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Will Our Future Wars Be Fought by Massive Military Robots?

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posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:22 PM
Just like they do in many a Japanese cartoon? Robots that can convert from a ground vehicle to a an aircraft and such in a snap? Will they also don power-ranger style outfits as well?

read on

edit on 18-3-2017 by phatkhat because: typo

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:25 PM
I often wonder how legs would compare to tracks or wheels in dynamic environments. Legs don't go flat. Metal Gear Solid has some good cinematic's on Bi-pedal Tanks waltzing along.

I have always had a profound interest in something like this, though the practicality would be hard to pull off, right? they would be slow and put itself as a massive target.

We may never use giant robots, unless for sport. However, smaller robot companions may be a thing...

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: phatkhat

More likely our future conflicts will involve the use of tiny nano military robots rather than massive military robots.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: phatkhat

Robots can't beat EMP's. That's why EMP's will be the AK47 of 2060.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: ttobban

Suppose it depends on the power of the electromagnetic pulse.

However we can indeed harden our sensitive electrical and electronic equipment from EMP attack.

Cant see why we could not also do the same regarding any future battle robots we may devise.

edit on 18-3-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: Arnie123

Except maybe if was a bomber or strike aircraft that converts to a ground vehicle for the ultimate stealth mode.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

True... good points. Maybe I am wrong, but I was led to believe that a strong anti EMP measure for our grid to be taken, is to spike deep grounding circuits into the Earth for our grid... but the measure is never seemingly taken.

If I stretch my thoughts far into the future, then I agree nano technology will be the most effective arsenal. Like plagues proved effective time and time again... it's hard to stop what one does not know is killing them... that goes for humans and robots. I assume some sort of dielectric bullet that breeds corrosion in robots will act as a chemical agent does in the human body.

We will have to see the wars of large robots before nanobots come though...

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: phatkhat


posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 06:18 PM
I guess Metal Gear Solid and the Metal Gear Rex come close to a real possibility of being build. A mobile heavy weapons plattform armed with all sorts of cool gadgets and nuclear warheads plus the ability to strike at any target on the planet could be a force to be reckon with. We are already heading into the new age where autonomous war machines fight for us. This would be the next logical step. There is also the whole biological warfare issue that would make human soldiers completely obsolete. The downsight of using anything autonomous is that everything can be hacked and turned against yourself.

I don't think we will see anything really futuristic like the robots(called Jaegers) from Pacific Rim,Gundam mobile/battle suits,Neon Genesis Evangelion or Transformers. The world already has far more destructive capabilities than nuclear warheads. They are already a thing of the past.

I like the whole sentinent AI idea but i don't want them to be used as weapons or sexslaves. I sided with the Hosts in Westworld pretty quick because it was just gruesome and cruel to watch them get used and discarded like cattle.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 06:23 PM
Save The Humans!

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Evil Activities - The Intro (X-Tinction) Awesome choice.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

And what if they didn't have any AI at all?

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Some friends made that one a while ago, and I had it archived. Not even sure if they still have the original files..

Wondered what all that was. Been out of heavy gaming for many years/

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: phatkhat
a reply to: Perfectenemy

And what if they didn't have any AI at all?

Then they are just inanimate objects. I draw the line by self awareness and the ability to mimic the feeling of pain or any emotion really. Robots who are controlled by a human pilot for instance would be placed in the inaninmate object category. It's a very tricky subject. I could easily fall for an sentinent AI for all i know. That's why i don't like the current trend to the more and more realistic looking sex dolls. They will pretty soon invent something to make them even more human like by giving them a voice for example. I'm sorry but i don't find sex dolls the least bit attractive. I would never use a sex doll who mimics emotions because i would feel like a rapist. I don't judge people who use sex dolls mind you. Whatever floats your boat. I'm cool with it. It's just not my cup of tea.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: ttobban

Maybe i should have said micro robot, as building anything on the nano scale is certainly beyond our claimed technological ability.

Man sized robots possibly quite soon, even tank size robots for battlefield purposes, but anything large simply presents to big a target, so i don't see 100ft battle mechs being on the cards. Power requirements are also a consideration.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Some friends made that one a while ago, and I had it archived. Not even sure if they still have the original files..

Wondered what all that was. Been out of heavy gaming for many years/

The video includes scenes from the Mass Effect Trilogy,Deus Ex and Assassins Creed videogames. The movie scenes are from Terminator 4 and Event Horizon. I'm sure i missed some small bits but that's pretty much it.

Mass Effect is a true master piece. I can highly recommend the Trilogy.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

We are discussing morphing military hardware that can be manned or robotic, but yes, dolls are creepy. But proposed robot brothels will use automatons and not dolls.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Well, if they have found a way to build a radio that is the size of 2... count them again, 2... ATOMS in size. f-2-atoms/

It ends up correlating to measures that equate that all we need to do is put the recipes of nanobots in the bowl... they will build and replicate themselves. Fungi and Bacteria will cover the un-seeable deaths of bio-genetic life, while nanobots cover the un-seeable deaths of robots. The dielectric materials used to do this will be crystaline based... essentially creating short circuits within nanobot circuitry.
edit on 18-3-2017 by ttobban because: bad link

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:25 PM
Wars will be fought and won when group a kills and maims as many group b humans as it takes to force them to submit or be destroyed
Destroy flesh, not machine

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: ttobban

Need to be careful as in imagine nano sized Von Neumann machines could end up starting some kind of grey goo scenario.

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