posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to:
Bryan, you are being played by those that maybe have jobs to keep secrets secret or perhaps are so tied to conventional designs of jets and wings that
they cannot even dream that things move in the sky without either of those rudimentary means. You may not want to think about mysterious objects in
the sky being anything but maybe just the next design for our airliners or military equipment. But if you were to read my article that I mentioned
back in my first post, you will come across a sighting and about twenty others and I had of a huge, low, slow and silent triangle that flew over
Laramie on one summer of 1998. Plus, I give data I took first hand in 1985 from an ex-paratrooper of a sighting of two huge, slow and low massive
objects moving nose to tail over them one rainy night in southern Oklahoma.
Whatever these things are, alien craft, our re-engineering of alien craft or of our own doing, these thing exist. Even it what you saw was some new
prototype for whatever reason coming and going on a seemingly schedule, wouldn't that not be strange in itself, a fairly large, and quiet triangular
craft, not even in production on a regular milk run?