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Aliens have no desire to hurt us.

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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 06:05 PM
If aliens were here to truly harm us, we'd all be dead right now. Why put off blowing us up? We're simply gaining in technological lethality day by day which would make us that much harder to exterminate.

Though with the abductions and experiments its not exactly a set of actions that could be considered friendly. I imagine the abductions and experiments are done as ecological studies while attempting to minimize our mental trauma of such experiences. Sort of like our own conservationists capturing, treating, and releasing wild animals back into nature after they're done examining them. When you are dealing with highly intelligent creatures, post traumatic stress disorder can ruin their lives. Whether it be a violent event like a vehicular accident, a rape, or coming back home from a nightmarish war, we humans do not do well when presented with bad memories. A highly intrusive encounter with beings from unknown origins would definitely create mental trauma. So this explains the clandestine abductions and memory erasures. If these creatures didn't actually care for our well-being, we'd just be gathered up like cattle and put into pens or zoos. Which is not happening. Or at least not happening to the majority of humans.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by heelstone]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Logic would state otherwise...imho...

1. They want their existence to remain secret. They can show themselves to us at any time if this were not the case.

2. Being secretive, and yet having our welfare in mind doesn't really go hand in hand all that well.

3. They really stepped up planetary visitation after the A-bomb was tested. This seems to be the single most important event to coincide with their massive reappearance on the scene.

4. These early sightings occurred primarily around defense installations and the most secret installations at that, housing the most advanced weaponry. Roswell itself was the home of the ONLY atomic bomber wing in the world in '47 when the crash occurred. Coincidence? I don't think so.

5. The early crashes coincide with the use of powerful radar in those proximities.

6. Many abductions include tales of more than just invasion of privacy...removal of embryos, implanted devices, sexual experimentation, memory altering, etc. have all been reported.

7. There are many instances of UFOs disabling defense installations, missiles, etc.

8. There are accounts of downed and missing military pilots when chasing UFOs.

9. There are even accounts of missing/mutilated soldiers on military bases.

10. If the news was so great, do you really think the government would NEED to cover it up?

11. Numerous statements, mostly from Reagan, about the idea of facing attack from extraterrestrial sources.

Taken as a whole, I find it difficult to conceive of people believing that such beings do not pose a threat to us. Indeed, maybe even the greatest threat ever known to mankind.....

I could not concur more
, with the exception of #2 above, as though this very well may be the case, I also believe there could be other possible explanations (#4 below)...

Also, while purely speculative, I have also come to personally believe and/or accept the following as well:

1. There is more than one race of intelligent, extraterretrial beings currently visiting this planet.

2. Different races/species of extraterrestrials may very well have different agendas in regards to this planet and/or mankind.

3. Logic leads me to assume that these agendas run the spectrum from beneficial to neutral to detrimental.

4. Similarly, I don't think the continued secrecy is necessarily sinister in motive. This could simply be the result of a) exisiting pacts with established governmentsal bodies, or b) at least in part with our collective best interest in mind. Not everyone will adapt nor even adjust well should our known reality change substantially.

In fact, I ask this of each of you. Ask a friend, or family member with whom you are comfortable discussing the subject, how they would react if the proverbial "saucer landing on the White House lawn" scenario were to actually happen...

Not only have I brought this question to the minds of close family members and only the closest of my friends, I have got them thinking about it, and for the most part, either recognizing the possibility or pretty much at peace accepting it (either as a product of their own beliefs or as an extension of my experiences).

Just one man's humble opinion.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 06:30 PM
I couldnt disagree more with this topics statement.
Do you consider ...:

Hybrid Breeding
Cutting up animals and humans alive
Who knows what else....

...Good things?
No desire to hurt huh, lol

people in genral public are so ignorant and niave IMO,
It may well be our downfall, thank god for the military!

[edit on 2-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Yet we're still left with the fact that any or all of them WANT to remain a secret (or, as I said, they could have shown themselves at any time). So then, WHY do they want to remain a secret...??? I have a feeling we won't like the answers....

I think they're a secret to us as you and me are a secret to deep sea fishes or butterflies or whatever not so common animal. We occasionally manifest each other to the other specie, but we live in far different enviroments. Have you interest in manifesting yourself to a deep sea fish, which has an intelligence and abilities of its own, that you might not consider "intelligence" at all..? It is fun for us to see and even play with dolphins, but we don't actually always feel the need to manifest ourselves to them. Moreover, we do abduct species eventually too, and not always with bad intentions. We're quite "aliens" in a way too.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by apecar]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Logic would state otherwise...imho...

1. They want their existence to remain secret. They can show themselves to us at any time if this were not the case.

2. Being secretive, and yet having our welfare in mind doesn't really go hand in hand all that well.

3. They really stepped up planetary visitation after the A-bomb was tested. This seems to be the single most important event to coincide with their massive reappearance on the scene.

4. These early sightings occurred primarily around defense installations and the most secret installations at that, housing the most advanced weaponry. Roswell itself was the home of the ONLY atomic bomber wing in the world in '47 when the crash occurred. Coincidence? I don't think so.

5. The early crashes coincide with the use of powerful radar in those proximities.

6. Many abductions include tales of more than just invasion of privacy...removal of embryos, implanted devices, sexual experimentation, memory altering, etc. have all been reported.

7. There are many instances of UFOs disabling defense installations, missiles, etc.

8. There are accounts of downed and missing military pilots when chasing UFOs.

9. There are even accounts of missing/mutilated soldiers on military bases.

10. If the news was so great, do you really think the government would NEED to cover it up?

11. Numerous statements, mostly from Reagan, about the idea of facing attack from extraterrestrial sources.

Taken as a whole, I find it difficult to conceive of people believing that such beings do not pose a threat to us. Indeed, maybe even the greatest threat ever known to mankind.....

gazrok, ever heard of the story in chorwon korea were a ufo appeared, the soldiers started shooting at it, then the ufos fired back? Same thing with rendlesham case, the ufos kept putting on strange light shows. I personally would love to tap into the more stranger ufo cases, the stranger they are the more credible they seem to me.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:02 PM
The issue surrounding just how much a threat ETs actually are concerning murders, rapes, or other violence must be looked at regarding the credibility of the reports. Rape, or at least non consentual genital examinations might be commonplace as it does appear to be in many ET reports. This also fits with the occasional surgical mutilations such as scars being left.

Actual murders I have not read too many credible accounts on. Now I do believe that human military personnel have died by accident many times trying to catch UFOs that fly well beyond the physical stresses of conventional military aircraft. For example the 1948 Captain Thomas Mantell incident where his craft crashed after attempting to fly too high up to catch a UFO. I also think that ETs will defend themselves if they are fired upon as I've read about in a few reports. Malicious ET attacks with the intention to kill I have not read much if anything regarding such events with any amount of high credibility. I will say that dead men tell no tales. So if ETs are killing people or abducting them and never returning them, it would be hard to get any type of testimony from such encounters. Be that as it may, the relatively hands-off approach ETs seem to be using does not appear that any actual ET war is about to befall us.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by heelstone]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:10 PM

I think they're a secret to us as you and me are a secret to deep sea fishes or butterflies or whatever not so common animal. We occasionally manifest each other to the other specie, but we live in far different enviroments. Have you interest in manifesting yourself to a deep sea fish, which has an intelligence and abilities of its own, that you might not consider "intelligence" at all..? It is fun for us to see and even play with dolphins, but we don't actually always feel the need to manifest ourselves to them. Moreover, we do abduct species eventually too, and not always with bad intentions. We're quite "aliens" in a way too.

We're not talking about sentience versus non-sentience here....

Look, you're an intelligent alien being, capable of traversing interstellar space. Upon descending through the cloud cover of Earth, you see fields growing in squares, you see illuminated cities, you see aircraft, you see cars on roads... You're at least bright enough to realize that these Earthlings are at least sentient beings...maybe not quite as bright as you, but they aren't like deep sea fish. So no, treating as such, I do NOT see as in our best interests, or as benign acts. Again, just not buying it. This secret isn't just a matter of them not introducing themselves, it's a DELIBERATE secret to be actively maintained through evasion, as evidenced by numerous such sightings and fleeing.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:35 PM
I am not sure. I mean whatever they are doing is surely taking them forever. Some bad aliens and some good. That's all I know.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:03 PM
You know, dont we do the same thing to "inferior" animals?

We grab them against theyre will, some of them are killed for medical experiments, others are locked away forever in cages, others are tagged and sent back into the wild. Its the same possibly with aliens. theyre neutral. Even if theyre actions seem insidious, to them, its just science. We gotta realise that they might look done upon us as inferior animal. Like we do to monkeys.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:29 PM
Actually, on the alien threat issue, I was going to leave it at my last post but something crossed my mind. You know how we joke the Britains on their delirious issue of big cats in their nation. After reading something that sent a serious chill through me I sorta changed atitudes. We'll it gets quite serious. Their was a big E.T. threat in Britain one time. A special ops team and British ground troops were dispathed in an area for a defense against the "Beast of Exmoor". Well the marines told people of the issue of them being dispatched against the threat. But they were not out there specifically for the beast of Exmoor though he was only part of the task. The E.T. activity in the region was regarded by the British special ops forces as too high and this was cause to dispatch the military. But it wasn't simply U.F.Os, it was alien activity. Their was a case at a zoo in Britain were animals were getting mutilated in the starangest ways. One night detectives and all were studying how something tried to get in the lion's cage. It had the paws marks of a large cat but the way the cage was tend with was by hi-tech tools. This was the only serious military dispatch against alien hostility I don't know of anymore. But you guys should read up on this.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:45 PM
Well as others have noted on this thread , I think they are just studying us, Sociology , biology , whateverology. They treat us as people who study apes do. They don't wish to disturb their habitat, they tag certain ones(okay maybe not with apes ,but with other animals), but we are not there for the benefit of the animals we are there to study them. and it just so happens that by not interluding too much it helps out our research. this is what i really think is happening. Of course in the grand scheme of things i know that we as a race have much to learn. A person from a million years in the future would probably see us as a lower life form.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
Nope...don't buy it here! They have been doing this for how long now!? They know what we have that they don't by now, there are sightings back as far as before biblical times......they don't care a patootie about us. They abduct (meaning against our will) people, some never to be seen again, perform painful experiments on us, implant us, implant some females with a fetus and then steal it......not friendly in my book!

Out of curiousity what do you think they are doing here? I agree that they don't really care about us. And their actions go against Nature itself, so what do you think they are doing here?

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:32 PM
What about the idea that aliens brought us here as an experiment. The chariots of fire and all that. The pyramids and Easter Island. Isn't it possible were basically an entertainment venue? "Come take a fantastic ride through Earth. See the amazing humans." Whats everyone else think?

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:39 AM
They're out to get us!No doubt about that.

They have infiltrated into every single human community in Earth and have been watching us since eons ago.Even when you took your first breath on Earth they are already among us.Their ultimate goal is to dominate us and make us their lapdogs!!!or..laphumans!!

Or is it you're their disinformant!!!Just kidding.Nice theory though.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Logic would state otherwise...imho...

1. They want their existence to remain secret. They can show themselves to us at any time if this were not the case.

They have not mass landed, and seeing how negative, hostile, misstrusting and affraid we are (just look at this and many other threads), this alone could be a reason for this. When you read my thoughts below you might see how respect for earth government might be another. We are all still finding all this out and taking the slow pace all this is happening into account, I think that real fear of spreading angst is a destinct possibility.

2. Being secretive, and yet having our welfare in mind doesn't really go hand in hand all that well.

This would mean assuming the excistance of a conspiracy against mankind. Should we forget the possibility that they know too well our trait for angst and paranoia? As intelligent beings should they not take into account the fact that racism is flourishing like roses in summer between our own race, just from having another colour? How would the racists react to a different breed all together?

Can we assume that slow integration is an evil? Is it slow integration or is it evil conspiracy? Are we letting love rule or fear? And how does this tie in with their assestment of our openness regarding a public introduction?

3. They really stepped up planetary visitation after the A-bomb was tested. This seems to be the single most important event to coincide with their massive reappearance on the scene.

If a loved one had cancer, but you could remove the tumor by amputating the left arm, would we do it? If earth becomes a threat to peace with our weapons, still advancing technology, will they do the same? Is it time for us to put hate, fear and war away as a people and start going the other way towards love, trust and peace?

4. These early sightings occurred primarily around defense installations and the most secret installations at that, housing the most advanced weaponry. Roswell itself was the home of the ONLY atomic bomber wing in the world in '47 when the crash occurred. Coincidence? I don't think so.

That would seem to be a plausable explanation, but the question would then be: are they concerned about the future peace of space, or do they have these evil motives that so many find it so easy to believe? Despite the fact that so few of us have never even met them yet.

5. The early crashes coincide with the use of powerful radar in those proximities.

Some evidence support the notion that the US military has taken agressive meassures against our visitors more than once, with no responce from them in return. If this is true, what does that tell us?
Can they confuse their crafts with these radar waves?

6. Many abductions include tales of more than just invasion of privacy...removal of embryos, implanted devices, sexual experimentation, memory altering, etc. have all been reported.

And yet many abductions tell of just the opposite, remember the Hills? Would you like the aliens to take one look at Saddam Hussein and hate all humans? Let's pray they have a higer sense of fairness.

7. There are many instances of UFOs disabling defense installations, missiles, etc.

Is this a warning of our militaristic behavior or the disarmament before invasion? If it's the latter then why reveal this abillity before the invasion? sure would be the longest invasion in history.

8. There are accounts of downed and missing military pilots when chasing UFOs.

When the USAF shoots down a tailing fighter, it's called selfdefence. Are there other rules when it comes to aliens? Would it be fair to have different rules for when we are tailed and we do the tailing?

9. There are even accounts of missing/mutilated soldiers on military bases.

Are we prepared to judge a whole universe of other beings because of these "accounts" ? If so, no wonder we wage war. Would peace stand a chance if every time an american killed someone from another country, it meant that all americans were hostile. Are we really being fair when we judge our visitors? and that's assuming any of those "stories" are true...

The leaked MAJ12 Alien handbook states that nothing indicates that they are hostile, so did the Belgian airforce in the 90's when they confirmed that we do have "houseguests".

10. If the news was so great, do you really think the government would NEED to cover it up?

• When something is kept secret, the ones keeping it a secret would not benefit from the disclosure.
• Who is the greatest, most powerfull nation on earth?
• What makes them so?
• If superior crafts filled with superior beings where decorating the blue sky on earth, by the above logic, who now become the most powerfull on earth? and as a consequence, who would loose the "crown"?
• Who would we run to for advice, for help, for a cure to our diceases etc? and most importantly, who would have to give up their crown? perhaps even become obsolete? Are they affraid of this?
• Does the thought of earths population streaching out to our many universal visitors keep the powermongers up at night...?

11. Numerous statements, mostly from Reagan, about the idea of facing attack from extraterrestrial sources.

Were the statemens Reagan made an attemt to blow the whistle on the alien presence? Did the MAJ12 / NWO try to assasinate him for this? Was he preparing us all for the forthcomming Osama from space scare? Can we be sure what he meant?

Here is another statement to consider:
• "UFOs sighted in Indonesia are identical with those sighted in other countries. Sometimes they pose a problem for our air defense and once we were obliged to open fire on them."
-- Air Marshall Roesmin Nurjadin, Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian Air Force, in a letter to Yusuke J. Matsumura dated May 5, 1967, reprinted in Good ibid.

If earth has or will draw the first blood, will they tell us the populatioin?

Is not the only fact we know that they have been here for a long while, and so far no invasion has happened? How long time must go by before we put our fear aside and start to give them the benefit of the doubt, at least until we have met them?

Taken as a whole, I find it difficult to conceive of people believing that such beings do not pose a threat to us. Indeed, maybe even the greatest threat ever known to mankind.....

Perhaps it's harder to look at all the evidence rather than that which builds on top of that "fear of the unknow" feeling in our stomac?

The alien presence is new to our consiousness, and there is an expression called to "jump the gun".

I wish us all a peacefull future, and I belong in the camp that fears the manipulative agenda springing from the primitive mind of mankinds so called authorities, much more than the agenda of our visitors.

If I put a nuke in the hands of a caveman, you'ed be worried too....



posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
I couldnt disagree more with this topics statement.
Do you consider ...:

Hybrid Breeding
Cutting up animals and humans alive
Who knows what else....

people in genral public are so ignorant and niave IMO,
It may well be our downfall, thank god for the military

Could we find just one action on this list, that mankind has not committed against their own race many more times than any alien race has done to us? Could we find just one action on this list that we could take of the list of associating traits of mankind?

If all of the traits on this list could even more so be used to describe ourselves than any alien race, would it be far fetched to imagine some young alien kid out there watching earth through a telescope and thinking:"geeze those nasty aliens on earth are, well....nasty....thank god for the galactic command". ?

In Matthews chapter 7:
"And why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye,
and not notice the beam which is in your own eye?"

How intelligent are we if we keep applying arguements of mistrust against a visiting superior race, that we are not prepared to apply to our selves? Who would want to fight a superior race, and if no one in their right mind would want this self destuctive situation to happen, why then seek out the evidence for justifiable mistrust, and ignore the evidence of justifiable trust?

A thief thinks every man steals. If we choose militaristic solutions in Iraq and Afghanistan, is it easier for us to imagine this to be the mindset of an alien race most of us here on ATS has never met?

If you went to another planet to study, wouldn't you think the inhabitants were ignorant and primitive if they judged our entire race upon meeting just a few of us?

Think about it...



[edit on 3-2-2005 by Cade]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by apecar
I think they're a secret to us as you and me are a secret to deep sea fishes or butterflies or whatever not so common animal. We occasionally manifest each other to the other specie, but we live in far different enviroments. Have you interest in manifesting yourself to a deep sea fish, which has an intelligence and abilities of its own, that you might not consider "intelligence" at all..? It is fun for us to see and even play with dolphins, but we don't actually always feel the need to manifest ourselves to them. Moreover, we do abduct species eventually too, and not always with bad intentions. We're quite "aliens" in a way too.

What a delightful and insightful post. It's very rare here on ATS someone has the ability to see things outside their own field of existance. You are an inspiration to us all (including onlooking visitors searching for intelligent life downhere.....still searching......still searching.......)

Well, come on, humor must prevail, even in large and important subjectmatters.



[edit on 3-2-2005 by Cade]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

I think they're a secret to us as you and me are a secret to deep sea fishes or butterflies or whatever not so common animal. We occasionally manifest each other to the other specie, but we live in far different enviroments. Have you interest in manifesting yourself to a deep sea fish, which has an intelligence and abilities of its own, that you might not consider "intelligence" at all..? It is fun for us to see and even play with dolphins, but we don't actually always feel the need to manifest ourselves to them. Moreover, we do abduct species eventually too, and not always with bad intentions. We're quite "aliens" in a way too.

We're not talking about sentience versus non-sentience here....

Look, you're an intelligent alien being, capable of traversing interstellar space. Upon descending through the cloud cover of Earth, you see fields growing in squares, you see illuminated cities, you see aircraft, you see cars on roads... You're at least bright enough to realize that these Earthlings are at least sentient beings...maybe not quite as bright as you, but they aren't like deep sea fish. So no, treating as such, I do NOT see as in our best interests, or as benign acts. Again, just not buying it. This secret isn't just a matter of them not introducing themselves, it's a DELIBERATE secret to be actively maintained through evasion, as evidenced by numerous such sightings and fleeing.

When he is comparing deepsea wildlife with us and aliens, is he saying that the aliens might have trouble sorting us from deepsea wildlife or is he comparing the difference between us and the oceans inhabitants being relative to us and the aliens?

Are you missing his point?



posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
You know, dont we do the same thing to "inferior" animals?

We grab them against theyre will, some of them are killed for medical experiments, others are locked away forever in cages, others are tagged and sent back into the wild. Its the same possibly with aliens. theyre neutral. Even if theyre actions seem insidious, to them, its just science. We gotta realise that they might look done upon us as inferior animal. Like we do to monkeys.

Man's pride will prevent his mind from thinking and his eyes from seeing, when these senses bear evidence that he might not be the supreme of all matter in the universe.



posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Asia Minor
Actually, on the alien threat issue, I was going to leave it at my last post but something crossed my mind. You know how we joke the Britains on their delirious issue of big cats in their nation. After reading something that sent a serious chill through me I sorta changed atitudes. We'll it gets quite serious. Their was a big E.T. threat in Britain one time. A special ops team and British ground troops were dispathed in an area for a defense against the "Beast of Exmoor". Well the marines told people of the issue of them being dispatched against the threat. But they were not out there specifically for the beast of Exmoor though he was only part of the task. The E.T. activity in the region was regarded by the British special ops forces as too high and this was cause to dispatch the military. But it wasn't simply U.F.Os, it was alien activity. Their was a case at a zoo in Britain were animals were getting mutilated in the starangest ways. One night detectives and all were studying how something tried to get in the lion's cage. It had the paws marks of a large cat but the way the cage was tend with was by hi-tech tools. This was the only serious military dispatch against alien hostility I don't know of anymore. But you guys should read up on this.

No offence, but watching human logic in action can be quite astonishing. Follow human logic as I attempt to portray it seen from above:

1) We take wild animal and put it in captivity
2) We kill wild animal and slaughter it, and consume it for dinner.
3) We kill wild animal for the sake of valuable artifacts (elefanths, seals etc.)
4) Presumable aliens mutulate wild animal, already in captivity, and become outraged of such horrible and evil acts.

Does reason has an on and off switch?



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