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London Terror attack - Katie Hopkins speaks the truth

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posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: Taggart

To be honest I bet many of these Muslim haters barely batted an eyelid when an extremist white man whom was also mentally ill killed a MP on the streets of Birstall.

Doesn't fit their hatred.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Or when a white male shot a dozen people in Hungerford, or when a white male Taxi driver shot and killed another dozen in cumbria, them bloody white people..

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: Taggart

To be honest I bet many of these Muslim haters barely batted an eyelid when an extremist white man whom was also mentally ill killed a MP on the streets of Birstall.

Doesn't fit their hatred.

How is someone who chooses to murder a single person, known to them, the same as people going out to kill as many random strangers as possible the same?

One is murder by a psychopath the other is an act of terror on the general populace.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Is it really that straightforward?

If Derrick Byrd or Thomas Hamilton had been called Mohammed I am pretty certain their acts would have been labeled terrorism.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: Taggart

And not forgetting all the rape and random killings by those iffy white people...not inspired by religion or anything else other than muppets with nothing better to do.

If you are who I think you are, look at our area recently as an example (other than your mention of Birdy and his taxi of doom); rape, murder and kiddy fiddling gone amok, all local inbreds, not brown skinned bearded jihadists.

Arseholes are arseholes whatever colour or creed.

Katie Hopkins needs put into room 101 with Piers Morgan.
edit on 23/3/17 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: fusiondoe
What a luck that nobody talks about the chance of all that being planned by TBTP anymore.
Done by secret services and all that "anti-terror" agencies, which need terror to have a reason to exist.
For the profits of those that use 1984 as a manual, for the profits of the observers of all average people.
The first question has ever to be:
Cui bono, who profits?
And at the end, it´s the terrorists, which want to destroy our liberal western lifestyle, as we are told.
But even more "our protectors", the observers, the spies profit from these terror attacks, which occure in almost periodic intervals. And switch between the countries, France, Germany, Belgium, UK.

Then there are the uncountable "flops, failures and fumbles" of "our protectors", that make such attacks possible. In almost every case the alleged perpetrators were known by the "anti-terror" forces, were on their list, often even under surveillance. But they could do whatever they wanted, to plan and perform their attacks. Right under the eyes of "our protectors". Or even with their help, sometimes only with their help!

But at the end, the real destroyers of our libertarian western lifestyle are those who do, with laws, what the terrorists(just the tools of the destroyers) never could do, hit all of us average people. For maybe ever, because they legalize the total observation of the people. With only that cheap terror excuse.

So, who profits?
One thing is clear, the people never profit, it´s the terrorists and the controllers, the "protectors", those who spy on all people to defend their own caste, which profit.

Never the people, never our libertarian western lifestyle.

Now the question is:
Who is the real terrorist, the terrorists(that we are told are the terrorists) or their real masterminds?
Those real masterminds must profit from that terror fear, otherwise they wouldn´t do all the work...with all their "flops, failures and fumbles" that come along with every terror attack...

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: woogleuk
a reply to: Taggart

Katie Hopkins needs put into room 101 with Piers Morgan.

Is that even possible? I always assumed Hopkins was Piers Mogan in drag. Have you ever seen them together?

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:36 AM
Everytime I see a pair a donkey's bollocks swinging in the wind, I think of the two of them, side by side, fighting for what they think is right.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: fusiondoe

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
a reply to: SprocketUK

Is it really that straightforward?

If Derrick Byrd or Thomas Hamilton had been called Mohammed I am pretty certain their acts would have been labeled terrorism.

Bird was off his head about what he perceived as his local MP's inability to care about what
he thought was important as a Britain First type.

Hamilton was a paedo who went crazy. Neither one of whom would have been pronounced a terrorist if they were Muslims, especially with the tendency to label even obvious Islamic terrorist attacks as "lone wolves of uncertain mental stability" until there is no way to deny the truth any more.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Derrick Bird drove throw Cumbria shooting people at random. I can pretty much guarantee if his ethnicity had been different his motive would have been described as terrorism.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: fusiondoe

So just what was it that destroyed humanity in the end?

Religious and Political dogma

Genesis 3 verse 22 "Behold, the man has become as one of us, to know what is good and evil."
WHO IS us?
Answer: gods, the fallen ones, elohim, the EL-ect, the EL-ite

The reason it will never be fixed is because you continue to treat the symptoms and not the causes and all anyone can think about all day, everyday and has been forced to think about is finances---Did I pay that bill?, money must be made and money must be paid. No money and I will starve, How will I pay for health insurance? How will I pay for my kids education? Will that doctor heal me and do no harm or will I be a ca$h cow and run through the medical pharmaceutical gauntlet so they can have money to eat and pay bills.

Knock yourselves out applying more LAW and CON-sequences--for when the lawless make the laws only more lawlessness is created.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
a reply to: SprocketUK

Derrick Bird drove throw Cumbria shooting people at random. I can pretty much guarantee if his ethnicity had been different his motive would have been described as terrorism.

Ah, my bad, yeah, I thought he was the Jo Cox bloke, but he was the one Gazza tried to talk down, wasn't he?

Your guarantee isn't worth much, really, what with the way the MSM shies from calling a spade a spade in such cases.

It wasn't terrorism though was it? What was his political aim for the attacks? I don't recall there being any.

The last act of terror that wasn't either Irish or Islamic that I can think of was that nut who was blowing up gay pubs in London. I don't think there can be any doubts that they were terrorist in nature and execution.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 05:51 AM
Disagree with KH.

This was one person.

It shows the real weight of terrorism here, put it this way: Not a single other "terrorist" in the UK decided to act on this day, just that one bloke. No-one else, not even the hardest of hardcore terrorists residing in the UK, wanted to sacrifice themselves. Surely any day is a good day for a terrorist to terrorize? Clearly not yesterday... at the very least, minimal if any co-ordination. The english guy who drove around and shot 8 people once is probably more terrorist than this one.

You'd expect if terrorists did it properly, they'd be more like waves of zombies. But they aren't. Only one of them wanted to be a matyr yesterday. So if anything, it was just another sign of how weak and futile their efforts are in this country.

It's tragic, no question about it, but it is still ultimately, somewhat of a "terrorism" fail. I know the MSM throw around the words "terror attack" as if they all bear the same weight, but this wasn't exactly a 9/11 in terms of co-ordination and execution (and casualties), was it.
edit on 23-3-2017 by markymint because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:07 AM
The middle east has been 'contained' by dictators for ever .....

Nasser, Mubarak, Gadaffi, Saddam, Assad et al.

The west in their wisdom have been interfering and trying to impose

democracy on to the middle east, and the people are unable to cope with this

freedom, they need the iron fist of dictatorship to keep the various denominations

of the barbaric religion in line. Assad has been doing that for six years ....

Is it entirely fair to blame the west who have tried unsuccessfully to give the

same freedoms that they enjoy to other countries, when, the likes of Assad

is killing his own people and destroying the artifact heritage of centuries .

Perhaps its time we left them to it!!

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Bird was getting shafted by his brother and solicitor over a family will, topped off with owing the IRS lots of money and people constantly taking the piss out of him on the taxi ranks.

He was a nice enough fella who just snapped.

Fixed his laptop a few times and he used to have a coffee and a natter with me after dropping me off with the shopping when I lived up Mirehouse in Whitehaven.

Societies pressures caused his problems.
edit on 23/3/17 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: digital01anarchy

There was a great deal of catholics vs protestants ..not much different than radical islam vs moderate

Oh but it was soooo different, trust me.
It was stupid and it was despicable and yes it was about religion but all their attacks came with a warning.
Mind you it was a bit more brutal up in Northern Ireland, but the rest of us got warning.
I never worried walking down the street seeing a ginger guy ahead, wondering if he would suddenly stab me. If a ginger giy got into a car, I never needed to worry that he might run us all down.

We actually lived above a shopping centre when an IRA bomb went off. [Wood Green - North London], our lampshades were swinging and I worried that the whole thing would cave in. Two bombs actually went off that day.

However nobody died! Why not? Because they gave ample warning.

Even the next day, whilst in Boots the pharmacist, we heard an announcement "Bravo Sierra Major" [I cna only think it meant Bomb scare major pr something to that extent. Well, we were all asked to leave the premises.

You see Muslim fanatics are cowards, they don't want anything but spread their belief to others and if they don't want it they must die. They attack innocent people on the street, children, old people. Every bearded man and every shrouded woman become potential aggressors. That's coward terrorism. And every Tom, dick and hang on, every Mohammed, Mustafa and Rafiq can join in if they are mad enough and in possession of a knife or a car.

Now I personally see many differences, don't you?

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: woogleuk
a reply to: SprocketUK

Bird was getting shafted by his brother and solicitor over a family will, topped off with owing the IRS lots of money and people constantly taking the piss out of him on the taxi ranks.

He was a nice enough fella who just snapped.

Fixed his laptop a few times and he used to have a coffee and a natter with me after dropping me off with the shopping when I lived up Mirehouse in Whitehaven.

Societies pressures caused his problems.

Thanks for the clarification.

I guessed he was a guy who snapped, though you have my sympathy since it was a more personal thing for you than any of us can relate to.

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:50 AM
Shooting in a mosque in Québec city

Where were those ,who are demanding appology from every single muslim in the world after a terrorist attack, in this thread ?
I can't see any of you in there apologizing for the terrorist attack committed by an white christian male !!! Did people protest in London,Paris or Berlin ?? No. And i don't blame them because they had nothing to do with it what so ever !! Just like some muslim chap can't be blamed for when ever some psychopath decides to go on a killing spree.
Get a grip ******
edit on 23-3-2017 by ErrorErrorError because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: woogleuk
a reply to: SprocketUK

Bird was getting shafted by his brother and solicitor over a family will, topped off with owing the IRS lots of money and people constantly taking the piss out of him on the taxi ranks.

He was a nice enough fella who just snapped.

Fixed his laptop a few times and he used to have a coffee and a natter with me after dropping me off with the shopping when I lived up Mirehouse in Whitehaven.

Societies pressures caused his problems.

And a muslim Can't be pressured by society ? A muslim cant snap because of social status ? What have all these terrorists in common ? They're all known by the police as criminals and ex druggies. Have you ever heard about a muslim doctor, engineer or construction worker blowing up stuff in Europe ? Get the # out

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