posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 03:16 AM
Good reminder, some seem to be confused and still have hopes in the MSM being a better reference point. That is when it should be researched almost,
if not as much as or more than other forms of media, when looking into the news story. Many people are learning of the deception.
MSM, on it's way out already, not only due to social media spreading events faster but the MSM as a medium from newspaper(digital more common now days
and their pay walls) to Tv/cable stations rating declining.
I think the whole "fake news" original rant/s in the MSM weren't just an attack on "Right leaning" and "AltRight" outlets but were largely directed
at their competition(social media, sites like this, independent news outside of establishment control whether politically Independent, Right or Left),
which is far reaching throughout the net as a whole.
edit on 23-3-2017 by dreamingawake because: error