posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 07:45 PM
This is a question that's tormented me for my entire life!! And, my philosophy is, in order to rationalize the question, we have to first know what
God is! Since, no man has seen God, or actually heard him, it's hard to believe he even exists. In the bible it says no man can see his face and
live, implying that he has a physical presence. It also says that his voice is like a rushing mighty wind, and as strong as thunder. Moses asked to to
see him, and fainted in the process. But, it also states that he allowed moses to see the back of him as he passed by.
And, don't forget that we are made in his image! What that is, confuses me evenmore. I think that the fact he has been described as being so
powerful that he can't be seen, or really heard in that aspect, leaves me to believe that man has more or less created their own ideology of what a
supreme being is. By these characteristics you have to just believe without evidence (faith), because God is described as an impossible being, and you
have to make up your mind if you believe the concept or not.
I think God has always existed because God is the concept of creation. I don't think God is this Old Man with a silver beard, I think he is more
like energy. He says that he is everything, because he is creation, and he created everything.