posted on Apr, 1 2017 @ 12:57 AM
In life we have chance encounters with people that are different, interesting even.
About a month ago i met a guy at my place of choice for drinks. He was an odd fellow, spoke quickly and excitedly about everything.
He didn't go into detail about who he worked for, but he talked about programming GPS to achieve millimeters precision, programing facial recognition
tech as well as programming to block the recognition software.
He seemed sort of legit, but he began to go off on astronomy and black hole mergers, something about the Universe being on the edge of an ultra
massive blackhole.
Then he lost me when he started talking about how he is horribly haunted by ghosts.
Dont get me wrong, i have a very open mind to certain possibilities and realities, but his manic, tangential thinking got me to thinking this guy is
full of it.
Fast forward to today, I see him again at the same location.
He was talking to some of my buddies about AI and programming, avatars, digitization of our consciousness etc.
When i went to leave i politely said good bye to him, but noticed a few items on the table he sat at including his lap top and a mobile hot spot.
I pointed at the hot spot and say, "Hey thats cool youve got your own wi fi huh?"
He smirks and responds, "Not as cool as this," as he points to a black device that was just a bit bigger than a large smart phone.
I jokingly asked him if it was for communicating with aliens to which he immediately replied, "Worse. I was going to hack the fb i."
I asked why the hell he would do that and why there, and he said, "Well im not gonna do it from home!" still with a smirk on his face.
He then pulled the black device apart which exposed two 3.5mm jacks that plugged into the larger portion of the device, and promptly put it away.
I still think the guy is full of it. Yea, he might be a smart programmer and possibly an amateur script kiddie, but i was wondering if that device
sounded at all familiar to any of you.