thanks for the responses guys, it's nice to know I exist. I was a bit curious about that.
And for the search button. I'd tried the magnifier previously but it showed web page links, but I tried again and, ahaaah, scroll down. How planet
earth is that.
Quite liked the Vogon poetry, the underlying metaphor was sublime. I'll send it to head office, perhaps they'll send a ship, so keep your towel
Head Office has moved by the way. It's now been transferred to the planet of the steam people in the constellation Ophiuchus, 42 light years away.
Free pyramids to anyone who can get there in ten minutes, but don't go to the contrary continent because their pyramids are crap.
If you don't believe me that's called common sense, but please check out the Ophiuchus wikipedia page before you finalise that thought.
Ophiuchus by the way is sooooo important in the 42 scheme of things. Not because of the steam people, Marvins been there and he says they're simply
awful, but because of something completely different which I might be able to mention without in any way connecting it to the eBook, which I'm not
going to mention.
The red wiggly worm isn't a threat you'll be glad to hear, it's a typo. I've been metaphorically off planet for a while so I'm just getting to grips
with stuff.
Sorry I can't do any more Fnords, I'm barred.
And as for Don't Panic, I'm a bit corporal Jones on that for some Reason.
There's even a Reason for the word Reason to have a capital letter.
Douglas Adams knew that, for some Reason!
I know.
But it will all make sense in the end.
As you've no doubt guessed, the HHGG has been a big part of my life for years now.
The man was a genius.