posted on Apr, 3 2017 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to:
I know hey, the only indication that it was Sasha was the hairstyle and sweater colour.
Other than that, i wouldn't of even known it was her.
It almost felt like there were scenes edited out, like we were being jumped around.
everyone's in guns blazing mode, some how Sasha wonders off in the gun fight, Rickmgets kicked off the plank after being shot - commercial break -
Ricks being led by gun point to kneeling Carl, Negan is suddenly inside Alexandria... it seemed like I was missing scenes or something.
Gonna watch it again on Wednesday night when I get back home to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Completely unrelated show - did you ever watch prison break?
If not, watch season 1 at least and tell me what you think.
It's pretty freaking cool.
They did 4 seasons, and stopped in 2009.
After 8 years it's coming back. Tomorrow season 5 premiers.
Really looking forward to this one!