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Proof the Fed is pumping Wall street

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posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 06:54 PM
It might come as no surprise that the Government is keeping the price of Precious metals under control to stop or delay any rush to the lifeboats. But it would be a total surprise that the Fed is Pumping the bastion of free enterprise with Q.E Cash to keep the share market up high, and manipulating the game.
These charts can get a bit technical but they are self explanatory, and can be seen what has been happening since the last 2008 crash. Where the Banksters QE money has been hiding, When Janet Yellan steps in and the QE stops the correlated dip shows up,as the trainer wheels come off. We can also see that during the dips the Tax take hasn't dropped as would be the case in a real recession. So are we to assume that the Gov. has actually been running a "command economy" Garnishing the highs, and pumping the lows?

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 07:11 PM
Trillions of debt, that house of cards is staring us right in the face.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Yea but after the last crisis, all of those found to be involved with using less than ethical practices gambling most of the world's stability were all fired and punished severely.

Oh wait that was just Iceland. Yea it will probably happen again.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Looks like this is the Black Swan , who would have guessed ??

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Plunge Protection Team...its been going on a while

Former Federal Reserve Board member Robert Heller, in the Wall Street Journal, opined that "Instead of flooding the entire economy with liquidity, and thereby increasing the danger of inflation, the Fed could support the stock market directly by buying market averages in the futures market, thereby stabilizing the market as a whole." His statement has been used to claim that the Fed actually did act in that way. Some[who?] mainstream analysts call those claims a conspiracy theory, explaining that such claims are simplistic and unworkable.[13] Author Kevin Phillips wrote in his 2008 book Bad Money that while he had no interest "in becoming a conspiracy investigator", he nevertheless drew the conclusion that "some kind of high-level decision seems to have been reached in Washington to loosely institutionalize a rescue mechanism for the stock market akin to that safeguard major U.S. banks from exposure to domestic and foreign loan and currency crises."[14] Phillips infers that the simplest way for the Working Group to intervene in market plunges would be through buying stock market index futures contracts, either in cooperation with major banks or through trading desks at the U.S. Treasury or Federal Reserve.[14]
Secrets Of The
Plunge Protection Team
The Four Derivative US Dictators
By Michael Edward

There are just four people who control all of the U.S. markets through their use of dangerous and explosive DERIVATIVES. They are risking the assets and retirement funds of all Americans. Because of their manipulations, especially since 2001, U.S. financial markets are now based on the gambling whims of a special fraternity of Federal Government DERIVATIVE dealers. This group is known among Wall Street as the Plunge Protection Team (PPT). Their "official" role was to prevent another 1987 "Black Monday". They have the entire U.S. Treasury at their disposal to manipulate the markets through DERIVATIVES (futures options). In other words, they are using the assets behind the U.S. Treasury to rig the prices of commodites (gold, currencies, etc.) and stocks. This fraternity comprises of Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the heads of the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Association. It works closely with all the U.S. exchanges and Wall Street banks, including the largest DERIVATIVE risk holders Citibank and JP Morgan Chase.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

So they are using public money to manipulate stocks mmmm? So all they have to do is give a nod and a wink to Father in law to make sure he gets in on the ground floor and gets out before the lift hits the roof. Which means when they get it wrong rather a lot of public money is tied up in derivatives and when the free market adjusts , its all gone in a puff of smoke.

So no wonder the elites are building bunkers, even in the posh areas of London they are going down a few levels.It looks like they have an inkling of what will occur during the next crash, if they dive into the bunkers for a few months, their wouldn't be many people left to worry about, when they emerge.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 08:27 PM
Another piece of the 9/11 puzzle is the instant destruction of investigations going on into wall street trading along with the shifting of large amounts of assets in the final moments, now without trace. With the criminals now running the system it is only natural that the whole system no longer makes any sense, just like a wizard of oz show.

What if we force Dick Cheney to take on all the debt and then kill him? It is one way to make it all disappear and get the system back in the land of reality. Money is about accounting for the economic use of all our resources.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

What's really happening now is that, the smart guys are gone and mom and pop are back in the market.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

of the 9/11 puzzle is the instant destruction of investigations going on into wall street trading along with the shifting of large amounts of assets in the final moments, now without trace

Yeah...I had forgotten all about that...and also that Silverstein upped the Insurance on the WTCs before 911

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I am sure that we will be heading to a bigger mess than the one under the market crash that shade the entire world.

I been wondering what happen to the QEs, after all they were down graded during the Obama administration but and interest rates were kept low, is suppose to be a surge on that under the Trump administration.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 05:55 AM
We have a long way to go. At least it hasn't come to helicopter money. Once helicopter money starts and that doesn't work then I would begin to worry. But one 5-7% raise on corporate wages and everything would fall back in line again. I don't think there has ever been a time in our history when corporate power was so strong.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 06:06 AM
They had to keep pumping money into the stock market or the dip would have occurred prior to the election and that could have resulted in a blood bath for the incumbent party.

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