posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to:
Well other than Spinel heh...
But Alon/Spinel etc is extremely not cheap and gets exponentially more expensive as cubic volume needed as a single piece increases!
Interestingly, it is actually radar transparent which is why it's often used as panel material to cover active radar emitters etc...
I still believe absolutely nothing dude says and he's too stupid to realize that making a rocket casing radar transparent would actually make it a
much easier to detect target!
Because there's spars turbopumps and thousands and thousands of things that have to be built out of non transparent materials and absolutely cannot
follow any of the basic rules of engineering for low observability wrt shaping etc etc...
It's why they spend so much time and money making supersonic intake ducts etc which mask any front on views of the moving turbine parts!
Hell, and what they do at the outlets is even more extreme! The f35 with it's crazy stator type "air flow straighteners" their moving counterparts and
the spraybars for the compound and progressive afterburner actually built into the stators!
It's amazing how easy stealth is to learn the basics of these days, and absolutely disgusting and saddening that far fewer people now bother to do so
now than in the past when stealth basics were like a grail quest to find!
P.s. also Senior Citizen etc and the buried engines yadda yadda