary Firms and War Profiteers 2

Executive Outcomes: A new kind of army for privatized global warfare

Dogs Of War Inc. - A $300 Billion Dollar Business

For those who wonder where all the money is going:

What's Happening to America?

Where is the Money?


[edit on 8-2-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 07:20 PM
He works at least 40hrs a week. Usually more because of overtime hours.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 08:22 PM
I thought it was 450 Billion with 100 Billion going to Black Projects.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 05:25 AM
$41600 a year???
Your friend makes more than most E-9's!
Hell you need to be a sergenat major and have spent 14 years in to reach that kind of pay!

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
$41600 a year???
Your friend makes more than most E-9's!
Hell you need to be a sergenat major and have spent 14 years in to reach that kind of pay!

Not quite. You are looking purely at base pay, keep in mind that all active duty military members in the US who live off base recieve a basic allowance for housing, which is non-taxable. All members also recieve a basic allowance for sustinance, which is also non-taxable. Depending on where they are stationed and what they do they may also recieve family seperation allowances, hazardous duty pay, and a combat zone tax exclusion.

For example, an E-5 (married) with 5 years in service stationed around Baltimore MD would recieve (at the least) this pay:
Basic Pay $2060
BAH $1209 (tax free)
BAS $ 267.17 (tax free)
Approx $3536/month - When you consider the tax advantages this would be equal to around $55,000/year in a civilian job. Not to mention the health benefits and being able to retire very early.

Like I said, please refrain from posting comments on things you have no knowledge of.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Starwars51

Not quite. You are looking purely at base pay, keep in mind that all active duty military members in the US who live off base recieve a basic allowance for housing, which is non-taxable. All members also recieve a basic allowance for sustinance, which is also non-taxable. Depending on where they are stationed and what they do they may also recieve family seperation allowances, hazardous duty pay, and a combat zone tax exclusion.

For example, an E-5 (married) with 5 years in service stationed around Baltimore MD would recieve (at the least) this pay:
Basic Pay $2060
BAH $1209 (tax free)
BAS $ 267.17 (tax free)
Approx $3536/month - When you consider the tax advantages this would be equal to around $55,000/year in a civilian job. Not to mention the health benefits and being able to retire very early.

Wow, looks like my mate was right about that ranger idea...

Like I said, please refrain from posting comments on things you have no knowledge of.

I have knowledge on the area, if i had no knowledge how would i even know what the basic ranks are.
I'm only looking for what the diffrence in pay would be for an army medic and a paramedic.
Why are you against me looking for these?

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:12 AM
Devilwasp you recently retorted to Americans mad mans statement

This sounds familiar.....Kind of like wetern Europe during the 1930's....

yur reply was

That's diffrent you dont have a country recently in economic colapse or just had a major world war.

However if I am not mstaken didn't the German labor Minister recently announce that not only was unemployment offically up to 5 million germans unemployed for the first time since before the start of WW2, but that anywhere from 1-1.5 million more were on government funded job schemes?
No it seems to me that 5-7.5 million people out of work, or more than 12% of all citzens, is the exact same type of scenario that ed to hitler taking power in the first place.
My point being that if your opinion is that nations no longer need to maintain strong militaries you have the right to delude yourself, but dont tell us where our nations money should go or what it should be spent on. Personally I and many many other Americans feel the US's military budget is too small. I think they shold double the R&D budget and give every single soldier, from the lowiest private to the four star generals, a raise.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:14 AM
They just spend too much on military....what about poor people, sicks, violence, crimes IN the usa? They don't give a crap about that....They rather spend billions on attacking other countries for oil and for their purpose. This is what politic is all about: Their own money is more important than the population. They say they wanna set Iraq free, that is just a big cover up, their is an hidden agenda and people just fall for it because they are blind, evidences are everywhere but they don't wanna see it! People want to have faith in something concrete, they have faith in the government, the government spend on military so that those blind people say it's o.k.

Trust yourself, not the government

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
However if I am not mstaken didn't the German labor Minister recently announce that not only was unemployment offically up to 5 million germans unemployed for the first time since before the start of WW2, but that anywhere from 1-1.5 million more were on government funded job schemes?

So you think germany's going to start that ,again?

No it seems to me that 5-7.5 million people out of work, or more than 12% of all citzens, is the exact same type of scenario that ed to hitler taking power in the first place.

Now tell me again, do you think germany is going to staart AGAIN?

My point being that if your opinion is that nations no longer need to maintain strong militaries you have the right to delude yourself, but dont tell us where our nations money should go or what it should be spent on.

What do you classify as a strong military?
I am all for the military being good but not up to rediculous levels, with all the alliances and the such there is no need for a large military.
I believe it should be spent on education, health care, law enforcement, diplomatic relations and social security.

Personally I and many many other Americans feel the US's military budget is too small. I think they shold double the R&D budget and give every single soldier, from the lowiest private to the four star generals, a raise.

...Why not reduce the size and increase the training?
Make one soldeir able to do the work of 5?
Persoanally 12 battle fleets is far too large, i mean when do you need 720 strike aircraft on carriers alone?

[edit on 9-2-2005 by devilwasp]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:21 AM
No devlwasp I dont think germany is going to start agan I was simply pointing out that history has a tendancy to repeat itself. That and the fact that you were factually incorrect n the comments you made.
As for what you think is ridiculous so what!
Better to have and not need than need and not have.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
No devlwasp I dont think germany is going to start agan I was simply pointing out that history has a tendancy to repeat itself. That and the fact that you were factually incorrect n the comments you made.

History repeats istself only if good men do nothing.
What that there is no country under the same kind of conditions as post WW1?
I dont see the german bank churning 1 billion mark notes...

As for what you think is ridiculous so what!
Better to have and not need than need and not have.

You dont want a better trained military?
You want an oversized under trained under paid force?
Sure that makes a good fighting force.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:26 AM
Devlwasp did you just say that the US army is undertrained?
I apologise devilwasp I thought you had a brain, guess I must have been wrong, I wont expect so much out of you from now on.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Devlwasp did you just say that the US army is undertrained?

They are, hell americans admit you dont even get a feel for your rifle in training which i think would be of high importance, or how american tankers get very basic infantry men training after learning tank training compared to british learning infantry men then tanking.

I apologise devilwasp I thought you had a brain, guess I must have been wrong, I wont expect so much out of you from now on.

I fail to feel angered by insults from a man who doesnt accept another race and feels the need to make racist comments on it......

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:35 AM
Ohh please please tell me how I am a racist devilwasp I am begging to hear this.
Or are you another one who doesnt know what the term racist means?
And please please back up your assertion that the US army is undertrained, this outta be a hoot.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Ohh please please tell me how I am a racist devilwasp I am begging to hear this.
Or are you another one who doesnt know what the term racist means?

Firstly take a look at the sig its my first impression that you are one, remeber you opinion is only free until you share it.

Tolerance of immoralty is no virtue and intolerance of immoraltiy is no evil.
Americans are Gods chosen people
Freedom of speech means people have the right to be as*holes
There are no kangaroos in Austria
Islam is the tool of the devil, and muhhamed is a false prophet

This leads me to two conclusions, one you are a racist or you areexstremely deluded.
Now tell me which one are you?

And please please back up your assertion that the US army is undertrained, this outta be a hoot.

Well I already did back them if you want links give me a few minutes to gather them.

[edit on 9-2-2005 by devilwasp]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:45 AM
As I suspected you dont know what racism means.
Americans are not a race. American is a title which has nothng to do with race as it denotes nationality. Islam Is also not a race. Islam is a religon. Muslim is also a word which does not denote race, a Muslim is a follower of the relgon of Islam.
Now lets see what you have learned.
The following are races
1) Christian
2) American
3) Islam
4) ball
5) none of the above

If you guessed number 5 you have been educated if you guessed anything else you are still ignorant.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
As I suspected you dont know what racism means.
Americans are not a race. American is a title which has nothng to do with race as it denotes nationality. Islam Is also not a race. Islam is a religon. Muslim is also a word which does not denote race, a Muslim is a follower of the relgon of Islam.

Actually ;

1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race

Is what it means now from your signature you are saying the "american race" of people is god's people. Secondly you are saying the "muslin race of people" are not.

Now lets recap what you have learned,
1. Look up the dictionary.
2. Do not insult.
3. Repeat 1 and 2.

If you guessed number 5 you have been educated if you guessed anything else you are still ignorant.

Deny ignorance myfriend and look up what "race means"

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 11:01 AM
Devilwasp living proof that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
You did of course see the frst defintion in the dictonary? Care to explain what genetic characteristics Americans have in common?
How about muslims?
Considering that both titles are made up of people from around the entire world it kinda blows your whole race theory out of the water.

Neither muslims nor Americans can be classified as a race due to the lack of common defining genetic characteristcs. You know the very first definition you posted.

Now on to more general matters.
You claim my sig lines indcates a prejudice against muslims, untrue.
I have a problem with Islam the religon not Muslims the practitioners of the religon. I also have a problem with one individual Muslim, namely Muhammad as he is responsible for leading millions of muslims nto worshiping a false god wtihout thier knowledge.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Devilwasp living proof that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Could say the same of you....but then i would lower myself to you.

You did of course see the frst defintion in the dictonary? Care to explain what genetic characteristics Americans have in common?

They share a geographical characteristcs also you are all from the same species so technically we all are one race.

How about muslims?

They share a geographical characteristic since they are mostly in the middle east.

Considering that both titles are made up of people from around the entire world it kinda blows your whole race theory out of the water.

So citizenship is bull sh** right then?

Neither muslims nor Americans can be classified as a race due to the lack of common defining genetic characteristcs. You know the very first definition you posted.

Actually it says or enough of the word games.

Now on to more general matters.
You claim my sig lines indcates a prejudice against muslims, untrue.
I have a problem with Islam the religon not Muslims the practitioners of the religon. I also have a problem with one individual Muslim, namely Muhammad as he is responsible for leading millions of muslims nto worshiping a false god wtihout thier knowledge.

Yes you do but you do not need to make a comment like that, if its your opinion then fine keep it its yours.
But when you start makeing comments on the muslings like that in public you become arogant and produces a racist auroa around you, in my eyes.

[edit on 9-2-2005 by devilwasp]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp

Wow, looks like my mate was right about that ranger idea...

Nope. An Army Ranger in Iraq makes no more money than a truck driver of the same rank and time in service. When you also look at flight pay and TDY pay (temporary duty, basically travel pay) the highest paid enlisted people (of the same rank) are aircrew (loadmasters, airborne comm, pararescue). The highest paid line officers are either pilots or Navy people serving on submarines. Medical officers get special bonuses as well. Also, depending on their career field, enlisted people can get selctive re-enlistment bonuses - sometimes these are over $30,000 for a 4 year re-enlistment.

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